Automatically capture the video with iPHone OS 3.x - iphone

I have just view the iPhone application Touch Cam ( which provides the capturing video automatically.
There is no api provided for this in iPHone OS 3.x.
Is there any hidden API (Undocumented ) is available for this. or how can we start the capturing of video automatically.
Look forward for positive response.

You can use a UIImagePickerController to allow the user to capture video and provide custom overlays if you don't want the standard view. This has been available since iOS 3.1.


How can you enable the iOS 6.0 panorama camera within an application?

I'm working on an app for iOS 6 that utilizes the camera, but I've been unable to figure out how to enable the options which would allow the user to take a panoramic shot. I've got everything working as far as taking a normal photo goes, but would like to give the user the option to use the new panorama feature in iOS 6 in the app.
I've scoured the net and not been able to find any information (SO, Apple Dev Center, etc). I'm unable to determine whether this is even a possibility or not. Can we use this, and if so, how?
This is not possible. Access to the camera is only possible via UIImagePickerController or through AVFramework, and neither of these provide this functionality.
AVFramework gives you the data stream from the camera, and you have to handle that yourself. Unless you want to implement your own panoramic feature, this isn't appropriate.
Whilst there are settings to adjust flash, video/image and rear/front in UIImagePickerController, there are none to enable the native panoramic feature.
In a similar vain to HDR photographs, Panoramic capture is only available within the Camera app.

Airplay output from RemoteIO pass through

To prove a concept I am trying to output the iDevice microphone over Airplay. I have modified the AurioTouch code to provide the pass through, and it works fine using Airplay Mirroring from 4S / iPad 2 to Apple TV.
However, when I try to use standard Airplay, either from iPhone 4 / iPad 1 or to an Airport Express, the audio outputs from the device speaker, even if the Airplay device is selected using either the system output route selector or the MPVolumeView in my app.
Is there anything I need to do to enable Airplay on my AudioUnit? According to the documentation:
AirPlay support is built in to the AV Foundation framework and the Core Audio family of frameworks. Any audio content you play using these frameworks is automatically made eligible for AirPlay distribution. Once the user chooses to play your audio using AirPlay, it is routed automatically by the system.
But I don't seem to be having any joy.

Dropbox app like video & audio preview

How do I generate a audio and video preview function exactly like it is in Dropbox iPhone app? Is it AVPlayer or MPMoviePlayer? Or is it custom made controls and slider? I need exact same controls and slider option.
Also I need to play the video and audio using a web service. The files are on the server. So I need to buffer them and play them as they get buffered.
Please suggest some help.
I'm not sure what is in the Dropbox app.
AVPlayer doesn't include any search etc. controls, and adding them yourself is fiddly. Consider instead MPMoviePlayerViewController (a newer controller class which wraps the old MPMoviePlayerController).
Be aware of the iOS limitations of whatever classes/techniques you use. For example, if you want your code to work pre-iOS3.2, you need to use MPMoviePlayerController directly (when running on iOS < 3.2) instead of MPMoviePlayerViewController. If the device iOS >= 3.2, you use MPMoviePlayerViewController.
Disclaimer: I don't know all of your requirements etc. For a good overview of the complicated history of multimedia APIs, check out this page.

Playing movie in iOS applicatione made in Flex

I'm writing the application for iOS in Flex (sdk 4.5). Is it possible to play movie in such built application?
I was trying to use Video component - which works well on my desktop, but it doesn't work on my iPod. Of course my application is running, but the video isn't playing.
I think I have final results:
It is possible to play video in iOS app written for AIR 2.6 but it can't be decoded by using h.264 video and acc audio codecs.
For me it was working when video was decoded by using vp6 codec and standard Video component. There is an issue with low frame rate which can be partially resolved when setting renderMode to gpu in descriptor file, however as you can see here it's not recommended.
P.S. Thanks for help J_A_X.
I would recommend that instead of trying to play the video internal to your application, you just link to it and let the native OS handle it. The OS will either open up a browser to play the file or launch a native app to handle it.
Have you tried to use the StageVideo class? It's new in 10.2 and meant to utilize full hardware acceleration. Follow this tutorial for more information.

how does first generation iPhone camera video?

There are some apps that let the first generation iPhone record video with a reasonable quality. My question is, which api do those apps use? Do they use custom code for compression to mpeg? And how do they gather so many images per second from the camera, which does only allow to take still pictures? The takePicture function of UIImagePickerController would be too slow for that.
"This app works by using the long-blacklisted UIGetScreenImage() function that I've written about in the past. (I discovered this use by scanning the application using my APIkit scanner.) Apple must have willingly given the go-ahead for its use, as their automated scanning must have picked the same function call. Good news on the "more flexible review" front. Since Apple recently gave the green light to the UStream video app, with Qik hot on its heels, it's likely we'll see more of these applications that provide iPhone video functionality for livecasting or recording from your device." -
My summary: I think that the app opens a "Take a picture" type of view, and then "records the screen and saves to video" by using the UIGetScreenImage() API.
Unless these apps run on iOS versions prior to 4.0, I very much suspect they use the standard Apple API, as the UIImagePickerController has specific support for recording video on supported devices.
See the startVideoCapture instance method within the UIImagePickerController class reference.