Restore functionality for paid application in iPhone - iphone

I am going to upload an iphone app with in-app purchase. Previously i had made this application paid. Now i am going to make it free with in-app. Now the users which have already downloaded the app needs not to do that in-app purchase part. How is this possible?

If existing user will download updated version, then he has to upgrade app by paying through In-App purchase.
There is no such facility if user updates the application.


Unlock in-app purchase for a user on iOS 8?

I'm working on an iPhone app for iOS 8. The app is free but users need to buy an in-app purchase to unlock premium features.
I would like to give some users the in-app purchase for free. Can I unlock an in-app purchase for a user if I know the UDID of his device?
There is no way to grant an in app purchase by udid. all apple purchases are bound to appleid's, not to devices and you can't give it for free to specific adresses.
the in app developing guide states:
You must provide any additional
functionality, including unlocking
built-in features or downloading
content from your own servers.
you can also check the answers there: Giving in-app purchases to specific users for free

iOS App Beta Tester getting in-app purchase sandbox

I have in-app purchases in my app, which are live on the app store. I have sent out a new beta to my testers, and one is trying to make an in-app purchase but it is coming up with the sandbox. Is this supposed to happen? They do not have a testing account and actually want to spend money, so I figured I should ask: How or why do beta testers, who are running my iOS app on their phones and not the iOS simulator, get the app store's sandbox as opposed to the regular app store?
Please make sure that your tester will signout from testing account from Setting & they are using proper iTunes account for purchasing the product. I assume you have used proper product identifier in code as you have entered in IAP of live application. It would be great if you can once check IAP of your application in iTunes with that in code.

Purchase app from another app using In-App Purchase

I am trying to implement In-App Purchase in iPhone SDK, but I am trying to buy an app from another app.
Is it possible to implement it? From first app, I open one feature which is locked by In-App Purchase. It has to install the feature as another app in the device. So that the owner can get the money of the app using In-App Purchase.
You cannot purchase an app from an app using In-App purchase for that go through below point:
Apps that unlock or enable additional features or functionality with
mechanisms other than the App Store will be rejected
And for more details please check. If any issue please revert me.

InAppPurchase implementation

How can I test in-app purchase before release?
I have an application which is not in the app store i haven't provide the details for submission of my application in itunesconnect and I want to implement In-app purchase for the same application is it possible?
Yes it is possible. But for that you need to login to your iTunes Connect account and submit details of ur app and then create In-App Purchases from there only. You can test it before uploading it to the app store.
Please do some R&D on your own on google and then come here with the code if u have some problem.

iphone - Is it necessary to create new app in itunes connect for in-app purchases

I'm already having a free application in app store (itunes connect)
Now I want to add in-app purchase for that.
So, I created a new product in in-app purchase and trying to test it. Its saying the product id is invalid.
But I created new app in app store with product id's and when I'm testing, its working fine.
Is it necessary to create new app to distribute my old app with in-app purchases. Can't I add in-app purchase for already existing application?
Yes, you can add in-app purchases to existing apps that previously did not support them.
Is your device jailbroken? If so, you need to revert the jailbreak for IAP to work.