AJAX Control Toolkit Rounded Corners - ajaxcontroltoolkit

I was trying to use the AJAX extender Rounded Corners on a normal textbox, but did not work at all. Is this not possible with textboxes?

I don't think so. I'd recommend putting your textbox in a div and applying rounded corners to that div.


What is the equivalent of border-radius in roblox studio?

I have been previously working with css and there is a property in that i.e., border-radius with which i can change the radiuses of all the four sides independently. Now i have started making roblox games and i want to round my GUI elements but i found only one plugin that is roundify which rounds all the four corners equally but i want to round them independently (seperate rounding values for different corners). I searched the property panel also but did not find that. Please can anyone tell me how to change the border-radiuses differently.
Take a look at the docs for UICorner.
To use the UICorner UIComponent:
Create a Frame / ImageLabel / ImageButton /TextLabel / TextButton / ViewpointFrame / etc.
Insert a UICorner component as its child
Adjust the round corner radius by changing the CornerRadius property
There are also notes about when to consider using 9-Slice image assets as well.
I think I have used the plugin that you use to roundify the corners, and I looked into how it worked.
What I think is happening here is that the plugin, rather than adding a script, just changed the button to a rounded image.
You would have to find a way to make an image where all corners can be rounded separately, probably with an outside program. From what I see there isn’t really a way to do this with scripts.
Hope this helped.

How to draw custom shapes in flutter

I'm trying to draw a custom shape like this in my app:
Tried to draw using custom painter, but haven't figured out how to get this sort of shape. It's really just a container with a custom border I think, but not sure even where to start. It's just the shape I'm interested in, not the content.
Or if someone knows how to draw a rounded rectangle with a thinner bottom section, then that would really help me to work out the rest.
Also, does anyone here know how to draw a rounded rectangle that is thinner in the middle, like the shape behind the purple one in the example I've given?
Any help is grately appreciated.
Thanks in advance
use this tools
this is the link
download it for your windows and draw your shape and generate the code..
here is the tutorial on how to use the tools
the tutorial on how to use it

thick shadow with no blur on UILabel

I am trying to add a thick shadow to a UILabel, without any blur. In photoshop I would use the "Spread" option to make the shadow look like this. It's for a comic book themed UI in an app I am developing. I cannot use images as the text is dynamic and different for each user.
Here is what I am after (on the left) and here is as far as I have gotten so far with CGShadowWithColor (on the right):
Anyone know how I can achieve this result?
A quick hack to try would be to have several black UILabels below the white one, each offset slightly.

gwt rounded panel (standards based widget akin to DecoratorPanel)

I'm trying to write an app that uses rounded corners for framing the app. I've found a package on google code that has a RoundedLinePanel and it seems to work... kind of.
I'm wondering a few things. Is this what people are using for creating divs with round corners in GWT? The release notes say it hasn't changed in almost a year.
Also, I can't seem to set a fixed height of this div (setHeight sets it on the wrapper div, not the inner one). so it's not useful to me as I have a fixed height app.
Finally, if anyone can suggest a better mechanism for creating rounded corner divs in GWT I'm all ears.
There is a beautiful way to rounded corners using CSS 3 (which thus doesn't work in IE<=8 , but will in IE9 developer preview). Take a look at http://css3please.com/ to see the styles involved. It's fairly simple using a border-radius (or -moz-border-radius or -webkit-border-radius property). In GWT just add a Style Class Name you want to the elements you want to have a rounded border and you are go. Of course supporting rounded corners in legacy browsers is harder, but do you need to do it?
For legacy browsers it is quite harder, depending on the actual context. It always involves images for the borders. You have to create images that mask the border of the box. What works is the trick described in this answer. To use this in GWT you can use either uibinder, htmlelement or you create your own widget. A broader explanation of the technique can also be found here.
The solution most commonly found, the decoratorPanel, is deprecated in the current version of GWT (if you use it with GWT 2.1.1, for example, you'll wind up with a mess of incompatilbility between the GWT-required doctype, the decoratorPanel, and IE, especially IE8).
The required GWT 2.1.1 doctype (!doctype html) also disables the popular rounded-corners.htc for IE8.
You can use the CSS3 series of rounded corner properties to add classes, but they will not work in IE versions prior to 9.
JQuery and other javascript rounded corners have a high probability of conflicting with the native GWT js, so we abandoned those as a possible solution, though I personally did no testing for these.
We wound up having to use rounded corner images in order to be truly cross-browser compliant and create a consistent look.

Replicating Mail Contact "Bubble" in iPhone SDK

When creating a new message using Mail on the iPhone, and after typing the contact, a blue "bubble" appears around the text. Is there some way I can replicate this behavior in my own application?
Thanks for any help!
The way I do this and probably the easiest way is with a custom UIView. You can draw inside a clipped rounded path with a blue gradient then draw the text on top of it.
You could also take a look at the Three20 project, which has a similar control. However, it's very complicated if you're just looking for that blue bubble.