App store testing an Application with inapp purchase feature - iphone

I have a few questions regarding inApp Purchase as follows:
Do we need to make a product (in App purchase) live before submission or we can make it after app approval.
Suppose I have a product in inApp Purchase that is to be in sale by Next week, and if my app with inApp purchase version gets approved this week, then how do the Apple store test my app.
Do any one know how the apple app store guys test the inApp purchase in the application. Do they buy our product in the inApp purchases and then test the product. What does the screen shot submitted to approve the product in iTunes for inApp Purchase refers to.

Apple submission is largely guesswork.
I don't think you need to worry about how Apple test the In-App Purchase. If your app currently has no purchases available for it; but it still works, then I would think that's okay.
From a 'making-your-users-happy' point of view it would make sense to be able to buy at least some In-App content the day it goes live - but I don't think it would be necessary to pass Apple approval.
The screen shot is supposed to show what the user gets in return for their purchase. However, that can be tough - just do the best you can. We have an In-App purchase for the 'full version' of a game, to demonstrate that I just used the splash screen of the game. It passed.


Purchase app from another app using In-App Purchase

I am trying to implement In-App Purchase in iPhone SDK, but I am trying to buy an app from another app.
Is it possible to implement it? From first app, I open one feature which is locked by In-App Purchase. It has to install the feature as another app in the device. So that the owner can get the money of the app using In-App Purchase.
You cannot purchase an app from an app using In-App purchase for that go through below point:
Apps that unlock or enable additional features or functionality with
mechanisms other than the App Store will be rejected
And for more details please check. If any issue please revert me.

Restore functionality for paid application in iPhone

I am going to upload an iphone app with in-app purchase. Previously i had made this application paid. Now i am going to make it free with in-app. Now the users which have already downloaded the app needs not to do that in-app purchase part. How is this possible?
If existing user will download updated version, then he has to upgrade app by paying through In-App purchase.
There is no such facility if user updates the application.

In-App purchase storing the purchase state

I am implementing in-app purchase to my iPhone App. I am following with this tutorial and everything working fine.
But in the above tutorial purchase state is saving in the Phone KeyChain Utility. We can able to purchase it only once.
The second time when i downloaded the App it installs with purchased state .
In in-app purchases purchase should be unique to Apple ID or Device or Both ?
Yes, if you create product as Non-Consumable then it will allow only once to buy.
I haven't found any possibility to undo a purchase of a non-consumable product, neither on the device nor in iTunes Connect. So you have to either test your in-app purchases with a consumable product, or you need to delete your test user in iTunes Connect and register a new one.

App Rejected by App Store

This is second consecutive time that apple has rejected my application citing the following reason.
The below is the reason cited by apple for rejecting my application.
When i'm testing In-App-Purchase i'm able to purchase all the products by using my test user account. The current status of my In-app-purchase's is READY TO SUBMIT.
Can someone suggest me what i'm missing out on.
You have to put your all In-app purchase in review as well same as you did for your application. You said your In-app purchase status is Ready To Submit. So you just need to click on that button in your In-app purchase Item. Your In- app purchase items also goes for review to Apple and It will approved along with your In-app purchase.
They have rejected because still your In-app purchase items are in Ready To Submit. You can submit it by uploading screenshot to your In-app purchase items.
Hope this help.
Because you didn't attach under the prepare for submission tab.
Here is checklist
Check whether you had submitted screenshot when creating a new in-app product
Refresh the page and check whether all in-app is in ready to submit state
When submitting an app, make sure you had attached it in preparation for the submission tab, just like you adding the final build.

iPhone app activated before associated in-app-purchase activated?

I recently submitted my iPhone app for review. I also approved the in-app-purchase for my app (and provided the in-app-purchase screenshot). It's a few days later and the app status has been updated from "waiting for review" to "in review"... while the in-app-purchase status is still "waiting for review". Could the app go live in the store before the in-app-purchase? If so what happens when the user tries to make the in-app-purchase? Anything the developer can do to remedy this?
Set the app availability date to a time in the future, then when the in-app purchase is accepted, set both dates to the present.
You should also uncheck the "Cleared for Sale" checkbox in the In-App Purchase page in iTunes Connect. This means the IAP won't go on sale (even after being approved) until you decide it should.
You should have a check in your app to see if an IAP is actually available, and only display it if it was found in the App Store.
The same thing happened to us on one of our submissions. The Apple reviewers wanted to see our in-app-purchase experience before they approved the app. So in the course of the review they made sure the in-app-purchase was up to par, and approved them both at the same time.
I'm not sure if this is the standard among app reviews, so I'd play it safe and go with #nevan's suggestion as well, because if the app goes through without the in-app purchase items enabled, the purchases will fail.