iPhone SDK: AdMob ads not appearing? - iphone

I am trying to display ads from AdMob.
I've tried to follow the standard instructions for implementation. However, I am receiving this error message and no ads display.
AdMob: Did fail to receive ad in AdViewController
Can anyone help?

That's not a mistake on your end. When you get that message it means that AdMob doesn't have an ad for you or that your device is offline. This is a common situation. This is not a bug.
For aesthetic purposes, you want to set a background image (or color) on the UIView that you set to be the view of your AdViewController.
Hope that helps.


Advertisements on a window in spritekit apps (swift)

I have an app with an iAd banner in the bottom of the view. I have played other apps that shows a window with an advertisement...
Anyone knows how to do that? I'm working on swift and spritekit, and I have not found documentation about that...
You are probably looking for "Interstitial Ads".
And you can find relevant information here

iOPhone: AdMob just blue banner with compass

I'm trying to ingegrate AdMob in one of my free iPhone Apps. In my last Apps the integration seems to work fine and I got real banners from AdMob.
But at the moment I'm getting only a blue banner with a small compass icon. Looks like a test banner.
Is that okay? I deactivated the test-mode, but the banner is still the naked blue one.
Thank you for your help :-)
Assuming you didn't create an empty house ad, this sounds like a bad creative being shown, not a problem on your end. Hopefully you will see a different ad if you continue testing.

Adwhirl for iPad

I'm trying to integrate adWhirl into my iPad app, but I it's doesn't seem to work.
It seems like lot's of people encountered the same issue, but I couldn't find a remedy.
I tried to stretch the adView to fit the iPad screen, but the ad remains iPhone sized.
Is there a known solution to this problem ?
This requires that you change each adapter that you would like to use.
I have written up a tutorial on how to do this with admob, iad, greystripe, and mdotm.
Take a look at it here: http://goosesoft.com/blog/universal-adwhirl-ads-in-cocos2d-2/
Edit: I have now also made a UIKit Universal Adwhirl tutorial found here: http://goosesoft.com/blog/universal-adwhirl-uikit/

Full screen ads on iPhone

Hey guys, I've been looking at new ways to generate revenue from my iPhone apps, and have started to consider full screen ads. Do you guys know which networks provide them? I just recently read that full screen iAd only works on iPad, major bummer thumbs down
You need iAd. It shows banners which can become full-screen ads when tapped. You probably agree that full-screen ads are pretty useless if they occupy all the screen all the time, the banner idea works well.
See this iAd tutorial for the process.

AdMob ad not working

I am trying to implement an AdMob ad in my app. I have done everything, but I just get a blank 48 x 320 view.
Here's what I'm doing:
1). Add all the frameworks and AdMob files
2). Open a view's .xib and add a view (320x48) and an NSObject there. Then put the NSObjects class to AdViewController. Then connect the two outlets (1 to the UIViewController class and another to the 320x48 view).
3). Build & run in Simulator.
My publisher ID is right. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
I had same problem before... here is what I did.. not perfect.. kind of hack
I copied UIView from the ADMob sample code to use as AdView in my Project...
and it worked...
Sometimes AdMob could not deliver the ads to your app due to the lack of ads (maybe because of your current country location or because of their service errors). You should handle the failure of receiving ads to hide the banner from your app, otherwise, your app will look so ugly.
Try to re-run your app to see if AdMob does deliver some ads or not.