Content positioning into a UIScrollView - iphone

I'm trying to add a scroll view to an existing screen of my app to help scroll the screen upward when keyboard hides a text field into this view.
I have added the scroll view as a subview of the main view in Interface Builder. Then I added all other objects as subviews to this scrollview. I have set the scroll view size to 320x460 with x=0 and y=0. Now, I notice the layout is broken and all objects (labels,text fields overlap in the same place).
Do you know the proper way to position this scrollview in interface builder so that I can easily position the other objects?
Thx for helping,

What you did is correct. It sounds like you moved the other UI elements into the scroll view after you positioned them. In this case they would default to the center position and be overlapped.
If you find it difficult to use dragging in Xcode's Interface Builder, try the position and size tab and type in the coordinates. Alternatively, reposition your UI elements in code.


Making an Expanding Scrollview

I'm currently making a drawing application in Swift, but I wanted the page to be able to expand if the user wanted more room. I figured that I would use a UIScrollView to scroll around the canvas, but I wanted it to expand whenever the user went to the edge of the page, and for the UIImageView that I am drawing on to expand with it. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this?
In storyboard, drag a UIView into your UIScrollView then constrain that view to all sides of the scroll view. Then set the width to whichever value you would like (I would recommend to control drag from your view to the root view of the view controller and select equal widths), then give it a height constraint. Next, you need to connect an IBOutlet to your view controller code for the height constraint you set on the content view inside the scroll view. When you need to extend the page, add to the value of the height constraint and call layoutIfNeeded() on the scroll view.

UIScrollView Controller not scrolling fully

I am pretty sure this has something to do with the dreaded AutoLayout. (been trying since 2days to get hang of it)
So I mastered it somewhat, but now I have problem where my UIScrollView is not scrolling fully down, pictures are much better at explaining these things
this is the scroll view
this is the content view
so the problem is the scrolling is happening but then again it springs back up. So I am not able to click on the signup button
EDIt 1
I have created a little example on github for you to look at, here. The project illustrates the answer below and uses the techniques I describe and nothing else.
Original Answer:
couple of things I would advise here.
First, I know you've been trying for a while but remove all the current constraints (painful I know but). Do this for clarity as ....
The view should be the size of the scene, it looks like you want the scrollview to be the full screen so that too needs to be the size of the scene.
e.g. if you are designing at 6Plus by default the scene size is 414x736 so the view and the scrollview it contains should also be 414x736.
Only the content view needs to be the size of the real content you wish to show. Let's say for arguments sake that the content is 414x1000.
Now the constraints for the scrollview are simple. It needs zero spacing to all it's edges.
You can add the content view to the scrollview in a couple of ways. The way I try to do this varies from project to project and depends mostly on how complex the scene is. If it's a really busy scene I keep the content view outside of the scrollview in interface builder so that I can work on it easily and visualize the whole of the view. Then I add the content view to the scrollview in code.
If its a simpler view You can add it inside the scrollview in interface builder. Ultimately whichever way you do it, you can lose visibility of the content view in interface builder because the contentview is larger than the scrollview and the content gets obscured. So play about and find a good way for you.
Define the content view and all it's subviews. The content view needs to be taller than the scrollview otherwise it wont scroll. All of the content view's subviews need to have defined heights from top to bottom and widths from left to right. In your case the scrollview is scrolling vertically not horizontally so all the widths need to add up to the width of the scroll view BUT the heights need to add up to the full height of the content view.
Note: if you do this proportially your life will be easier later. If you do all this with fixed heights the storyboard will break on different device sizes.
Now the "tricky bit" and it's a bit counter intuitive. You need to pin the content view to the scrollview, remember the height of the content view is taller than the scrollview. In all other circumstances in Interface Builder pinning a view to a superview (0 padding) will adjust the height (or width) accordingly. For the relationship between a scrollview and it's content view this doesn't happen.
First pin the contentview
Notice the -400? Remember the content view is taller than the scrollview and we will change this immediately.
Select the bottom constraint (-400) that we have just created:
Select the drop down arrow next to the constant value:
Select Standard Value and type in 0 for the constant.
You should now have a storyboard with no broken constraints and if you build and run you should get a scrollview as desired.
Your bottomspace to superview on your content view is set to -74.0, I don't know if there is a reason you had to do that, but try setting it to -8.0. I think your scroll view is scrolling up to the 0.0 mark automatically

UIScrollView in iOS doesn't response scroll to top

I have two UIScrollViews, one is horizental, the other is like page on the horizontal view. I want to click the status bar and have the vertical scrollView scroll to the top, but it doesn't work.
I searched for some information that said I must set UIScrollView.scrollsToTop=NO, but it doesn't work. Could somebody tell me why?
The scroll view only scrolls to the top if there is a single scroll view present with the scrollsToTop property set to YES.
Make sure it's set to NO on your horizontal scroll view and all the child, vertical scroll views contained within. Then, using the horizontal scroll view's delegate, as one vertical scroll view leaves the visible area, toggle the property to NO and toggle the incoming vertical scroll view's property to YES.

horizontal scroll view that snaps

I am looking for a way so that when I swipe left or right on a horizontal scroll view it will snap to one of the elements in the center, assuming that three elements (in this case a UIImageView) will be shown at once. How do I do this?
Turn on the pagingEnabled property for UIScrollView
If the value of this property is YES, the scroll view stops on multiples of the scroll view’s bounds when the user scrolls. The default value is NO.
You can set it programatically or in interface builder.

how do i work on a taller view in interface builder?

OK, so I am learning to use UIScrollView in interface builder. since the scrollView itself does not have any content, I created another view, the contentView, to hold my controls and scrollable content. into this view I place controls, labels, etc and then in my code i set the contentSize of the scrollView to the size of this contentView.
My question seems stunningly simple and so obvious that I must have missed something somewhere. when I created this XIB in IB I got your standard empty iPhone interface window. I dropped a scrollView on top of it, it took up the whole window. I dropped a view on top of that, it took up the whole scrollview. I added some controls, which so far I can still see inside the contentView rectangle in IB.
My question is how do I work on/add controls which lie outside of the visible part of the contentView in IB? LOL. it seems so simple, but i just don't get it. I can set the height of the content view or drag the rectangle to whatever I like (and indeed this is the whole point of having a scrollview) but the fixed UI window from IB won't expand so i can see the "offscreen" part of the contentView to add more controls. It's like it's just fixed at that size because that's the size of one iPhone screen and it won't let me make it any bigger/taller.
what did I do wrong?
You need to turn off all simulated user interface elements (like the status bar) to be "undefined" except for size, which you select to be "Freeform" from the drop-down, and then you can set the view height using the Ruler tab to be whatever you like.
For example, here I've selected a photo view controller, and set the size in the right side bar to be "iPad Full Screen" - but I could also change that to "freeform" to set any height I wished.
First add a ViewController by any which way you prefer. Then in interface builder, click on the view controller Icon (on left). In the connections inspector click on the ruler icon "Show the size inspector". There will be option list for simulated size, change to "Freeform" and increase the height to any size you want. Hope this helps.
neeever mind. you drag the content view up so that some controls are offscreen and then add more controls/expand to the part you just made visible by moving the top stuff off the top. in effect, you physically scroll the contentView in IB by dragging it with the mouse. seems a smidge counterintuitive, but whatever.
Set simulated size to freeform for the the view controller to a large enough size that you can add in your controls
You don't have to create a view to place inside the scrollview if you don't want. In your case, it sounds like it doesn't make much sense.
As for the second part of your question, you can place items directly on the scrollview (it is a view afterall), as subviews. If you want them to be off screen, then just set their frame up to be at those particular x, y coordinates you want it to be at. You will have to ensure your scrollview's contentSize property is large enough though to house your entire content, this is what allows scrolling horizontally/vertically.
You probably want to do the offscreen elements programmaticly instead of using xibs.