Annotation lines for iphone videos - iphone

I am working on an iPhone application where i be creating an video where i can annotate the video with lines .
I have gone through the library but could not find anything that could help me till now .
I would really appreciate it if anyone could show some light on this matter at the earliest.
Thanking You,

If you want to add yourown graphics or text or lines to the video have a look at AVFoundation, should be able to do what you wAnt


How to build a Flutter app for video editing with pause, shape annotations, and saving features?

I want to build a Flutter app that allows users to edit videos by pausing at any frame, add shapes such as arrows, circles, or any custom shapes on the video by choosing the shape and add it to the desired position in this frame (the user should add it by finger),this frame will be paused for some specific seconds then the video continue, and save the new video. What is the best way to implement this functionality if possible?
the image below for a pc program clarifies what I want:
video editor for windows
Specifically, I'm looking for suggestions on:
How to add shape annotations to the video?
How to make elongate the edited frame for a specified time
How to save the edited video
Any code snippets, tutorials, or examples would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I've tried searching for packages or libraries that can help me achieve this, but haven't found anything specific(i found ffmpeg for flutter but I couldn't find how to use it to add the overlay for specified time and for choosing the position by finger ) . I'm also not sure about the best approach to implement this feature. Can someone provide some guidance on how to proceed?

Get frames from video, edit and save in iPhone

I am referring this application and want to learn that how can we create like this?
Actually there is the major R&D task for me and I don't even know what to search in this topic.
I don't know , from where to start googling.
According to my understandings, the concepts is, It is getting all frames from video as Image and edit it like draw line on it and then save it, so once video is played it also contains that editing.
I had referred this iFrameExtractor but can't got success.
Please advise me how to start doing R&D on this topic..
Thanks in advance.
Ok i have a answer for your question, First of all u have to get all video from your iPhone. That can be done using ALAssetLibrary after that u have to how thee videos in UITableView. I think that should be easy for u. After selecting a video from a table view u have to play that selected video using MPMoviePlayerController or AVPlayer. After that u have to draw anything.There are number of methods of drawing anything on Videos which are:-
UIBezierPathCurve, UIGraphicsBeginImageContext, Open GLes etc etc
Thats it.try googling on it. thanks :)

iphone: scale when using glgif library

I am using glgif to display some gif picture on iphone, the gif is be downloaded from web. I display it on iphone successfully but the picture seems wrong scale. It happened to many pictures. Can anyone suggest me to fix this? I dig in to glgif but can not find a way to fix.
Thank you very much.
Uncomment [self setAspectScale:YES]; inside -(void)startAnimation:(Video*)video;

iPhone - Image selection similar to Music Album in iPhone

I am new in iPhone programming. I want to create a puzzle game and I would really like to implement and image selection screen similar to the way you select a Music Album in iPhone iPod.
I can't upload a picture, but I will send you a link if my description is not detailed enough.
I don't know what to search for details. Can you give me a hint if it is even possible to implement it?
Thank you a lot,
Refer to this, it is much easier one.
That's called Cover Flow and there's an open source library that does something similar here.
Alternatively, Apple has a built-in UIImagePicker.

How to rotate QTVR image 360 degree in iPhone?

I want to develope one iphone based application in which i want to rotate one image (type:QTVR) 360 degree. So, i can get the same behavior like street view in google map.
If anybody has done this then please share code snippet here or any useful url for any related article then please paste it in reply.
Any help is greatly appreciate.
Thanks in Advance,
I guess you mean you wanna "rotate" your point-of-view to "scroll" a panoramic image...
I'm using the software "Pano2vr"
It can export panoramas in HTML+javascript+css, so you can embed all the files in your project
and load it in a UIWebView
You can download the demo version to have a look here:
ciao, luca