Playing movie in iOS applicatione made in Flex - iphone

I'm writing the application for iOS in Flex (sdk 4.5). Is it possible to play movie in such built application?
I was trying to use Video component - which works well on my desktop, but it doesn't work on my iPod. Of course my application is running, but the video isn't playing.

I think I have final results:
It is possible to play video in iOS app written for AIR 2.6 but it can't be decoded by using h.264 video and acc audio codecs.
For me it was working when video was decoded by using vp6 codec and standard Video component. There is an issue with low frame rate which can be partially resolved when setting renderMode to gpu in descriptor file, however as you can see here it's not recommended.
P.S. Thanks for help J_A_X.

I would recommend that instead of trying to play the video internal to your application, you just link to it and let the native OS handle it. The OS will either open up a browser to play the file or launch a native app to handle it.

Have you tried to use the StageVideo class? It's new in 10.2 and meant to utilize full hardware acceleration. Follow this tutorial for more information.


Unity3D: Cross Platform Video Streaming?

We are working on a prototyp application using unity3d. Your goal is to create a fluid and fun to use cross platform app.
The problem we facing right now is streaming (h.264 - mp4) video content over the web. This will be a major feature of our app.
I have already tried MovieTextures and the www class but it seems the files must be in ogg format which we can not provide. On the other hand handheld.playfullscreenmovie seems to be an android and ios only feature which uses the build in video player. This would be great if it would be supported on other platforms (e.g. Win8-Phone) as well.
Is there another cross platform option to stream (h.264 - mp4) video content over the web and display in full screen or as gui object? Or are there any plans to support something like this in the near future? Or is there a stable plugin for such a task?
As of Unity 5 Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie supports Windows Phone and Windows Store as per
On Windows Phone 8, Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie internally uses Microsoft Media Foundation for movie playback. On this platform, calling Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie with full or minimal control mode is not supported.
On Windows Store Apps and Windows Phone 8.1, Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie internally uses XAML MediaElement control.
On Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps, there generally isn't movie resolution or bitrate limit, however, higher resolution or bitrate movies will consume more memory for decoding. Weaker devices will also start skipping frames much sooner at extremely high resolutions. For example, Nokia Lumia 620 can only play videos smoothly up to 1920x1080. For these platforms, you can find list of supported formats here: Supported audio and video formats on Windows Store
mp4 is not a streamable container. If you read the ISO specification, you will see that MP4 can not be streamed. This is because the MOOV atom can not be written until all frames are know and accounted for. This 100% incompatible for live video. There are supersets of MP4 used in DASH that make this possible. Essentially, they create a little mp4 (called a fragment) file every couple seconds. Alternatively you can use a container designed for streaming such as FLV or TS.
You will probably need to step outside the unity sdk a bit to enable this.

Common SDK (smarttv-alliance): no video playback

Trying the SDK from the smart tv alliance, I worry about it not playing videos in the vbox.
The menu and browser works well, but e.g. when trying the video sample project within SDK, it does not play videos there. => screen remains black in the content area...
It's a smart tv virtualization, so I hope it supports video playback and is not a missing feature (as in some android simulators).
It's exactly like a normal site or HTML document...
Add your video like you would do normally.
The SDK emulator does not supprot much formats to be played except of the mp4 progressive download. What exactly are you trying to stream?

Dropbox app like video & audio preview

How do I generate a audio and video preview function exactly like it is in Dropbox iPhone app? Is it AVPlayer or MPMoviePlayer? Or is it custom made controls and slider? I need exact same controls and slider option.
Also I need to play the video and audio using a web service. The files are on the server. So I need to buffer them and play them as they get buffered.
Please suggest some help.
I'm not sure what is in the Dropbox app.
AVPlayer doesn't include any search etc. controls, and adding them yourself is fiddly. Consider instead MPMoviePlayerViewController (a newer controller class which wraps the old MPMoviePlayerController).
Be aware of the iOS limitations of whatever classes/techniques you use. For example, if you want your code to work pre-iOS3.2, you need to use MPMoviePlayerController directly (when running on iOS < 3.2) instead of MPMoviePlayerViewController. If the device iOS >= 3.2, you use MPMoviePlayerViewController.
Disclaimer: I don't know all of your requirements etc. For a good overview of the complicated history of multimedia APIs, check out this page.

How to show streaming videos in flash in iPhone application

I want to show live video streaming which is in the form of flash. Can any body tell me how to do this in an iPhone application.
The iPhone doesn't support Flash, so using it isn't an option. You can, however, do HTTP streaming of video. Read Apple's documentation for more information.
Adobe announced during their Keynote at MAX yesterday that you will be able to compile Flash for iPhone apps. They have some sample projects available on the Adobe labs site
You can take those sample files and extend them to accomplish what you're looking for.
The native compile output from Flash Professional isn't going to be available until CS5.
Note: Flash is not native on the iPhone and will not run in browser. Also, apps will not have access to the video camera or the microphone.
No flash but you can stream mp4 etc.
good tutorial on how to stream video:

How do I stream video and play it?

How can I stream video data from the network and play it on an iPhone?
First, are you developing a Web app optimized for iPhone or a native application ?
In the first case, your only option is to transcode your video files to Quicktime H.264 (m4v or mp4 extension). You can use Quicktime Pro (use the export menu) or VLC (as a free alternative). Then simply add a hyperlink to the video file on your HTTP server. Make sure it presents the right content-type and stuff (read Safari Web Content Guide for iPhone OS: Configuring Your Server). That'll work for web and native apps (in a native app you would use the MPMoviePlayerController view). So can "stream" (technically called progressive download of a Quicktime movie file).
If you're talking about streaming live content (i.e. content that you produce live or transcode a live feed) there is currently no official way of doing it (as of iPhone OS 2.2). iPhone OS does not support RTSP/RTP streaming. A number of native iPhone applications (such as and Orb Live) have created their custom live streaming solution (most of them transfer a delayed streams with many seconds of latency over HTTP then somehow decode it on the phone using FFmpeg or other libraries).
Are you trying to stream video in your app or just streaming on your iPhone? For streaming video through an app, use the MPMoviePlayerController and pass the URL of your video to it. The MPMoviePlayerController will itself stream the video and play it for you.
If you're looking for a server based solution (with a very affordable Amazon EC2 option), be sure to check out Wowza at
It streams directly to iPhone/iPod Touch without a custom app.
note: I'm not affiliated with them at all... just a fan/customer.
edit: Just noticed how old this question was. :)