iphone configuration profile installed via webkit - iphone

Good day!
I am using Xcode 3.1.4 and iPhone SDK 2.2.1. I am creating an iphone application and i would need the user to download a custom configuration profile (created by me) from a URL loaded via webkit. I have tested the URL in safari and it downloads and installs the profile just fine. however, the url opened via webkit could NOT download it. Why is this happening? Is this really possible?
any help would be much appreciated. thanks.

You application runs in a sandbox and has different permissions that Mobile Safari. Only Safari has permission to install the configuration, so you must pass the url to it.


IPhone App Manual Install with Settings Bundle

I have a problem that i can't solve, i have a little application that uses a settings bundle, i don't have the apple license developer, so to test the app in a real iphone, i have to manual install (copy the application to the applications folder and set the permissions).
After refreshing the GUI I can run the application fine, but the settings doesn't show in the settings and my application can't read them...
How can i add the settings to the settings of the iphoen?
Assuming your developing on a jailbroken iPhone since your installing without codesigning...
Have a look at this, which is a tutorial on how to use PreferenceLoader.

Facebook Registeration for bada 1.1

I have made an app in bada 2.0 in which I have implement facebook and It works fine.
But when I use the same code for bada 1.1, it doesn't work.
I have:
registered the app for 1.1 both on http://developer.bada.com
used the downloaded manifest file in app and also register the app on https://developers.facebook.com
used the application key and secret in the app
But my app after authenticating successfully doesn't proceed and emulator shows loading continues without showing any error message in the log.
Can any one tell me whether it is a server side problem or I have done something wrong?
I have followed the same steps for the registeration as for bada 2.0 app and 2.0 app works fine.
I there might be some issue in Bada server. Some time it faces some outages. Try after some time..also you should use a different manifest file from Bada developer site for 1.1.

Do I need an Mac to post an app to the app store?

Do I need to a Mac computer to post an app to the app store? Can I post an app using my PC?
You have to use the application loader, or the organizer in Xcode, both are Mac OS applications.
So yes, you will need a Mac to upload the binary.
No you don't. You need to create the app on a Mac and zip it up, but you upload your app via iTunes Connect, which is accessed via a web browser.
edit: My answer is apparently obsolete. Apparently you now do need to use a Mac.

how to install my application OTA in iphone simulator

I need to download and run my application from the web server.
I think For that i need to place my application .app files in web server.
Perviously i did this for blackberry.
For that i place .cod files in web server,and type url in browser,
then my app gets downloaded and by run it,it will run fine.
Is it possible for iphone.If it is how can i done can any one pls suggest me.
pls help me.
Thank u in advance.
This isn't how iOS apps are installed. They are installed via the App Store on the device or via syncing with iTunes.
You cannot install an iOS app over the air in the simulator or on the device.
with the iOS 4.0 update it's possible to install the beta versionsof apps OTA to devices.. the varios options available to you are here http://www.readwriteweb.com/mobile/2011/01/7-tools-for-ota-ios-beta-testing.php
You can do this with iOS 4. All that is required is a manifest XML file, and a signed IPA file. You can read all you need to know about this here:

iphone - publish app to app store using application loader

I've older version of iphone SDK OS 3.1.3 and I created an app using that.
I prepared the app and ready for uploading to app store.
In app store, I created new application and provided all the necessary details. Its now showing "Waiting for upload". As my Mac don't have iPhone SDK OS 3.2 and above, apple's "Application Loader" is not installing.
So, I took my friends help and using his Mac which has latest iOS SDK 4.1 and also "Applicaton Loader" is installed on it. Now I copied the app's zip file to my friend's mac, logged into itunes connect account, started application loader. It says that "No eligible applications were found".
How should I upload my app now?
I can't build my app using latest SDk because, I'm using twitter and facebook libraries which are based on iOS 3.1.3, if i've to download them taht are compatible to iOS 4.1, i've to do all the testing again which can mess my code.
Someone please suggest how to upload my app?
Going to ask a few noddy questions, but they're always worth asking:
Have you created the new version of your application in Connect? That error normally means that the app loader can't find any application in iTunes connect that is expecting a binary upload.
Are you sure the application builder isn't using his developer account?
You're also going to hate this advice, but take the plunge and upgrade to 4.1. Yes you'll need to test your applications again, but that's a good thing. In my opinion it's easier to target 4.1 (which represents all future devices and a large portion of installed devices) and ensure it works for older operating systems than it is to fix on an obsolete OS and hope it still works for the latest and greatest.