UIViewController is popped from view stack and NSURLConnection crashes the application - iphone

I am pushing a UIViewController onto a UINavigationController. This view controller immediately starts a download of an xml feed and then parses it. However, if you hit the back button before it is done downloading, and crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS. The line that is crashing it is in parserDidEndDocument and is this line:
if (self.delegate && [self.delegate conformsToProtocol:#protocol(ModelDelegate)]) [self.delegate modelDidFinishParsing:self];
I assume it is crashing because it is trying to access self.delegate which is not assigned anymore. How do I get around this?
Also, I would release the model object in the modelDidFinishParsing method. How would I release this model if it never reaches this method.

I set up objects to handle my downloads (and other asynchronous or long running tasks) in the AppDelegate, then trigger them as required from various controllers. That way they are owned and have persistence through the life of the application.
The best way to do this is to pass them to the viewControllers that will need them (rather than the viewController "expecting" the appDelegate to have such and such an object ready and waiting) - dependency injection.
These objects update my model in some way when they finish and if I need to, I use NSNotifications to announce they are done. This isolates me from the mess I used to get into trying to cancel or swap delegates in viewWillDisappear etc to avoid the kind of issues you are running into.

The reason your app is crashing is probably because NSURLConnection retains its delegate (so it can call back to it reliably) but objects that this delegate has weak references to have been deallocated.
Ie, in your case what self.delegate points to has probably been deallocated when the view controller is popped but the delegate property has not been cleared (set to nil).
The solution to your problem is to clear (nil) self.delegate at the appropriate time when the UIViewController subclass is being popped off the navigation stack.
Note: retaining delegates is not usual behaviour for Cocoa classes. In situations where it happens contrary to standard practice it is documented (see the NSURLConnection docs).


How to make a delegate object accessible throughout a ViewController

I'm trying to get an instance of my AppDelegate accessible to all methods in each ViewController that I have. If I try to declare it with other class variables I get Initializer Element is not a compile-time constant. If I declare it in a method within the ViewController however I am able to use it. I am trying to save integers and floats to properties I have set up in the AppDelegate (a big no-no I know, but this is a project for an introductory class and I'm not expected to get too advanced, especially since everything we've done so far is not compliant with the MVC paradigm). The app uses a toolbar to switch between views using the app's ViewController to load the other ViewControllers as subviews. I was going to put the AppDelegate declaration and update statements in the ViewDidUnload method of each view controller, but I'm not sure that the Views are unloaded whenever they are switched (they're switched by removing the current View from the SuperView and loading the new one as a Subview at index 0). What happens to the views that are not currently being viewed then? Is there a method that detects that that I could implement the AppDelegate declaration and updates into?
I guess ideally I'd like to be able to access the AppDelegate object in any method in my ViewControllers because I have a lot of quantities being updated throughout and would like to have those quantities updated in the AppDelegates values as soon as they happen, since I'm not sure what happens with a View is cleared from SuperView
Thanks in advance everyone
You can access your app delegate via [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] from anywhere in your application.
You should never instantiate another copy of the object on your own. The system does this for you at startup.
As for detecting changes, you can override the viewDidDisappear method of UIViewController. (You're correct--in general, they will not be unloaded when switched, and viewDidUnload will not be called)

ViewWillDisappear versus dealloc

I put an NSlog in my dealloc method of my view controller. It does not get consistently called. I do notice that ViewWillDisappear does get called always. Would it be ok to move all my tidy upcode here? Setting stuff to Nil and release calls.
Anybody got some advice on why dealloc is not getting called? I know it says in docs it may not get called, but if you have a very simple App it gets called always. So something i do must be affecting the dealloc.
This is the code that calls my ViewController than isnt always calling my dealloc.
-(IBAction) playComputerTapped:(id)sender
PlayGameViewController *pgvc = [[PlayGameViewController alloc]
initWithNibName:#"PlayGameViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
pgvc.gameMode = 1;
[self presentModalViewController:pgvc animated:YES];
[pgvc release];
The above code takes me from the mailmenu ViewController into the game.
Below is the code to leave the gameViewController and take me back to the menu.
[self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Don't you mean viewDidUnload instead of viewWillDisappear ?
viewWillDisappear is called when the view controller is disappearing. This usually happens when the view controller is being popped out, or other view controller is pushed to the stack. Purpose of viewWillDisappear is to stop active actions - for example stop animations, hide some elements or similar.
viewDidUnload is probably what you meant as this one is called when view controller's view is unloaded. This should never happen for a view controller that is currently visible, only for controllers that are somewhere in the navigation stack (part of UITabBarController or UINavigationController), but not currently visible. Purpose of viewDidUnload is to release any UI elements that are part of the view and that the view controller retained as well.
To understand it's important to realize the reasons why a view for such controller would want to be unloaded. Reason is memory consumption. Views consume considerable amount of memory, even when they are not currently visible. Views are usually very easy to reconstruct - simply by calling the code that constructed them in the first place. That's especially very easy if you are using Interface Builder. So these views are best candidates to be freed to gain more memory.
When system doesn't have enough memory it starts calling didReceiveMemoryWarning method of view controllers which are not currently visible. If you have created your controllers from template in Xcode, this method simply calls super's (UIViewControllers's) implementation [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]. That default implementation will release self.view, which in turn should deallocate it together with all its subviews.
Now let's say that your view-controller needs access to some of the subviews to manipulate it in some way. For example you can have a UILabel element there and you want to change its content accordingly. To access this element you create a member variable (IBOutlet) and connect it to the element. Now your view-controller owns that label, so its retain-count is increased. When controller's view is released, so is the label, but because your view-controller still retains the label, it will not be deallocated. Therefore you should release the label in viewDidUnload method.
I've seen applications that were creating views programmatically (in loadView method), but loading was done in such dirty way that it was not possible to reconstruct the view after it was once deallocated. Therefore each time system was out of memory, it had called didReceiveMemoryWarning which in turn deallocated the view, but after navigating back to that view-controller application had crashed. A fast "bugfix" was to remove calling [super didReceiveMemoryWarning] in view-controllers. Well, system didn't get the memory and some strange effects occurred, but at least the application didn't crash immediately.
Now the third one - dealloc. This is called when object is not owned by anyone and its memory is going to be freed. Here you need to release all objects that you have retained. For view-controllers those are usually references to model classes.
I want to describe one more possible scenario. Let's say you have a view-controller displaying a chat with another person. Let's say it's very fancy chat, with emoticons and buddy-icons being animated. Let's say that each chat-entry is displayed as a cell of UITableView.
When your buddy sends you a message, you want to append a new cell into table-view by reloading it. Therefore your view-controller has an outlet to the table-view.
In viewWillDisappear you should stop the animations of emoticons and icons.
In viewDidUnload you should release the table-view.
In dealloc you want to release chat's history (probably NSArray of all messages sent and received during this conversation).
Now if you navigate away from your chat, viewWillDisappear gets called and you stop the animations.
When system is low on memory, and your view-controller is not visible, didReceiveMemoryWarning gets called and the view is released. Your viewDidUnload gets called and you release UITableView so that it can be really deallocated.
When you navigate back to the chat, loadView gets called again and your view is constructed again, viewDidLoad is called after that. Your model (representation of chat conversation) is still there, so the table-view's datasource has all the data as before, so table-view will display exactly the same thing as before the view was deallocated. After all viewWill/DidAppear is called where you start the animations.
When you finish chatting with your friend, you release the view controller, and it gets deallocated - dealloc is called, you release an array containing the chat messages, and cleanup everything else.
I hope it make things a little clearer.
Well that depends.
If you need to reduce the memory footprint of your app, unloading stuff while the view is not visible via viewWillDisappear is a good way to go. However you'll need to re-initalize everything once the view will be shown again, depending on its content this may produce considerable overhead - maybe even without the need.
For a small app (in terms of memory usage), using dealloc to unload your stuff is fine. It will be called only if the objects retain count drops to zero and is the last method that will be run before the object is destroyed. When using autorelease, that may not be the case right away and of course the object could be retained by some object other than the parentviewcontroller, preventing it from being destroyed and thus dealloc from being called.
You might want to check out the Memory Management Programming Guide, it'll explain things more detailed.

Managing calls to objects that get deallocated when the view is backed out of

I have a view controller managed in a UINavigationController. My view controller puts up a "loading" screen, and uses ASIHTTP to asynchronously load table data. Then it renders its table, and in each cell there's an image that it uses ASIHTTP to asynchronously load. When it lands each image, it uses [self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths] to reload that row, inside which the image is fed to the UIImageView in each row.
Works great. But if I back out of the view before it's done loading, it crashes.
Where it crashes is in my -tableView:numberOfRowsInSection method, and NSZombies tells me it dies because it's asking for the -count of an NSArray called self.offers that has been deallocated.
That method looks like this:
-(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)table numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
return [self.offers count];
Wrapping that return in if (self.offers) made no difference.
My -dealloc releases and sets-to-nil every one of these properties, including both self.offers and self.tableView itself. I even tried setting up a BOOL disappearing property, hitting it with YES in -viewWillDisappear, and hanging conditional behavior off that, but it doesn't work because viewWillDisappear doesn't seem to get called! Far as I can tell we're not getting ANY method called when the navigation bar pops us off.
What do I do about this?
Thanks to #cduhn (who's bucking for a check!), I did a bunch more looking at this. The problem has been, my -dealloc just isn't getting called when I pop this viewcontroller (nor my -viewWillDisappear nor -viewDidUnload or anything else I could use to unhook the delegation structure that's at the root of this problem).
Then I realized: THIS viewController isn't the one on the NavController stack! What's at the top of the stack right here is a shell view, just a segmented controller and a big empty UIView. I toggle the contents of that UIView between two other UIViewController subclasses depending on the state of my segmented controller. So when my view with the table on it's PARENT view gets popped from the nav stack, this CHILD I'm working on doesn't seem to get any notice about it. Which is odd, because I'm definitely releaseing it.
I can call its -dealloc from my shell controller. I could call its -viewWillDisappear too, for that matter. Is that how I should be handling this? Probably I should put something into my shell controller's viewWillDisappear like:
[[self.mainView subviews] makeObjectsPerformSelector:#selector(viewWillDisappear)];
...so that message propagates down to my child views.
Am I on the right track here, you think??
(Oh man... and that also explains why actions from inside this child table view can't get to self.navigationController! I've been puzzled about that for weeks!)
Bugs like this, where a method gets called on an object after it's been deallocated, often happen when a method gets called on a delegate after that delegate has been deallocated. The recommended practice to avoid bugs like these is to set any delegate (or delegate-like) properties of an object to nil before you release that object in the delegate's dealloc method. I know that's a confusing sentence, so I'll explain it in the context of your bug.
You have an asynchronous image download that finishes after you've backed out of your table view controller. When this happens, you're calling reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:, which results in a call to tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: on the table view's dataSource. This call is failing because that dataSource no longer exists.
The problem is that the table view object still has your controller set as its dataSource and delegate properties, even after your controller has been deallocated. The solution is to simply set these properties to nil in your controller's dealloc, like this:
- (void)dealloc {
self.tableView.dataSource = nil;
self.tableView.delegate = nil;
self.tableView = nil; // Releases as a side-effect due to #property (retain)
[super dealloc];
Now when your table view tries to call tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: on its dataSource, it will send the message to the nil object, which swallows all messages silently in Objective C.
You should also do the same thing with your ASIHTTPRequest's delegate, by the way.
Any time you have an asynchronous operation that calls delegate methods upon completion, it's particularly important that you set that delegate to nil. When using UITableViewController under normal circumstances you can typically get away without setting the dataSource and delegate to nil, but in this case it was necessary because you're calling methods on the tableView after its controller has gone away.
As far as I can tell, the user cannot actually "back out" of a view while the UITableView is loading it's data. The methods are not run on a thread and block the main one, also blocking UI interaction. I cannot replicate your results. Even, scrolling the table view quickly and then pressing the back button.
I suggest that the stack popping is not the problem here.

iPhone Delegates - How to use them correctly

I have 2 or 3 views in my iPhone application where I have various pieces of functionality that use delegates. In all cases the delegates are assigned to "self", responding specifically to that view's actions and interacting with instance variables.
However, if I do something that takes a bit of time with a delegate, and leave the view, obviously it crashes my app as the delegate methods get called on a view I've left.
Typically in my delegate methods I am doing things like interacting with IBOutlets, calling other instance methods, saving data to Core Data etc...
How can I work with delegates better? Is what I'm doing typical, or not?
Thanks for any guidance!
Depends on the use case. If, for example, you've got a UINavigationController that manages a ViewController that use something such as Location Services, when you pop the View Controller off of the stack you're going to want to set the CLLocationManager's delegate to nil. You can do this in the dealloc method.
Can you give a specific example of an issue you're facing?
I've encountered this situation once when dealing with MapKit (race conditions involving delegate callbacks and delegate deallocation). However, in general, I think it's an indication of a bad design decision when your delegate becomes invalidated as a result of race conditions, but I could be wrong.
Typically, the objects that make use of your delegate should exist within the context of the delegate itself. So, for example, the same class that contains various IBOutlets that you want to manage with delegate callbacks should also be the delegate of those IBOutlets. That way, when the class (i.e., the delegate) is deallocated, the IBOutlets are (hopefully) also deallocated, so they won't be making callbacks to anything.
bpapa's right. More generally, if you have a potentially lengthy delegate callback, either make sure that 1) the delegate is an object that won't be deallocated during the lifecycle of the delegator (e.g., UINavigationController managing UIViewControllers) or 2) the delegator's delegate object is set to nil during the delegate's deallocation.
... That last sentence was a mouthful. :)
Your delegates should be declared as
#property (nonatomic, assign) id <MyDelegateProtocol> delegate;
This ensures a weak reference so that when you dealloc the object which has delegate, it only removes the reference and NOT the corresponding object. using (strong) will cause a crash on dealloc.
When calling your delegate, you can check
if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(MyDelegateProtocolCallbackMethodName:)] {
[self.delegate MyDelegateProtocolCallbackMethodName:result];]
Generally I use delegates for proxy classes which fetch data from a server or edit screens like changing the title of a task in a todo list or editing a model in a database.
The advantage of a delegate is a very clear use case. If you find that multiple parts of your app need to be aware of when an event happens (triggered on 1 screen but perhaps listened for in another), I suggest using NSNotificationCenter to raise notifications, instead of or perhaps in addition to sending a message to your delegate.

More than 1 appDelegate object?

While fixing third-party code I've discovered a really brilliant idea) Guy was using 2 appDelegate objects in project xibs. I assume he thought that this would be some kind of singletone or such. But after some rethinking of that piece of code, I found that there is no technical restrictions on it.
Here is my example: simple project with navController and 2 views. Each with it's viewController. When app launched, first view is on screen. When user taps button, second view is pushed to navController. For now there is appDelegate object in MainWindow.xib. Now, if you'll add just the same appDelegate object to second view's xib. Now right when second view is pushed, you can see that one more instance of appDelegate is created and destroyed (if you'll override init and dealloc methods and insert log there).
Here I'm very surprised. Does it mean that only one appDelegte instance can be created? If yes, then why? appDelegate is just a NSObject subclass implementing UIApplicationDelegate protocol.
The appDelegate object created by xCode on every iphone project is the entry and exit point of an application. It does not make sence to have more than one instance of this class, if you do (besides perhaps some application settings being lost) which class does the applicaiton delegate to? Why can you only make one? Most probably this is because the class is implementing a Singleton patterns under covers so ensure only one instance of the app delegate is made, i bet that even when you try to alloc another one of these, the original app delegate is the only one kept. You can probably dig around the docs and find more info on apples site at http://developer.apple.com/iphone
UIApplicationDelegate is a protocol and doesn't have state in itself, thus there's nothing that prevents you to have several of them. Contrast this with UIApplication that has state and
provides sharedApplication singleton accessor
It should be totally possible to replace UIApplication's delegate property on the fly. I don't see much of the benefit, though.
I think what's happening here is that there is an instance of the AppDelegate class in the second Nib, but no other objects are retaining it. Therefore it gets created and immediately released. If you added a retained property to the view controller that connected to the AppDelegate, then it wouldn't get released immediately.
You can have multiple objects that implement the UIApplicationDelegate protocol, but it's not usually done because 90% of the behavior would be identical in all cases.
I think you could do something along these lines:
Note the old UIApplication.delegate.
Create your instance of UIApplicationDelegate with the old delegate as parameter.
Make sure to call the old delegate in each method you implement.
Make it return the old delegate in the - (id)forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)aSelector method.
Replace the [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate with yours.
It replaces the original app delegate with your, making sure that the old delegate will still be called, especially if you did not override each and every method the UIApplicationDelegate protocol defines.