How to get app title/link directed over to a website? - facebook

You know the publishing apps on Facebook: "Published via ____".
I've see a few times where when you click on the app name, it goes directly to the provider's website? (For example, if I clicked on it, it would direct to
For the life of me, I can't figure out how they make that work. Can't find a setting in the developer app.
Any ideas?

This is just done via a facebook page or application. If you create the facebook application, and post content via the application, it will automatically show the "Published via ..." at the bottom.
What it does is redirect you to the application page (so FB can track the number of clicks) then it will auto redirect to the website url page specified in the application settings.
Here is a tutorial


Deep linking not working from the Facebook timeline

I am trying to enable deep linking from custom open graph stories. I have gone through the instructions listed
Deep linking works fine when I click from the Facebook timeline to the actual story post page and then click the object button. If I click the object button on the timeline itself, the url is NOT handled and instead is open directly in the Facebook webview.
This may be because I don't have a web platform added on my App Dashboard.
Facebook documentation reads
Deep linking in Open Graph stories If you're deep linking from an Open
Graph story published from your app, you will need to go through one
more step.
If you HAVEN'T already added a website for this app, in the App
Dashboard, inside your app's settings, click on ''Add platform'', and
select ''Website''. Then in any of the fields (either ''Site URL'' or
''Mobile site URL''), fill in your subdomain. It doesn't matter if you
don't have a website that you're integrating with Facebook, this will
register this subdomain for use with your native app.
However, when I try to add a the url in app settings (the screenshots match those in the documentation), my open graph submission is rejected by Facebook with the note:
Your app does not qualify for the submitted platform. In the app
settings tab, please remove platforms without Facebook integration.
Canvas or page tab apps cannot redirect users, and websites must
properly integrate Facebook login.
Anybody been through this before and can lend some guidance? I am very much confused by the documentation.
The deep-linking started working on its own about a week later without any changes on my part.

Confused about App Dev process- Only trying to link to a website

I am trying to get Facebook features (like button, and login capabilities) on my website but I am having a tough time figuring out how to do it. I have a Facebook page for my website too, I do not have an app, but from what I've seen I'm supposed to create this App profile through Facebook in order to access all of these features. I am simply confused. I have a website, I have a Facebook page for that website, now I want to link the two. Again, I do not have an app for the site, yet, as it is in its early development stages. Please help me figure out what I must do to link my website to Facebook capabilities
Just "create an application" for the website. I think what you are most confused about is actually building an app.
"Create an application" provides a reference for your application to reside. All Facebook plugins currently must be processed through the JS SDK which needs an application (reference) to make requests. You will see the benefits of doing this when using
Also your Facebook fan page has nothing to do with your website, think of it separately, it will cause less confusion. There is no way to link them.
Summary: Just click the "Create app" button, set the domain to your website domain and supply the application id to the JS SDK.
Have you checked out their site?
All you need to do after registering with Facebook as a developer, you should have a control panel. After that you should have a dev key, so when you make an API call to Facebook that you can authentic yourself as a registered developer. You do need to enter the javascript file in the head section so that when you call the Facebook API your Javascript code knows to reference the calls.

On Facebook is it possible to force an app to display as a page tab?

I have a Facebook app the currently consists of 3 elements - an App on Facebook, Mobile Web, and a Page Tab.
Currently if I use the app URL it detects whether I am on a mobile or not and directs me to either the app on Facebook or the mobile web site.
What I'd like it to do is always show the app in the context of the page tab. Is there anyway to force this?
I tried looking at whether I could use the page tab URL directly and have that redirect to the mobile but depending on how I've linked it either returns a 404 or just takes you to the Facebook page. I appreciate I could do my own mobile detection but I thought I'd check if I'm missing something in Facebook first.
I wrote an explanation of how to do this here:
Hope this is what you are after!

Redirect Facebook App To External Page

I'm having issues configuring my Facebook app to behave as I want when posting information via the Feed Dialog. I've set up an app and created a link that correctly posts my content when clicked, but I can't figure out how to make the link to the app in the resulting post redirect where I want it to.
As an example, here's a post made via Instagram.
If I click on the 'via Instagram' link, I get either prompted or automatically redirected from the destination URL to
I've seen other posts suggest you can do something similar using a JavaScript redirect from the App Canvas page, and I've got a proof of concept doing this, but since I've seen Instagram and other apps do this seemingly internally to Facebook I'm convinced it's possible to do more cleanly.
That link goes to your app's canvas URL ( or website URL as defined in the app settings, it can't be configured with any more granularity.
This seems that it will probably do the trick most easily:
See the redirect radio button in the image they have.

How do I create a Facebook application for use only on page tabs?

I'm currently creating a very basic Facebook application and I've run into a bit of a roadblock, so any help would be appreciated.
My application is as follows: I want to have the application pull records from my database that the user has added to my site off of Facebook and display them in a tab on one of their fan pages. Everything the user could add or edit will be done on my site (not on/through Facebook) so all I need to do is have my application check which page is requesting and display their records. I imagine the install will go something like this: user signs up on my site, user adds app to their page, user links their account and fan page (thinking of the best way to do this), user adds records.
The problem I'm running into is there's barely any information on the new Facebook PHP-SDK (does not use the require_login() method) and I'm not really sure how to start. Again, the only functionality I need on the Facebook end is for them to be able to add my application to their fan page and be able to distinguish between which page is requesting my app.
Does anyone have any resources for creating a basic application with the new SDK? Facebook's dev section is absolutely no help for beginners and I'm pulling my hair out despite a pretty solid grounding in backend development.
tab apps have some limitations comparing to regular fb apps. You can read about those here.
How to make a tab - register a facebook app, fill out "Tab Name" and "Tab URL" fields in the profiles settings (you might need to fill out "canvas" settings first).
Now all tabs will be loaded from "Tab URL" on your server. How to find out who is tab owner - check for fb_sig_profile_user request parameter in your tab page handler, which contains owner's user id.
This should get you started.