how to know the PDF file name using a CGPDFDictionaryRef object reference - iphone

I have an object of type CGPDFDictionaryRef returned somehow from a method that is considered as a part of a static library (so I do not have access to its code to modify it), however, I want to know the name of the PDF file that this dictionary object holds ? how can I query it to get the name of the file?

There are two functions that take a CGPDFDocumentRef and return a CGPDFDictionaryRef. They are CGPDFDocumentGetInfo and CGPDFDocumentGetCatalog. Neither function returns a dictionary that contains the name of the original file. Neither does the array returned by CGPDFDocumentGetID.
This makes sense, because you can create a CGPDFDocumentRef without a file, from data you get over a socket or by drawing into a CGPDFContext with Quartz 2D.
If you want the name of the file, you'll have to get it some other way.

The CGPDF* functions are a function-based mechanism to get to the series of arrays, dictionaries, integers, string and name elements in PDF documents. PDF documents themselves are really just composed of these "basic" elements. If you'd like some light reading check out the ~1500 page PDF specification sometime. As rob mayoff stated, you are basically pointing to memory once you have a CGPDFDocumentRef.
That being said, there is no value that is guaranteed within a PDF structure that will give you the filename. Download Voyeur and dig around your PDF to look around and prove me wrong (I could be).
Here's the sample of the true contents of a PDF:


How do I "capture" and store the complex output of a Flutter function as code so I can write unit tests for it?

First of all, apologies if this is a stupid question. I'm new to unit tests so I'm struggling a bit here.
I'm working on an app that queries an API, receives a JSON response and then processes that response to produce a series of complex data structures. Many of these data structures are daily time series, which means each of my functions produces a list (List<Datapoint>) containing hundreds of datapoint objects.
What I'm trying to test is that, for a given API response, each function produces the output it should.
For the input of each test I have already grabbed a sample, real JSON response from the API, and I've stored it inside a test_data folder within my root test folder.
However, for the expect part... how can I obtain a sample output from my function and store it somewhere in my test_data folder?
It would be straightforward if the output of my function were a string, but in this case we're talking about a list with hundreds of custom objects containing different values inside them. The only way to create those objects is through the function itself.
I tried running the debugger to check the value of the output at runtime, which I can do... but that doesn't help me copy it or store it anywhere as code.
Should I try to print the full contents of the output to a string at runtime and store that string? I don't think this would work, as all I see in the console are a bunch of Instance Of when I do functionOutput.toString()... I would probably need to recursively print each of the variables inside those objects.
Please tell me I'm being stupid and there's a simpler way to do this :)

Most efficient way to change the value of a specific tag in a DICOM file using GDCM

I have a need to go through a set of DICOM files and modify certain tags to be current with the data maintained in the database of an external system. I am looking to use GDCM. I am new to GDCM. A search through stack overflow posts demonstrates that the anonymizer class can be used to change tag values.
Generating a simple CT DICOM image using GDCM
My question is if this is the best use of the GDCM API or if there is a better approach for changing the values of individual tags such as patient name or accession number. I am unfamiliar with all of the API options but have a link to the API documentation. It looks like the DataElement SetValue member could be used, but it doesn't appear that there is a valid constructor for doing this in the Value class. Any assistance would appreciated. This is my current approach:
Anonymizer anon = new Anonymizer();
anon.Replace(new Tag(0x0010, 0x0010), "BUGS^BUNNY");
Quite late, but maybe it would be still useful. You have not mention if you write in C++ or C#, but I assume the latter, as you do not use pointers. Generally, your approach is correct (unless you use System.IO.File instead of gdcm.File). The value (second parameter of Replace function) has to be a plain string so no special constructor is needed. You should probably start with doxygen documentation of gdcm, and there is especially one complete example. It is in C++, but there should be no problems with translation.
There are two different ways to pad dicom tags:
gdcm::Anonymizer anon;
anon.Replace(gdcm::Tag(0x0002, 0x0013), "Implementation Version Name");
//Implementation Version Name
gdcm::Attribute<0x0018, 0x0088> ss;

How to create XML editor for iPhone?

I want to create a XML editor (form view type) for iphone. Can anyone suggest me how to proceed in this regard. I know how to parse an XML document but I am having trouble in editing the contents of the file dynamically. This editor should be such that, a new node can be added or a node can be deleted, it can also edit the values.
Please help...
In short you need to parse the document into a readable structure, finding a way to modify that structure, and write it back to XML.
Classes you are likely to need to write include MyXMLDocument, MyXMLNode, MyXMLElement and MyXMLTextNode, and MyXMLNode likely needs NSArray *children;, MyXMLNode *parent; and MyXMLDocument *document; as ivars.
You also probably need something akin to a -stringValue method; and an understanding of how the XML DOM usually works.

Parse xml file with same tag multiple times iphone sdk

In my application, I have a tag multiple times. I'm using xml parser. I'm taking a corresponding element with similar name as the one in xml file in my class. So in case of:
What I get in photo element of my class is the second element i.e def, as the first one gets overwritten as there's only one photo element in my class. My question is am I wrong in taking similar elements in class as in case of xml? Is there any better method or a better parser? Or I'm on right path and have to do this manually by setting some flags etc?
Thanx in advance.
I assume you try to parse the contents of an XML to match to properties on an object using NSXMLParser.
If it is valid to encounter multiple photo tags in your XML then either you need a strategy to know which one will map to a property, or convert your property to an NSArray and add the results as they come.
If it is not a valid case, you could check if you set the property earlier and raise an error, or just override it (as you do) and call it "undefined behavior".
There are many parsers there that can handle your issue (e.g. XPathQuery, TouchXML etc.).
I don't think that there is a need to reinvent the wheel - use one of the existing parsers.

Movies from property lists?

is it possible to play movies out of a property list? Like is there's a "tag" with the filename in it which gets replaced by the actual iphone/ipad player? The movies are h.265 codec...
I'm assuming that you mean, can you use the property list as an array which will hold a bunch of filenames for movies that you want to play?
All the property list can be is a text file of sorts that contains a bunch of key-value pairs. I think you are misunderstanding what a property list file is.
Think about it this way: the info.plist file stores text data about your app when it runs or gets added to the AppStore. That's all it does though: stores text data. There are no special tricks like you're speaking of to get it to launch movies or anything else. You'd have to implement all of that in code yourself based on what the plist value was for a particular key.