Is my Perl script grabbing environment variables from "someplace else"? - perl

On a Solaris box in a "mysterious production system" I'm running a Perl script that references an environment variable. No big deal.
The contents of that variable from the shell both pre- and post-execution are what I expect.
However, when reported by the script, it appears as though it's running in some other sub-shell which is clobbering my vars with different values for the duration of the script.
Unfortunately I really can't paste the code. I'm trying to get an atomic case, but I'm at my wit's end here.

Is it possible that your script or any libraries that you are 'use'-ing mess around with the %ENV hash?

Can you run the code through the Perl debugger to see where it's going? Can you dump the pid ($$) to check if it is forking or invoking subshells?
Alternatively, you could sprinkle print statements throughout the code to narrow down at what point the environment variable is being altered, or start stubbing out components that are not likely to be relevant to hone in on the trouble spot.

1) What version of Perl?
2) Some environment variables can be clobbered by child processes, I believe. Can you do a ps?

Ok, here's what was going on:
perl itself was a red herring entirely.
The script was executing in a child shell which, when created, was re-loading rc files. Those rc files were blowing away the environment variables I had manually added during the parent shell with reference copies.
I was able to demonstrate this with a simple csh script that just echoed just echoed the environment.
De-wonkifying my rc files (which were overwrought with wonkitude) cleared up the mystical replacement.
UPDATE: The test that proved this was a "" that had a simple "set" command. It proved that the sub-shell wasn't inheriting the parent environment correctly. Oddly, when I switched my parent interactive shell to ksh, the environment began inheriting correctly.


how to set env variables which are in csh script from the perl script for the current terminal?

I am setting env variables using *.csh file to current terminal. When I use system("/bin/tcsh *.csh") in the perl script, the *csh file executing but not setting any env variables to current terminal.
When I use system("/bin/tcsh *.csh") in the perl script, the *csh file executing but not setting any env variables to current terminal.
sub veloce_env_setup_sub {
printf "\n\n\t -veloce_env_setup option enabled\n";
system("/bin/tcsh /proj/I2BZA1/users/ssudi/SCRIPTS/veloce_env/vlab_4p4p0/veloce_setup.csh");
Expected: env variables should set to current terminal after sourcing *.csh file.
Actual results: only prints are comming but not setting env variables to current terminal.
perldoc -q environment:
I {changed directory, modified my environment} in a perl script. How come the change disappeared when I exited the script? How do I get my changes to be visible?
In the strictest sense, it can't be done--the script executes as a different process from the shell it was started from. Changes to a process are not reflected in its parent--only in any children created after the change. There is shell magic that may allow you to fake it by eval()ing the script's output in your shell; check out the comp.unix.questions FAQ for details.
In your code the problem appears twice:
system spawns tcsh, which runs a script that sets environment variables. These environment variables only exist within the tcsh process. When system returns (i.e. when tcsh exits), the environment of the child process is gone.
Even if you managed to modify the environment of the perl script (which you can do by assigning to %ENV), that wouldn't affect the parent shell that perl was started from.
This can now be done with Env::Modify.
use Env::Modify qw(:tcsh source);
sub veloce_env_setup_sub {
printf "\n\n\t -veloce_env_setup option enabled\n";
The environment of a child process doesn't affect the environment of the parent process. That is, a process that you start doesn't change the environment of the thing that started it.
If you want to set up the environment for a Perl script, you have some options. Which one works best for you depends on what you are trying to do.
Set up the options inside Perl. Instead of using a shell program, do it all in Perl by setting values in the %ENV hash. This works well if you just need it for that program. It's likely that whatever you are doing in tcsh you can do it Perl.
Instead of calling the shell script from Perl, call your Perl program from the shell script. Now the shell script is the parent process and the child process (the Perl program) inherits the parent's environment.
setenv SOME_VALUE foo
perl my_program
In a child process, you could print the environment and read that from the parent process. You'd parse it and convert it appropriately. This is what the Env::Modify module does, but I wouldn't want that as my first option.
You can't access environment variables in a process that have been set by a child process. It's a fundamental property of how processes work.
You can set %ENV{'your_choice'} = 'as you like'; inside Perl.
Sure, it looks like a little bit hartverdrahtet (yt), but it works great again. So the environmental is mental just inner the mind of top instanced script and closed and removed on closing it.
Another way is calling system("set VARIABLE=VALUE");
Here the variable lefts after closing until next reboot.

Source configuration filr in terminal though perl script

I need to source configuration file 'eg.conf' to terminal though perl script. I am using system command but its not working.
system('. /etc/eg.conf')
Basically I am writing script in which later point it will use the environment variable (under conf file) for execute other process.
It is not clear what you are trying to achieve, but if you want to make the config available from within Perl AND your config file is valid Perl code you can use do or require (see perldoc for more information).
What you are doing in your code is to spawn a shell with system, include the config inside this shell (which must be in shell syntax) and then exit the shell again which of course throws all the config away on close. I guess this is not what you intend to do, but your real intention is not clear.
What is your goal? Do you need to source eg.conf to set up further calculations from within a perl controlled shell, or are you trying to affect the parent shell that is running the perl script?
Your example call to system('. /etc/eg.conf') creates a new shell subprocess. /etc/eg.conf is sourced into that shell at which point the shell exits. Nothing is changed within the perl script nor in the parent process that spawned the perl script.
One can not modify the environment of a parent process from a child process, without the assistance of the parent process[1]. One generally returns code for the parent shell to source or to eval.
1: ok, one could theoretically affect the parent process by directly poking into its memory space. Don't do that.

How can i get the changing environment variable in perl

In my perl script, i want to get the environment variable to my perl variable. I can do this
$no_of_lic = $ENV{`ON_OF_ENV`};
but this is working only for the first time if the environment variable changes in the same shell script then it will not take the updated value.
my code :
!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
$no_of_lic = $ARGV[0];
$ENV{'NO_OF_LIC'} = $no_of_lic;
print "No of lic to be picked : $no_of_lic\n";
print "Environment var : $ENV{NO_OF_LIC}\n";
while ($no_of_lic != 0) {
print "no of lic : $no_of_lic\n";
#$no_of_lic = $ENV{'NO_OF_LIC'};
while the script is running in the backgorund i will change the environment variable
setenv $NO_OF_ENV 5
Once i do this, i am expecting that the script will print with updated values as 5
but its not happening .. can any one tell how to do this?
That isn't how environment variables work.
When your Perl script is launched, it gets a clone of your shell's environment. After that, while the Perl script is running, any changes to your shell's environment will not be seen in Perl's copy of the environment. (And any changes to your Perl's environment will not be seen by your shell.)
This is not specific to Perl - all scripting languages will behave the same in this regard. It's just how the environment is implemented in Unix. (And I believe Windows implements them similarly.)
If you need to send new data to a Perl script which is running in the background, investigate options such as FIFOs (a.k.a. "named pipes"), or sockets (e.g. TCP sockets). The wider term for this concept is inter-process communication (IPC), and the perlipc section of perldoc has plenty more information on the topic.
Child processes will get a copy of all variables from their parent process. Later changes of variables of the parent process will not be reflected in its child processes.
Think about it: if you change the working directory of a process and it would change the working directory of all its child processes (and in turn their children) that would be … very inconvenient (to put it mildly).
Programs are given their environment when they start. Modifying the environment in the parent (or any other process) does not update the child process' environment. If you need to communicate with the program, consider using a file (reading it each time in the loop) or some other IPC mechanism (sockets, a database, etc).

Sourcing shell scripts in Perl

I want to source a shell script from within Perl and have the environment variables be available in Perl, but I'm not sure if there's an elegant way to do it. Obviously, using system() won't work since it runs in a forked process, and all environment changes will be lost. I think there's a CPAN module that can do it, but I prefer not to use external modules.
I've seen two solutions that would not work in my case:
Have a wrapper that calls the shell script, and then calls the Perl script. I do not know ahead of time which of my shell scripts I need to call.
Manually opening the shell script and scraping for arg=value pairs. This won't work either because the shell script is not a simple list of ARG=VALUE, but rather contain a bunch of conditionals, and variables can have different values depending on certain conditions.
sh -c "source script; env" should output the environment at the end of script as name=value pairs, which you then can parse from your perl script (as Perl is a language made for parsing, this should be easy).
You can do this by installing external module from CPAN which is Shell::Source
$env_path= Shell::Source->new(shell=>"tcsh",file=>"../path/to/file/temp.csh");
As perl creates its own instance while running on a shell, so we can not set environment path for the main shell as the perl's instance will be like sub shell of the main shell. Child can not set environment paths for parents.
Now till the perl's sub shell will run you'll be able to access all the paths present in temp.csh by using Shell::Source

Why does my command-line not run from cron?

I have a perl script (part of the XMLTV family of "grabbers", specifically tv_grab_oztivo).
I can successfully run it like this:
/sw/bin/perl /path/to/tv_grab_oztivo --output /path/to/tv.xml
I use the full paths to everything to eliminate issues with the Working Directory. Permissions shouldn't be a problem.
So, if I run it from the Terminal (Mac OSX) it works just fine.
But when I set it to run via a cron job, nothing appears to happen at all. No output is created etc.
There isn't anything wrong with the crontab as far as I can see, because if I substitute a for the actual script, it runs just fine at the right time.
So, what can I do to debug? I can see from looking at %ENV in the two cases that the environment is very different, but what other approaches can I take to debugging? How can I see the output of the cron job, which might be some kind of perl "die" message or "not found" message from the shell or whatever?
Or should I be trying to somehow give the cron version of the command the same environment as when it's running as me?
It's often because you don't get the full environment when running under cron. Best bet is to capture the ouput by using the command:
( /sw/bin/perl /path/to/tv_grab_oztivo ... ) >/tmp/qq 2>&1
and then have a look at /tmp/qq.
If it does turn out to be a missing environment, then you may need to put:
. ~/.profile
or something similar, into the execution chain of your cron job, such as:
( . ~/.profile ; /sw/bin/perl /path/to/tv_grab_oztivo ... ) >/tmp/qq 2>&1
If you're looking at %ENV in the two cases, I'd suggest that, as a first step in your perl script, set %ENV to what it is in a cron job, and then trying to run it from the command line. You may need to exec yourself once for this to take full control:
if (exists $ENV{something_in_your_env_not_in_cron}) {
%ENV = (...);
exec $^X, $0, #ARGV;
Now try running it, and seeing if there's anything you can do to debug it (including running under perl -d if required). Most likely, you'll find that you end up adding items back into %ENV one at a time until it magically starts working (LD_LIBRARY_PATH is a good one for this, but ORACLE_HOME or DB2HOME for Oracle or DB2 apps might be good choices, too). Then you can either set the variable in your script, or in the crontab.
I'd run a simple shell script by absolute path from the cron command.
Inside that script, I'd ensure that I trapped stdout and stderr to a known (or knowable) file. I'd also ensure that enough of your environment is set. On Unix, you get almost no environment set at all when you run a command via cron - I'm not sure about MacOS X. The standard culprit for problems is PATH. I have a separate .cronfile that sets my working environment enough that I usually don't have problems - that's an analogue of .profile.
On occasion if you can't figure out what's going wrong with your command line, the simplest way to fix it is to turn the whole thing into a shell script. Ideally you shouldn't have to do this, but it can be the fastest way to solve the problem.
File: /files/
/sw/bin/perl /path/to/tv_grab_oztivo --output /path/to/tv.xml
And then in cron:
This allows you to test the script independent of cron. Remember though that your login shell runs with different environment variables than cron does.
cron usually captures the output of stdout and stderr and e-mailes any output to the crontab owner.
Did you double check your crontab entry to make sure it's valid and will execute at the right time?
Make sure that the script does not need any environment variables set. Otherwise wrap it in another (bash) script, where you can set the environment variables that the other script expects.