How to create XML editor for iPhone? - iphone

I want to create a XML editor (form view type) for iphone. Can anyone suggest me how to proceed in this regard. I know how to parse an XML document but I am having trouble in editing the contents of the file dynamically. This editor should be such that, a new node can be added or a node can be deleted, it can also edit the values.
Please help...

In short you need to parse the document into a readable structure, finding a way to modify that structure, and write it back to XML.
Classes you are likely to need to write include MyXMLDocument, MyXMLNode, MyXMLElement and MyXMLTextNode, and MyXMLNode likely needs NSArray *children;, MyXMLNode *parent; and MyXMLDocument *document; as ivars.
You also probably need something akin to a -stringValue method; and an understanding of how the XML DOM usually works.


Is it possible to save a GameObject with its components in Unity?

I'm trying to Save/Serialize a GameObject and its components (with their current values), but I don't think it's possible, any ideas ???
Keep in mind that I don't wanna use an asset from the assets store, I wanna code it myself.
Thanks in advance :)
Sorry I dont have the rep to make a comment. I use two methods to acheive this save state.
First is what programmer seems to suggest, make a class that hosts the property's needed to recreate the object. Component names can be saved as strings, then fetched using
If you are doing this alot it may be worth checking out this forum first.Here
You can serialize these classes using the unity serializer(the string names of types will serialise. You may have to make a sub class to handle the values in each object of different type.
This can be a fairly complicated approach so I prefer a file path serialized for a prefab in the resources folder. Any values that need saving can be saved in a serializable class like first approach which is referenced in a script on the saved prefab. This script has a method to apply all details saved in the deserialized class to the prefab when it is created. The details are captured by the script,added to the class and serialized whenever the object state should be recorded.
The exact way this is managed may vary but I have done this myself with he ability to store any values I could need. Even if you use a third party serializer from the asset store you will still have trouble saving entire objects, but you will be able to get enough info to recreate.
I've managed to save the components I want (custom scripts) by saving them in a json file, then serializing them with binary so they can be more secure.
Thanks to everyone who tried to help tho...

Parsing multiple XML web file iphone

Let's say i have a xml file with a tag named which contains the number of fields i want to show in my tableView and in another xml file i have the information to be displayed in that tableView.
The question is : Should i create 2 different file in my project (xmlparse1.h and .m + xmlparse2.h and .m) or should i just put all my code in 1 (xmlparse.h + .m) and differenciate which file i am parsing at the moment with a bool or something like that in the code?
I am developing an iphone app on Xcode 4.3 mac os x 10.7.4 if this might change
EDIT: 1st file :
2nd File :
So it looks like this. So, since nbrField is 2 I would take the 2 first value from tempMoy and humidite and show them in a tableView.
If how you're parsing is similar in both instances, to add two sets of files that do effectively the same thing would be extremely inefficient and considered bad practice. It makes a lot more sense to create a parser that can handle the two different files than to write two parsers that can only handle a specific file each.
To more specifically answer your question, I would determine which file you are parsing and behave accordingly, whether you do this with a bool or something else is up to you.
EDIT: Here is the idea that just popped into my head, so if for whatever reason this wont work for you(Like I said its been a while), or someone has a better idea, I'm all ears. You could still have a set of files(.h and .m) that contain the definition of your parser. Your parser could contain within it a two variables of type Object1 and Object2 which are built in such a way that they resemble the data structure that you need to store what you parse once for your first type of file, and a different definition for your second type of file. This way when parsing once you determine which file it is you are reading, it just changes which of these two objects you write into. There are also plenty of variations for how you could set this up, and I can also think of a few cases for what you might be trying to do where this might not work, but there is the idea regardless.
If you think that the two sets of files approach is better for the application you are trying to write and makes more sense to you, given what has been discussed in the comments, it isn't necessarily a bad idea.
In case if u want to create two table view in one view u need to create a single .h & .m file...If u want to create individual table view u need to create two .h & .m...
Try TBXML parser...that is the easiest way and less memory usage for xmlparsing...

Where can I find an Objective C code which parses any XML file without knowing before any tag or attribute?

I would like to find a sample of code written in Objective C for iPhone which can parse any XML file, even if we don't know tags or attributes. Does anyone has something like that?
Probably you can convert the XML into a NSDictionary which then can be used at your ease.
I have not used this code, but maybe you can try this to convert your xml into dictionary

how to know the PDF file name using a CGPDFDictionaryRef object reference

I have an object of type CGPDFDictionaryRef returned somehow from a method that is considered as a part of a static library (so I do not have access to its code to modify it), however, I want to know the name of the PDF file that this dictionary object holds ? how can I query it to get the name of the file?
There are two functions that take a CGPDFDocumentRef and return a CGPDFDictionaryRef. They are CGPDFDocumentGetInfo and CGPDFDocumentGetCatalog. Neither function returns a dictionary that contains the name of the original file. Neither does the array returned by CGPDFDocumentGetID.
This makes sense, because you can create a CGPDFDocumentRef without a file, from data you get over a socket or by drawing into a CGPDFContext with Quartz 2D.
If you want the name of the file, you'll have to get it some other way.
The CGPDF* functions are a function-based mechanism to get to the series of arrays, dictionaries, integers, string and name elements in PDF documents. PDF documents themselves are really just composed of these "basic" elements. If you'd like some light reading check out the ~1500 page PDF specification sometime. As rob mayoff stated, you are basically pointing to memory once you have a CGPDFDocumentRef.
That being said, there is no value that is guaranteed within a PDF structure that will give you the filename. Download Voyeur and dig around your PDF to look around and prove me wrong (I could be).
Here's the sample of the true contents of a PDF:

Parse xml file with same tag multiple times iphone sdk

In my application, I have a tag multiple times. I'm using xml parser. I'm taking a corresponding element with similar name as the one in xml file in my class. So in case of:
What I get in photo element of my class is the second element i.e def, as the first one gets overwritten as there's only one photo element in my class. My question is am I wrong in taking similar elements in class as in case of xml? Is there any better method or a better parser? Or I'm on right path and have to do this manually by setting some flags etc?
Thanx in advance.
I assume you try to parse the contents of an XML to match to properties on an object using NSXMLParser.
If it is valid to encounter multiple photo tags in your XML then either you need a strategy to know which one will map to a property, or convert your property to an NSArray and add the results as they come.
If it is not a valid case, you could check if you set the property earlier and raise an error, or just override it (as you do) and call it "undefined behavior".
There are many parsers there that can handle your issue (e.g. XPathQuery, TouchXML etc.).
I don't think that there is a need to reinvent the wheel - use one of the existing parsers.