What are some great Quartz 2D drawing tutorials? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm searching for some great Quartz 2D drawing tutorials aimed at the iPhone. I'm new to Quartz and want to start off with something easy and then progress to more difficult stuff.
Does anyone know of any Quartz 2D drawing tutorials that they would recommend?

I devoted an entire class to Quartz 2D drawing last semester in my advanced iPhone development course. The video for that is available on iTunes U, along with the rest of the class. The course notes for that session can be found here, and I created a sample application to show off some more advanced Quartz drawing concepts.
Beyond that, I highly recommend reading the Quartz 2D Programming Guide.

Start with Apple's Quartz2D demo project. Compile it, run it on your device, read the code while you use the demos in the app.


Where can i find objective c xcode sample codes for iphone [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
i am a new programer and i would like to find some sample projects to learn from. Do you know any website that might help me?
Sample programs such us:
Uitable views
Uiscroll view
Plist storing data
Do to project
Note taking projects
The documentation links to useful sample projects at the top of most references.
You can also login into ios dev center (developer.apple.com/iphone/) and there is section "Sample Code" with all examples.
You can search by something specific for you or view by Topic/Framework.
I can recommend this book, it helped me allot and there is everything you need to know about programming for the iPhone: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Teach-Yourself-Application-Development-Yourself/dp/067233576X/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1354751889&sr=8-2
However if you goal is to program games I would use some of these packages: http://www.cartoonsmart.com/flash_mobile_index.php5
Another option is youtube there are tons of videos teaching you everything you need to know. For example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB-o3gtbHpg&list=PL8B9E3607FA1EEFCE
Best advice is definitely the first one. It helped me the most :)

2D game development [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I just wanted to know some initial things before developing 2D games. I have developed 4-5 apps for iPhone in my career and am very much familiar with programming on iphone, but this is my first time developing a 2D game. I want to develop a game in which mountains and trees etc are constantly moving in background and a man or any living thing is running forward having so many obstacle in its way. He has ability to jump over obstacle etc.
I have no idea about Cocos2d or openGLES or Quartz 2D. I guess its important to choose the best template for 2D game development otherwise i can go in the wrong direction. Please guide me who have experience in 2D game development in iPhone. Any books or links for tutorial is highly appreciated.
May be this post helps...
Best iphone game with source to learn from for a beginner
or the given book is also helpful

iphone game development, Cocos2d or OpenGL [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am a programmer new in iphone development.
I want to make a game for iPhone.
I am confused which is better for development of games, OpenGl or Cocos2d, and what is difference between these two?
OpenGL is programming "at the metal". Cocos2d is, effectively, a wrapper around OpenGL (and other technologies) that provides a higher level API. Cocos2d is more than that; there are also physics engines and other higher level tools available, too (there are the same available for OpenGL, too, really, but they are lower level, typically).
Personally, I would lean strongly to Cocos2d. There are some fantastic high level tutorials available and it is, in my experience, much easier to use than raw OpenGL.
If you are worried about performance, consider that the game that shipped will always outperform the game that is still in development....
Ray Wenderlich's weblog has a long series of articles on programming with cocos2d. It is pretty awesome stuff.

Basic concept of development of multiplayer online game? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to develop a game for multi user can play at a time with together in iphone, i don't have any idea about concept of online game development. please help me out?
lukya is right that this isn't a game forum but to give you an idea of what you need is:
A connection manager, this can be done easily though GameKit. Very easy to implement, heres a tutorial that uses GameKit to make a small chat program using Bluetooth (can be converted to wireless afaik)
Once you can connect 2 or more devices and send information then you need to work concepts such as data transfer in sync with the other play. For game dynamics look up Cocos 2d to make a simple game with boxes or whatever and look at the GKRocket/Tank (cant remem) demo on the Apple docs. This is a two player game with tanks that uses GK.
Mess with the game logic, get info passing between and build from there.
If you get stuck on a particular aspect then ask here :)

Should i choose ogre 3d or unity 3d? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm new to game development.i'm good at c++,c,python so programming is not my problem. but i'm confused between ogre 3d and unity 3d (free version).i know that both are different ogre is something like API and unity is game engine. but i'm really confused which to use for my project. i've 1 month for the project and i need to develop a game with good graphics in small time. can anyone direct me to a right path.? can anyone give me pros and cons of unity and ogre..?.
in short, which one is better for game development..?..ogre or unity (free version)..?
"Better" is a relative term, because each has pros and cons. Ogre has the advantage that it's more flexible and more low-level so if you are intending to become a game programmer (it sounds like this is a programming assignment) then you are going to learn more useful stuff from it. However Unity is MUCH simpler to use and thus you'll get more done in the month.