How to write text on image in objective-c iPhone? - iphone

I want to write some text on an image and save it as png with reduced size. is it possible in objective-c iPhone?
Tell me the best possible answer. or any sample code for it.
Thanks in advance

Please Follow this... how to draw on Image and download sample code from there and see how it will works...


iphone: scale when using glgif library

I am using glgif to display some gif picture on iphone, the gif is be downloaded from web. I display it on iphone successfully but the picture seems wrong scale. It happened to many pictures. Can anyone suggest me to fix this? I dig in to glgif but can not find a way to fix.
Thank you very much.
Uncomment [self setAspectScale:YES]; inside -(void)startAnimation:(Video*)video;

how to get the image position from pdf file in objective c?

I am doing something like extracting the pdf text in a string format so as to annotate the text and in the same process i need to find the image positions covered in the same pdf file so as to maintain its position. Now the problem is that i am not getting the exact positions of the images in the same pdf file. Is it possible to use some thing like OCR,if yes,how to use that?
Can anybody help me in finding the exact position of the image in the pdf file? I need to implement some pdf reader kind of application for ipad,that's just for the knowledge.
Thank you.
Isn't OCR a little bit heavy weight for iphone?
Take look on tools like pdftotext from Xpdf. It is much simpler to read data, as to render and recognize it back again.

Code to generate pdf from text in iphone

Can anybody tell me Code to generate pdf from text in iphone. Thanks in advance.
Did you try reading the documentation that outlines this?

how to use .gif files in iphone sdk?

I am getting a problem in displaying the .gif file in my view.Actually I am getting the .gif files from the parser and I need to display the into my view.Can anyone suggest how to use the .gif file in our app.I am struggling a lot for this.Can we convert .gif,.tiff and .jpg files into .png with progrmming?
Anyone's help will be much appreciated.
Thank to all who helped me,
UIImage already support gif file. So you should be able to show it in UIImageView. What is the problem that you are getting actually? There might be some other problem. Please post some code so that we can further check.
For testing you can use a png and check whether the problem is actually causing by gif or not.
Best way I found is to use this perfect UIImage Category

How do I resize and save an image on the iPhone?

I want to save the image that is pinched to different size from original size. How could
I save it? How should I write the code ?
You should be able to find your answers in this question:
The answers to these questions provide a few different ways of resizing UIImages:
"What’s the easiest way to resize/optimize an image size with the iPhone SDK?"
"UIImage: Resize, then Crop"