implement UIScrollview on a particular area of screen? - iphone

i am creating an app which has two UIImageViews at top and bottom of the screen and few customs buttons in between them which i am using in a UIScrollview so that user can scroll through them while the two images remain on top & bottom as they are.But when i use the scrollview the buttons scroll over the two UIimageview instead of just scrolling between them or hiding behind them as users scroll can i make the UIImagviews remain on top of the buttons in UIScrollview??

I assume that you use the Interface Builder...
Make sure that:
The frame of the scroll view is between the image view
The Clip subviews of the scroll view is checked
The image views appear after the scroll view in the views hierarchy (if not then you can just drag them inside the hierarchy)


UIScrollView in iOS doesn't response scroll to top

I have two UIScrollViews, one is horizental, the other is like page on the horizontal view. I want to click the status bar and have the vertical scrollView scroll to the top, but it doesn't work.
I searched for some information that said I must set UIScrollView.scrollsToTop=NO, but it doesn't work. Could somebody tell me why?
The scroll view only scrolls to the top if there is a single scroll view present with the scrollsToTop property set to YES.
Make sure it's set to NO on your horizontal scroll view and all the child, vertical scroll views contained within. Then, using the horizontal scroll view's delegate, as one vertical scroll view leaves the visible area, toggle the property to NO and toggle the incoming vertical scroll view's property to YES.

Fix UIButton on top of UIScrollView

I'm trying to figure out how to overlay a UIButton on top of a UIScrollView. Basically the user would be able to use the scrollview normally. But a button in the top right of the scrollview would remain in a fixed position. Any thoughts?
Don't add the UIButton as a subView of the UIScrollView, but instead of "self.view"
In the InterfaceBuilder there will be a Hierarchal list of items you put in your view, drag the button from being a view belonging to the scrollView to belonging to the view containing the subview.
Your view hierarchy will look like the following
Instead of
basically It means both your button and your ScrollView will both be subViews of the exact same mainView. If your scrollView is the mainView put an empty UIView above the scrollView and insert the UIButton & UIScrollView into that
IB is a little finicky when dropping new views directly on the 'fake' interface. What you will need to do is go over to the left in the list of views and select your button view. Now drag it up to below the 'self.view' or whatever is your top level view.
YOu should notice as you raise it up and down in the list that a light blue line will appear. The width corresponds to 'subview' or 'parent' view connection. Play with it a bit to see the difference.
When you feel comfortable, you should be able to place the Button in the 'self.view', not as a subview of the scroll view. Additionally, if you want it to appear on TOP (physical 'Z level') you will need it to be below the scroll view in the list. ( this points out a subtle problem with CStreet's solution)

Content positioning into a UIScrollView

I'm trying to add a scroll view to an existing screen of my app to help scroll the screen upward when keyboard hides a text field into this view.
I have added the scroll view as a subview of the main view in Interface Builder. Then I added all other objects as subviews to this scrollview. I have set the scroll view size to 320x460 with x=0 and y=0. Now, I notice the layout is broken and all objects (labels,text fields overlap in the same place).
Do you know the proper way to position this scrollview in interface builder so that I can easily position the other objects?
Thx for helping,
What you did is correct. It sounds like you moved the other UI elements into the scroll view after you positioned them. In this case they would default to the center position and be overlapped.
If you find it difficult to use dragging in Xcode's Interface Builder, try the position and size tab and type in the coordinates. Alternatively, reposition your UI elements in code.

How can i move images on touch event?

I have created a image gallery. I show all images from plist file in navigation view. When i open image in full view after that i have to back in navigation. But i want to move images in scrolling when image in fullview. After open image in full view i want to swap one by one next as well as previous...
Is there possible..??
Plz give me help about any kind..
Yes thats possible, make your fullview a scrollview with its contentsize having the same width as your screen and its height being the combined height of its subviews (put at least two or 3 imageviews in the scrollview as subviews). You can add and remove UIImageviews as subviews of the uiscrollview as the user vertically pages through them. You will need to communicate with the navigation view what the table status is when your user returns to that view though so that everything matches up.

Touchable info (i) button on top of Scroll View

Is there better (framework built in) way to add small "touchable" round info button (i) on top of scroll view? Theoretically I think there should be container view for button(UIControl or UIImageView with png?) and scroll view.
Simply make your information button float above the scroll view by adding it to the scroll view's superview, then ordering the views such that the information button resides on top of the scroll view. You'll retain scrolling capability, while still catching button touches.