How to draw custom shapes in flutter - flutter

I'm trying to draw a custom shape like this in my app:
Tried to draw using custom painter, but haven't figured out how to get this sort of shape. It's really just a container with a custom border I think, but not sure even where to start. It's just the shape I'm interested in, not the content.
Or if someone knows how to draw a rounded rectangle with a thinner bottom section, then that would really help me to work out the rest.
Also, does anyone here know how to draw a rounded rectangle that is thinner in the middle, like the shape behind the purple one in the example I've given?
Any help is grately appreciated.
Thanks in advance

use this tools
this is the link
download it for your windows and draw your shape and generate the code..
here is the tutorial on how to use the tools
the tutorial on how to use it


How to add a **OUTER POSITIONED** outline to Text Mesh Pro in Unity?

I'm looking to find a way to add an outside positioned outline to TMP in Unity. At the moment what I have right now using the outline property gives me an awkward and ugly center position outline.
First image is what I want to achieve and second is what I have in Unity.
What I want to achieve
What Unity gives me by default using Outline
Please let me know if theres some plugin or way of doing this, thank you.

flutter inversed corner for containers

how can I make two containers intersect in corners like that?
what I want to make is in the red rectangle
to achieve this you have to use Custom Paint.
it is a little hard to do.
Custome Paint This is a good explanation.
Flutter Shapemaker this will make your job very easy.

php gd library to reveal background image

I have two identical sized images that I would like to work with. One image is in color, the other is in black and white. I need assistance on stacking the color image directly over the black and white image. After that, I would like to be able to remove sections of the top photo to reveal the image underneath.
Can someone point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this?
Here is something that may help:
Especially the part that talks about adding watermarking.
You will have to add transparent areas to the top image before combining them.

How to draw custom line on MKMapview?

I've been searching for a way to draw a custom line, but the only help I can find is how to draw lines with an UIColor.
I want to draw a straight line but not just with a color. I want the appearance of the line to be customizable.
(So right now I can draw lines between 2 points, but not the line I want)
The line I want got straight 45 degree lines on it, and it's grey and black.
Anybody can help?
The line looks like this, I'm also thinking that I could stretch this image, but if I stretch it, it will look kinda weird.
Why don't you add image then? I'm new developer so I don't know other way to do it. Only OpenGL with texturing, but there is no need to use openGL. So my suggestion is to add image.
Sound like what your looking for is the MKPolylineView Class. You assign it a polyline which contains the points in your line. Since the polyline view is an MKOverlayPathView you can set the stroke and fill colors.
Since it's also a UIView subclass you can manipulate the appearance even further by grabing the views layer property and adding gradients, shadows, masks, etc.
Is there a specific effect that you're trying to achieve?

Fade Image to Transparent in iOS

I am just starting out with iOS development. I'm trying to determine if this is possible in iOS and I'm new enough that I don't know what to search for, so please excuse my ignorance.
I'm going to be saving a few images in the application and the primary image will fade over another image like so:
Image A will still need to be a solid image, so my question "Is it possible to create a gradient mask that only fades for 50px from the bottom (transparent) of an image?"
Sorry if this is a basic question and since I don't know where to start I don't have any code to request help on. Any help would be appreciated! :)
Yes, it is definitely possible.
You will need to draw the images in a CGContext. Basically you would first draw image b first then draw image 'a' with an alpha mask using CGImageCreateWithMask.
It is very straight forward. See here for an example.