Dropbox app like video & audio preview - iphone

How do I generate a audio and video preview function exactly like it is in Dropbox iPhone app? Is it AVPlayer or MPMoviePlayer? Or is it custom made controls and slider? I need exact same controls and slider option.
Also I need to play the video and audio using a web service. The files are on the server. So I need to buffer them and play them as they get buffered.
Please suggest some help.

I'm not sure what is in the Dropbox app.
AVPlayer doesn't include any search etc. controls, and adding them yourself is fiddly. Consider instead MPMoviePlayerViewController (a newer controller class which wraps the old MPMoviePlayerController).
Be aware of the iOS limitations of whatever classes/techniques you use. For example, if you want your code to work pre-iOS3.2, you need to use MPMoviePlayerController directly (when running on iOS < 3.2) instead of MPMoviePlayerViewController. If the device iOS >= 3.2, you use MPMoviePlayerViewController.
Disclaimer: I don't know all of your requirements etc. For a good overview of the complicated history of multimedia APIs, check out this page.


iPhone iOS5 what are my options for playing audio I do not have bundled in?

I currently have 3 ways to play audio within my app:
Using AudioServicesPlaySystemSound for vibration and simple
Using Audio Toolbox for bundled files (3rd party class)
Using AudioServices with AudioFX
What I'm currently investigating is, if I can play other kinds of audio that are already present on the iPhone. I would like to reduce my app's download size, as well as offer more flexibility in terms of the kind of sound that the user can play.
Can I play from within my app:
Audio recordings from the Voice Memos app, or do I have to
create my own recordings? Items from an iPod playlist or Music app?
Items from youtube by pre-loading them, or will I have to stream them every time?
Existing ringtone for the phone?
I am a complete beginner when it comes down to playing audio on an iPhone and am already using two 3rd party classes for audio tasks.
Is there an easy way to accomplish some of the tasks listed above?
1) Audio recordings from the Voice Memos app
It's been asked before and I don't believe it's possible from your app sandbox.
iPhone: Access voice memos programmatically
2) Items from an iPod playlist or Music app
There's an API for that, the iPod Access Library:
3) Items from youtube
Should be possible, using a UIWebView.
4) Existing ringtone for the phone
No, you can't access the current ringtone programatically.
How can I programmatically determine the default ringtone on an iPhone?
You can download sound files on first start (not in your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method or your app will likely be killed) and save them locally, then you can just play them when needed. You can play files in their iTunes library, but won't know what they have in the library.
To play from their library, this is a handy example:
You can also record user input from your app with AVAudioRecorder, save that and then play it whenever.

Playing movie in iOS applicatione made in Flex

I'm writing the application for iOS in Flex (sdk 4.5). Is it possible to play movie in such built application?
I was trying to use Video component - which works well on my desktop, but it doesn't work on my iPod. Of course my application is running, but the video isn't playing.
I think I have final results:
It is possible to play video in iOS app written for AIR 2.6 but it can't be decoded by using h.264 video and acc audio codecs.
For me it was working when video was decoded by using vp6 codec and standard Video component. There is an issue with low frame rate which can be partially resolved when setting renderMode to gpu in descriptor file, however as you can see here it's not recommended.
P.S. Thanks for help J_A_X.
I would recommend that instead of trying to play the video internal to your application, you just link to it and let the native OS handle it. The OS will either open up a browser to play the file or launch a native app to handle it.
Have you tried to use the StageVideo class? It's new in 10.2 and meant to utilize full hardware acceleration. Follow this tutorial for more information.

Making internet radio app

I'm making my own internet radio app with a custom interface. So i'm wondering what is the best tool to implement the audio playback with a custom interface? I tried to use MPMoviePlayerController, but i couldn't find out how to customize it's interface. I also tried AVPlayer, but somehow it didn't play the .m3u files, though it worked perfectly well with .m3u8 playlists from apple test http live stream examples.
Use audiostreamer its also having a good example https://github.com/mattgallagher/AudioStreamer
cheers endo

Automatically capture the video with iPHone OS 3.x

I have just view the iPhone application Touch Cam (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/touch-cam-video-recording/id337848815?mt=8) which provides the capturing video automatically.
There is no api provided for this in iPHone OS 3.x.
Is there any hidden API (Undocumented ) is available for this. or how can we start the capturing of video automatically.
Look forward for positive response.
You can use a UIImagePickerController to allow the user to capture video and provide custom overlays if you don't want the standard view. This has been available since iOS 3.1.

iPhone external video playback from an app

I know the iPhone can play video on an external screen if you have the Apple component output cable. I also know you can write an app that plays video. Is there a way to put those two things together and write an app that will play video specifically on an external screen?
This is currently not possible with the iPhone API. I have heard of apps that have done it on jail-broken phones, but there is not Apple-approved way of doing it at this time.
This can be done using private private APIs, but it won't get in the store. This guy wrote a class to do it here: http://dragonforged.com/DFVideoOut.shtml Haven't used it myself, but it looks very simple.