How to "become a fan" by Facebook API without leaving iPhone app? - iphone

I'd like to allow user to "become a fan" of certain Facebook page in my iPhone app. How can I do that without leave my app, i.e.:
user choose to "become a fan" of a predefined page
Facebook login dialog shows up within app
the app sends "become a fan" request via Facebook API
the Facebook dialog closes and return to app
Some source code samples will be very helpful.

Check out this method on how to allow the user to become a fan on the iPhone. The problem here is that the user will leave your application and must have the Facebook app installed on his deviec...

Regarding the method suggested by ibeitia, it currently doesn't work reliably. There is a known bug in the Facebook application which displays a blank screen instead of your facebook page (unless the user's last action was visiting another profile page).
You can follow up here:


Is it possible to deeplink from a facebook post to an app and does it need to be approved by facebook?

I would like to have my app post to facebook and then when "friends" see the link, they can click on it and since it is a deeplink, clicking on it would take the user to the app store if the app isnt downloaded otherwise it would take them to the correct page of the app. Would this need approval from Facebook?
No approval needed, but in most cases this is currently not possible — Facebook has decided to block the functionality. The best option is to post a link pointing to a page on your website, and then open your app from there.
In other words, you can't open a link from the news feed and have it launch the app. However you can open a link to your website, and once the website is open you can launch your app successfully from there. This is the approach we currently use at

Why cannot others see my app/use my app

I have created a facebook canvas app. It embeds a web site (which is fully functioning for several months).
If I paste the app url in browser, only I can see the app. But when any of my friends type, they are not able to/allowed to see the page. Even when they are logged in as facebook user, they are not allowed to see the app page.
(I have implemented facebook login using javascript in my home page)
Can anyone give any hints.
Go to "Settings & Review" in the App Settings, there is a checkbox to put the App live. Else, only users with a role in the App can use it.

Integrate Facebook application to facebook wall

Im planning to develop a free facebook app. I need to know if its possible to have my app on user's wall?
Maybe like an icon or something. And when visitors of this user(my app's user) click this icon on his wall, this app should generate a jQuery popup and display some information.
Do you think it is possible? Does facebook allow third-party applications to be integrated right onto user wall?
The only way this is possible is to post a link to your site (assuming you have defined the og:image meta tag) on the user's wall and have them advertise your application. This can be considered intrusive, however, so stay clear of this if you wish to retain users.
Short answer is no. Facebook removed every app based profile page customization.
If your app is a canvas app, your users can bookmark your app on their home page.
The most app-like output you can place in your user's facebook wall is a flash object, that could display anything you want and be interactive after the first click (think of the youtube videos that plays in timeline). If your users pin it on their timeline it will stay on top for two weeks. To post flash content to feeds, use the source attribe of the Post object.

How to get app title/link directed over to a website?

You know the publishing apps on Facebook: "Published via ____".
I've see a few times where when you click on the app name, it goes directly to the provider's website? (For example, if I clicked on it, it would direct to
For the life of me, I can't figure out how they make that work. Can't find a setting in the developer app.
Any ideas?
This is just done via a facebook page or application. If you create the facebook application, and post content via the application, it will automatically show the "Published via ..." at the bottom.
What it does is redirect you to the application page (so FB can track the number of clicks) then it will auto redirect to the website url page specified in the application settings.
Here is a tutorial

How to redirect your "Go to app" button to lead users to your website

i set up a new app-- when my users recieve the permission scree, after clicking "Go to app" i want it to redirect to my own website ( instead its redirecting me to my website within facebook.
Since my website is not compatible within facebook, i need the app to lead users to my site- how can i do that?
The url that the users are being redirected to once the clicked the allow button is the url you provided in the "redirect_uri" parameter when you sent the user to the oauth dialog.
Instead of specifing your fb app url ( you can use (as long as it's the same as what's in the app settings).
Another thing that you can do is to just reload the page using javascript:
top.location.href = "";
With all of that said, you should not be doing that.
It cleary says in the Facebook Platform Policies:
The primary purpose of your Canvas or Page Tab app on Facebook must not be to simply redirect users out of the Facebook experience
and onto an external site.
If your app has a Canvas presence, then the Go To App button will redirect to your canvas landing page. For example
If your app is strictly a Connect app then the Go To App button will redirect to your site outside of Facebook for example
If your app has both Canvas and Connect implemented, it will go to the Canvas page.
The relevant settings in the Facebook developer app are under "Select how your app integrates with Facebook". You do not need to have any canvas presence within You can just check the box for Website and then the Go To App button will take users directly to your site. Be aware that if you do this you lose the ability to use a few important API features such as Bookmarks and Requests.