Integrate Facebook application to facebook wall - facebook

Im planning to develop a free facebook app. I need to know if its possible to have my app on user's wall?
Maybe like an icon or something. And when visitors of this user(my app's user) click this icon on his wall, this app should generate a jQuery popup and display some information.
Do you think it is possible? Does facebook allow third-party applications to be integrated right onto user wall?

The only way this is possible is to post a link to your site (assuming you have defined the og:image meta tag) on the user's wall and have them advertise your application. This can be considered intrusive, however, so stay clear of this if you wish to retain users.

Short answer is no. Facebook removed every app based profile page customization.
If your app is a canvas app, your users can bookmark your app on their home page.
The most app-like output you can place in your user's facebook wall is a flash object, that could display anything you want and be interactive after the first click (think of the youtube videos that plays in timeline). If your users pin it on their timeline it will stay on top for two weeks. To post flash content to feeds, use the source attribe of the Post object.


Embed website as Facebook App

I'm basically trying to put all the functionality of this website:
into Facebook via the "website" platform.
I've started the app process in facebook and I entered the URL as website platform (attached image).
However, when I go to preview the "app", I just get a link to my website in the top right (attached image).
Do I have to recreate the entire functionality of the website within Facebook? Or can I just port the functionality into a Facebook app? I really would like users to be able to visit the website within Facebook, where it would grab their location information and customize my website based on their latitude/longitude.
Thanks for any help!
You can just port your website to facebook app but i think that depend on your desired output. Your website can also be ported to a canvas app.

Smart App Banner in Facebook

When a user opens a link in their Facebook iPhone app to our page, how do you get the Smart App Banner to show at the top of the page? It doesn't show I'm assuming because the Apple Dev site says Smart App Banners don't show up in frames. Is there a way around this? Do I have to build my own custom banner?
This is also an issue in Twitter. Our app shares links to FB and Twitter back to our site. I'm trying to figure out how to make the Smart App Banner to show up whether viewing in iPhone Safari, Facebook, or Twitter.
Smart App Banners require a meta tag in the header of the page. They cannot be used in frames. So without access to the source code of Facebook and Twitter, this isn't possible.
Yes, you will have to build your own smart banner or use someones work. I had the same problem and would like the visitors to our website to find our app using a "smart banner".
I have adapted this great script:
Had to make a few changes to link to the app in App Store instead of the artist e.g. changed the code artistViewUrl to trackViewUrl = json.results[0].trackViewUrl to link directly to the app instead of the developer in my case.
It's implemented here and has been tested it in Messenger, Twitter and the native Facebook app. The usual smart banner is shown in Safari. The other will appear in other browsers and when using frames.
So far it has given the result I was aiming for even though Facebook steals the best spot in the Messenger app. Hope it helps.

Is there a way to publish stories with links without a user being forced to add the content to the user's timeline?

I'm interested in creating an app on an external website that will publish logged-in user's article reads to their timeline. However, I've noticed that when a story is published to timeline, other users who are not connected with your app, are forced to "Add to Timeline". To me, this defeats the purpose because I want users who are not associated with our brand to discover our content and then add it to the timeline if they are a fan of ours. Is there a way to turn off this setting? or is everyone FORCED to add an app to the timeline before they can see the content?
for instance, when I click on a story posted by the Washington Post on someone's timeline, I get this screen -> when I expected it to just bring me straight to the article. Most users are going to abandon the app at this point and never click on a Washington Post article again
and it looks like people are making browser plugins to stop this from happening:
so, is there a way for developers to prevent this all together?
What do you mean about FORCED ? If i give permissions, after app produces timeline posts, it will combine and show as an application box in my timeline. But before it, i can see my friends timeline apps without installing them. Also same in newsticker in news feed...
For example in my profile , you should see my NIVEA Mega Kutu timeline app without interacting app..

Difference Between Facebook App Page and Facebook Page

I have created a Facebook page for our business, and I created a Facebook App to get a AppID in order to use it in the Facebook plugins.
I've noticed that a Facebook App has a page which looks the same as a Facebook Page.
Which one should I use for promoting to the public? The App Page or normal Page?
You should be promoting your business page. That's what people will be searching for.
Essentially, all objects within the Facebook sphere are represented by a Page. Your app gets one of it's own which, if you were so inclined, would mean you could use it to promote your application. I would also recommend locking down your application's Page so the wall doesn't get filled with spam and other dubious and possibly malicious links. You can do this in the Page settings.
Promote the normal page( The application page is where you would promote the application you built but it sounds like you just need a appid.
A significant difference between an app page vs a normal page: the app page does not show the number of people who 'like' it. It shows the number of MAU instead.
You have to promote the normal Page. In the normal page you can add a tab that link your application.
One other bit of information: If you create an ad in facebook which links to your page then it will have a like button and will show the current number of people which like your page when it is served to people.
If you have an app then it will not have the like button, but if people use your app then when an ad is served to someone that has a friend that used the app they will see a social context in the ad 'jonny B used(or played if a game) your [app/game name]' at the bottom of the ad.

How to "become a fan" by Facebook API without leaving iPhone app?

I'd like to allow user to "become a fan" of certain Facebook page in my iPhone app. How can I do that without leave my app, i.e.:
user choose to "become a fan" of a predefined page
Facebook login dialog shows up within app
the app sends "become a fan" request via Facebook API
the Facebook dialog closes and return to app
Some source code samples will be very helpful.
Check out this method on how to allow the user to become a fan on the iPhone. The problem here is that the user will leave your application and must have the Facebook app installed on his deviec...
Regarding the method suggested by ibeitia, it currently doesn't work reliably. There is a known bug in the Facebook application which displays a blank screen instead of your facebook page (unless the user's last action was visiting another profile page).
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