how to use .gif files in iphone sdk? - iphone

I am getting a problem in displaying the .gif file in my view.Actually I am getting the .gif files from the parser and I need to display the into my view.Can anyone suggest how to use the .gif file in our app.I am struggling a lot for this.Can we convert .gif,.tiff and .jpg files into .png with progrmming?
Anyone's help will be much appreciated.
Thank to all who helped me,

UIImage already support gif file. So you should be able to show it in UIImageView. What is the problem that you are getting actually? There might be some other problem. Please post some code so that we can further check.
For testing you can use a png and check whether the problem is actually causing by gif or not.

Best way I found is to use this perfect UIImage Category


How to write text on image in objective-c iPhone?

I want to write some text on an image and save it as png with reduced size. is it possible in objective-c iPhone?
Tell me the best possible answer. or any sample code for it.
Thanks in advance
Please Follow this... how to draw on Image and download sample code from there and see how it will works...

Annotation lines for iphone videos

I am working on an iPhone application where i be creating an video where i can annotate the video with lines .
I have gone through the library but could not find anything that could help me till now .
I would really appreciate it if anyone could show some light on this matter at the earliest.
Thanking You,
If you want to add yourown graphics or text or lines to the video have a look at AVFoundation, should be able to do what you wAnt

iphone: scale when using glgif library

I am using glgif to display some gif picture on iphone, the gif is be downloaded from web. I display it on iphone successfully but the picture seems wrong scale. It happened to many pictures. Can anyone suggest me to fix this? I dig in to glgif but can not find a way to fix.
Thank you very much.
Uncomment [self setAspectScale:YES]; inside -(void)startAnimation:(Video*)video;

SVG file render image in smaller size

I am working for the first time with SVG files. I an able to load SVG files on webview but the images are rendering smaller than the original.
they are getting shrinked by a particular factor...... Is there some solution to my problem??? pls help.
Thank You
Meet bhatha
Have you set the UIWebView to Scale To Fit?
Pretty old question, but it is solved applying some javascript magic. Please read this post: UIWebView with just an image that should fit the whole view

how to show *.mpp files in my iphone application?

I have a problem in showing *.mpp (microsoft project files) in my app. I thought of showing in image format but i dont know how to convert it into image format. or is there any other way to view mpp files.
thanks in advance
I have doubts you can with the standard SDK.
You should first convert your .mpp file to a more convenient format, such as pdf or an image format, like png, using a tool like Zamzar or something similar. Then, depending on your output, on the iPhone you would use a UIWebView to display a PDF or an UIImageView to view an image.