iPhone Delegates - How to use them correctly - iphone

I have 2 or 3 views in my iPhone application where I have various pieces of functionality that use delegates. In all cases the delegates are assigned to "self", responding specifically to that view's actions and interacting with instance variables.
However, if I do something that takes a bit of time with a delegate, and leave the view, obviously it crashes my app as the delegate methods get called on a view I've left.
Typically in my delegate methods I am doing things like interacting with IBOutlets, calling other instance methods, saving data to Core Data etc...
How can I work with delegates better? Is what I'm doing typical, or not?
Thanks for any guidance!

Depends on the use case. If, for example, you've got a UINavigationController that manages a ViewController that use something such as Location Services, when you pop the View Controller off of the stack you're going to want to set the CLLocationManager's delegate to nil. You can do this in the dealloc method.

Can you give a specific example of an issue you're facing?
I've encountered this situation once when dealing with MapKit (race conditions involving delegate callbacks and delegate deallocation). However, in general, I think it's an indication of a bad design decision when your delegate becomes invalidated as a result of race conditions, but I could be wrong.
Typically, the objects that make use of your delegate should exist within the context of the delegate itself. So, for example, the same class that contains various IBOutlets that you want to manage with delegate callbacks should also be the delegate of those IBOutlets. That way, when the class (i.e., the delegate) is deallocated, the IBOutlets are (hopefully) also deallocated, so they won't be making callbacks to anything.
bpapa's right. More generally, if you have a potentially lengthy delegate callback, either make sure that 1) the delegate is an object that won't be deallocated during the lifecycle of the delegator (e.g., UINavigationController managing UIViewControllers) or 2) the delegator's delegate object is set to nil during the delegate's deallocation.
... That last sentence was a mouthful. :)

Your delegates should be declared as
#property (nonatomic, assign) id <MyDelegateProtocol> delegate;
This ensures a weak reference so that when you dealloc the object which has delegate, it only removes the reference and NOT the corresponding object. using (strong) will cause a crash on dealloc.
When calling your delegate, you can check
if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(MyDelegateProtocolCallbackMethodName:)] {
[self.delegate MyDelegateProtocolCallbackMethodName:result];]
Generally I use delegates for proxy classes which fetch data from a server or edit screens like changing the title of a task in a todo list or editing a model in a database.
The advantage of a delegate is a very clear use case. If you find that multiple parts of your app need to be aware of when an event happens (triggered on 1 screen but perhaps listened for in another), I suggest using NSNotificationCenter to raise notifications, instead of or perhaps in addition to sending a message to your delegate.


UIViewController is popped from view stack and NSURLConnection crashes the application

I am pushing a UIViewController onto a UINavigationController. This view controller immediately starts a download of an xml feed and then parses it. However, if you hit the back button before it is done downloading, and crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS. The line that is crashing it is in parserDidEndDocument and is this line:
if (self.delegate && [self.delegate conformsToProtocol:#protocol(ModelDelegate)]) [self.delegate modelDidFinishParsing:self];
I assume it is crashing because it is trying to access self.delegate which is not assigned anymore. How do I get around this?
Also, I would release the model object in the modelDidFinishParsing method. How would I release this model if it never reaches this method.
I set up objects to handle my downloads (and other asynchronous or long running tasks) in the AppDelegate, then trigger them as required from various controllers. That way they are owned and have persistence through the life of the application.
The best way to do this is to pass them to the viewControllers that will need them (rather than the viewController "expecting" the appDelegate to have such and such an object ready and waiting) - dependency injection.
These objects update my model in some way when they finish and if I need to, I use NSNotifications to announce they are done. This isolates me from the mess I used to get into trying to cancel or swap delegates in viewWillDisappear etc to avoid the kind of issues you are running into.
The reason your app is crashing is probably because NSURLConnection retains its delegate (so it can call back to it reliably) but objects that this delegate has weak references to have been deallocated.
Ie, in your case what self.delegate points to has probably been deallocated when the view controller is popped but the delegate property has not been cleared (set to nil).
The solution to your problem is to clear (nil) self.delegate at the appropriate time when the UIViewController subclass is being popped off the navigation stack.
Note: retaining delegates is not usual behaviour for Cocoa classes. In situations where it happens contrary to standard practice it is documented (see the NSURLConnection docs).

iPhone: Does it ever make sense for an object to retain its delegate?

According to the rules of memory management in a non garbage collected world, one is not supposed to retain a the calling object in a delegate. Scenario goes like this:
I have a class that inherits from UITableViewController and contains a search bar. I run expensive search operations in a secondary thread. This is all done with an NSOperationQueue and subclasses NSOperation instances. I pass the controller as a delegate that adheres to a callback protocol into the NSOperation.
There are edge cases when the application crashes because once an item is selected from the UITableViewController, I dismiss it and thus its retain count goes to 0 and dealloc gets invoked on it. The delegate didn't get to send its message in time as the results are being passed at about the same time the dealloc happens.
Should I design this differently? Should I call retain on my controller from the delegate to ensure it exists until the NSOperation itself is dealloc'd? Will this cause a memory leak? Right now if I put a retain on the controller, the crashes goes away. I don't want to leak memory though and need to understand if there are cases where retaining the delegate makes sense.
Just to recap.
UITableViewController creates an NSOperationQueue and NSOperation that gets embedded into the queue. The UITableViewController passes itself as a delegate to NSOperation. NSOperation calls a method on UITableViewController when it's ready. If I retain the UITableViewController, I guarantee it's there, but I'm not sure if I'm leaking memory. If I only use an assign property, edge cases occur where the UITableViewController gets dealloc'd and objc_msgSend() gets called on an object that doesn't exist in memory and a crash is imminent.
In the general case, a delegate owns the objects it has set itself as the delegate to, or at least retains references to them directly or indirectly. In the dealloc method, a delegate should either release all objects that it is the delegate of in such a way that prevents future callbacks, like NSTimer invalidate, or clear the delegate member of those objects that may persist.
While it is only convention that prevents retaining a delegate, it is convention based on good design. In your case, wouldn't the results be discarded anyway since the delegate is being disposed?
You can make the delegate property of your NSOperation atomic by not setting the nonatomic flag and synthesizing the getter and setter. Or you can use performSelectorOnMainThread before using the delegate member.
To recap, there is usually a better solution than retaining the delegate.
I really wonder though if the "don't retain your delegate" rules still apply specifically to multi-threaded object/delegate relationships, especially the one you're writing about. I found my way to this question because I'm in exactly the same situation: I'm running a finite but unpredictable length asynchronous network operation (it will finish and self-terminate "sometime soon") in an NSOperation, and using a delegate stored in the NSOperation to notify completion of the operation back to the original requestor object.
Retaining the delegate in this case makes perfect sense to me. The operation will complete eventually, it will call the "done" method on the delegate, and then will release the delegate and self-terminate. If the calling object would have been dealloc'd while the NSOperation was running, it just sticks around a little longer until the operation completes.
Note that marking the delegate property atomic as drawnonward suggests is in itself not sufficient to protect against race conditions! Setting a property as atomic only means that a reader or writer of the property will write or read an entire whole value at a time, nothing else. The following sequence would result in a crash:
(NSOperation thread): NSOperation has finished and is preparing to notify the delegate object . The code atomically reads the value of the delegate property preparing to call its "done" method.
----> Thread switch to main
(main thread) the requesting object is dealloc'd, and in -(void)dealloc (atomically!) sets the NSOperation's delegate property to nil, dealloc finishes, and the object is now gone
-----> Thread switch to NSOperation thread
(NSOperation thread) calls [delegate allDone] and the program crashes (if you're lucky) because the delegate object is gone. If you're lucky. Maybe something else was allocated in that space in the meantime and now you have unpredictable corruption, what fun!
The key thing here is that the retain cycle is temporary by its very nature -- the NSOperation will complete and clean up all on it own. It's not like a UITextField and a UIViewController holding retained references to each other that will never go away and thus leak the memory.
It seems to me that retaining the delegate in the case of an asynchronous, limited, self-terminating operation is the cleanest and most robust implementation.
if you absolutely must not retain the delegate because it causes memory problems, then instead the delegate object and the operation object must both use an explicit locking mechanism to synchronize access to the delegate pointer stored in the operation. "atomic" properties do not provide a thread-safe protocol to marking the delegate pointer nil.
But I think this gets really complicated and full of race conditions. I think at the very least that you must in the delegate object's dealloc, run a locking protocol to make sure that the operation's delegate pointer is safely set to nil so that arbitrary thread interleaving cannot under any circumstances call to a dealloc'd delegate object.
Slavish adherence to rules sometimes makes things way more complicated than they need to be. It's best to understand what the rules are, why they are there, and so you know when it makes sense (like I believe it does in this very particular scenario) not to follow them, and what the advantages/disadvantages are of doing so.
I approach this a little differently, and I do not retain delegates.
If I need to lose the view, I cancel the NSOperation. I believe that its good design that if a thread's return value has nowhere to go, then the thread should stop.
I also have seen the edge case where the thread cannot be stopped. In this case, I nil the unretained delegate, just to be sure, and check that the delegate is not nil before making the callback.
Holding on to an object, even temporarily, when its no longer needed, especially on the iPhone chews up memory and, in my opinion, is bad design.
As per #Bogatyr's answer, a simple check for nil before calling [delegate allDone] is much cleaner.
You could retain the UITableViewController at the beginning of the NSOperation and release it at its end.
Alternatively, you could set it to nil after it is released so the dangling call from the NSOperation won't crash your program.
Depending on how the NSOperation is executed you could also autorelease the UITableViewController instead of releasing it, so the NSOperation can still use it.
However, all these things really only cure the symptoms, not the illness. The correct way to do it is outlined by drawnonward.

Invoking a method on a delegate after delay, from an object at the end of it's lifetime

I have a modal view controller that creates core data changes in it's own context, and when I click done, it saves the changes (that dispatches the merge changes notification), notifies the delegate and dismisses.
My problem is that I need the delegate to receive the message after my main context has merged with the changes of the editing context. I want the delegate call to take place on the next run loop but I'm having problems with object lifetimes. I've thought of the following:
Make call to [delegate performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:] however it seems that that message is not recognised. My delegate conforms to the NSObject protocol but that doesn't include the perform selector with delay.
Create a method in my view controller: informDelegateWithObject: that calls the delegate method, and call that method after a delay. I.e. [self performSelector:#selector(informDelegateWithObject:) withObject:.. afterDelay:..]. This could work, however, as my view controller is being dismissed, if the delay is several seconds then it would have been released from memory and wouldn't that cause a crash when it comes to invoking?
Create an instance of NSInvocation. I have thought about this, however, what is the lifetime of this object? If I create it using [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:] then wouldn't the NSInvocation object be autoreleased, and not be around for the next run loop? Let alone several seconds. And as my modal view controller is being dismissed and released, I can't store the invocation object in my view controller.
Any suggestions?
You should merge contexts into the delegate.
Say that you press Save into you modal controller: you will send a myViewController:didFinishSaving: to the delegate.
This delegate into myViewController:didFinishSaving: implementation will save, merge and dismiss the modal view controller.
I hope I have understood your problem.
Bye! :)
You might look at Apple's Core Data Books tutorial which works along the lines that muccy describes. Saving happens after the modal view is dismissed and control is returned to the parent view controller. The parent contains the update code and fires notifications required to merge changes (whether that happens in the delegate or elsewhere).
To question #1: performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: is defined in the NSObject class, not the NSObject protocol. Any object you are using is probably an instance of NSObject. You are probably referring to a compiler warning resulting from static type checking. (Technically, it's possible for an object that conforms to the NSObject protocol to not be an NSObject; NSProxy is one example. But any object you normally use will be an NSObject.) You can ignore this warning (in Objective-C, you can try to send any message to any object). Or, if you want, you can cast it to either id (which allows you to send any message without any warnings) or NSObject *.
To question #2: "if the delay is several seconds then it would have been released from memory" No, the documentation for performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: says "This method retains the receiver and the anArgument parameter until after the selector is performed."
You can also declare your delegate like this:
NSObject <MyClassDelegateProtocol> *delegate;
Then your delegate will also be an NSObject that conforms to your protocol.

What are AppDelegates in Objective-C?

I'm working through an iPhone tutorial (link text and it has me put in some code (a few times throughout the various tutorials) but it doesn't explain it at all.
In this code:
todoAppDelegate *appDelegate = (todoAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
What exactly is an appDelegate? What does the "delegate" at the end of the instantiation mean? Actually, what does the whole thing mean? (UIIapplication sharedApplication)?
I am a .Net programmer if that helps someone explain it better. I hate learning through tutorials because I always need to know what EVERYTHING does and no one explains everything.
Let's back up a little bit.
The square brackets ([ ]) are Objective-C's method calling syntax. So if Cocoa had a C# syntax, the equivalent syntax would be:
TodoAppDelegate appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication.delegate;
In C#, you would use a static class for a class that only has a single instance. In Cocoa, the Singleton pattern is used to accomplish this. A class method (in this case, sharedApplication) is used to retrieve the single instance of that class.
Delegates in Cocoa are not like the delegate keyword in C#, so don't be confused by that. In C#, you use the delegate keyword to reference a method. The delegate pattern in Cocoa is provided as an alternative to subclassing.
Many objects allow you to specify another object as a delegate. Delegates implement methods that those objects will call to notify them of certain events. In this case, UIApplication is the class that represents the current running application (similar to System.Windows.Forms.Application, for example). It sends messages to its delegate when things that affect the application happen (e.g. when the application launches, quits, gains or loses focus, and so on.)
Another Objective-C concept is the protocol. It is similar in principle to a .NET interface, except that methods can be marked as #optional, meaning they classes are not required to implement the methods marked that way. Delegates in the iPhone SDK are simply objects that conform to a specific protocol. In the case of UIApplication, the protocol delegates must conform to is UIApplicationDelegate.
Because it's not required to implement every method, this gives the delegate flexibility to decide which methods are worth implementing. If you wanted to, for example, perform some actions when the application finishes launching, you can implement a class that conforms to the UIApplicationDelegate protocol, set it as the UIApplication instance's delegate, and then implement applicationDidFinishLaunching:.
UIApplication will determine if its delegate implements this method when the application finishes launching and, if it does, call that method. This gives you a chance to respond to this event without having to subclass UIApplication.
In iPhone applications, developers also frequently use the app delegate as a kind of top-level object. Since you don't usually subclass UIApplication, most developers keep their global application data in the app delegate.
A delegate is just an object that implements certain methods (basically callbacks). The NSApplication docs explain what its delegate is supposed to do and what messages it needs to respond to to.
And this isn't instantiation. The snippet you posted above doesn't create anything. It accesses whatever object is set as the application's delegate. [UIApplication sharedApplication] gets the object representing the application, and sending delegate to the application gets its delegate (if any).
to add more to the mix of responses and another point of view, delegates are objects that can (but don't necessarily need to) do work for another object.
So let's say you have objectA, and can assign to it a delegate (let's call it delegateObject).
From objectA's point of view, there are certain bits of work that may need to be done. Depending on the context, the actual work and the results of such work can be different.
So instead of having objectA implementing a method for all these instances, we'll say... let's have another object, delegateObject, do the work... and as long as the results are returned in the proper format, we don't care what delegateObject did to get there.
objectA will first check that delegateObject exists and that delegateObject has implemented a method to do the work asked of it.
To accomplish this, NSObject (which every Cocoa object inherits from) has this method:
- (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)aSelector
and objectA would do a simple test before sending a message to delegateObject, for example:
if ([delegate respondsToSelector: #selector(someMethod:sender:)])
[delegate someMethod:#"stuff" sender:self];
and because objectA only sends a message to its delegate if one's been assigned, delegate is not retained by objectA.
if we were to use UITableView as an example, it has a lot of UITableViewDelegate methods. One of them is:
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
every time the user touches a row in a table, the UITableView object will first check that there's a delegate, if there's a delegate, it'll then check that the delegate has implemented the above method. If it does, then it'll send the message to the delegate. This method expects no return value, and UITableView will go about its merry way, regardless of what the delegate does. And if there is no delegate that implements that method, then nothing happens.

More than 1 appDelegate object?

While fixing third-party code I've discovered a really brilliant idea) Guy was using 2 appDelegate objects in project xibs. I assume he thought that this would be some kind of singletone or such. But after some rethinking of that piece of code, I found that there is no technical restrictions on it.
Here is my example: simple project with navController and 2 views. Each with it's viewController. When app launched, first view is on screen. When user taps button, second view is pushed to navController. For now there is appDelegate object in MainWindow.xib. Now, if you'll add just the same appDelegate object to second view's xib. Now right when second view is pushed, you can see that one more instance of appDelegate is created and destroyed (if you'll override init and dealloc methods and insert log there).
Here I'm very surprised. Does it mean that only one appDelegte instance can be created? If yes, then why? appDelegate is just a NSObject subclass implementing UIApplicationDelegate protocol.
The appDelegate object created by xCode on every iphone project is the entry and exit point of an application. It does not make sence to have more than one instance of this class, if you do (besides perhaps some application settings being lost) which class does the applicaiton delegate to? Why can you only make one? Most probably this is because the class is implementing a Singleton patterns under covers so ensure only one instance of the app delegate is made, i bet that even when you try to alloc another one of these, the original app delegate is the only one kept. You can probably dig around the docs and find more info on apples site at http://developer.apple.com/iphone
UIApplicationDelegate is a protocol and doesn't have state in itself, thus there's nothing that prevents you to have several of them. Contrast this with UIApplication that has state and
provides sharedApplication singleton accessor
It should be totally possible to replace UIApplication's delegate property on the fly. I don't see much of the benefit, though.
I think what's happening here is that there is an instance of the AppDelegate class in the second Nib, but no other objects are retaining it. Therefore it gets created and immediately released. If you added a retained property to the view controller that connected to the AppDelegate, then it wouldn't get released immediately.
You can have multiple objects that implement the UIApplicationDelegate protocol, but it's not usually done because 90% of the behavior would be identical in all cases.
I think you could do something along these lines:
Note the old UIApplication.delegate.
Create your instance of UIApplicationDelegate with the old delegate as parameter.
Make sure to call the old delegate in each method you implement.
Make it return the old delegate in the - (id)forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)aSelector method.
Replace the [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate with yours.
It replaces the original app delegate with your, making sure that the old delegate will still be called, especially if you did not override each and every method the UIApplicationDelegate protocol defines.