any good iphone/ipad photo gallery template - iphone

i am looking for an easy to use photo gallery however i need to find an easy to implement one that has good and clean functionality.
Any solutions?

PhotoViewer by Enormego is good

see three20, the framework, the Facebook app uses.

Take a look AQGridView. It can be used to implement a photo gallery pretty easily.


ios 6 how to add facebook like button natively?

Any of you knows how to implement a facebook like natively in iOS app?. I'll like to implement the button like normla IUbutton.
You may find this useful. I was looking for it the other day but have not had a chance to implement.
In short I don't believe there is a way to do it using native UIbutton.
There is no way to do this natively at this time. The quickest way to do it is to load a webview, and navigate to the page that you wish to like.
Lately FB opened this throught their SDK
Check this out

Three20 TTMessageController lite alternative

Looking for TTMessageController (specifically the TTPickerTextField) lite weight alternative? Without the complete importing of the Three20 sources:(
MFMailComposeViewController is not a good alternative as I would like only have the Picker on a customized view.
As an answer to my comment above, the whole three20 app will add around 20mb to your app, however the latest versions of Three20 are modular, meaning you can choose which parts of Three20 you want to use in your app. You just need to specify what module you need in the Python script.
Jeff does a good job of explaining it over on and has a good youtube demonstration as well.

iphone how to use Three20 save photo?

I use Three20 library to create application like photo album browser.
My Questions is how to use Three20 to save images? or by using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum to save images?
I hope you provide me with some code.
And sorry for my poor English.
Hey, please see the following link:
How do you use TTURLCache to save images to disk?
Good luck.

iOS: Scroll up to refresh

Many iOS apps have a "scroll up to refresh" feature, such as the Twitter app. If you scroll up beyond the beginning of the page or table, you'll get a message explaining how to use the feature.
That controller is not from Apple but many apps seem to use it. I was told it was released for public use by a programmer, but I can't find it after a long google session.
I'd be grateful if anyone can direct me to it! Thanks!
This is a popular implementation:
Here's a link to the original code by enormego on github:
Also it was in Facebook's three20 library I guess.
I was able to find two examples a few minutes after posting this question:
How to make a Pull-To-Reload TableView just like Tweetie 2

Three20 TTLauncherView Tutorial?

I'm attempting to use TTLauncherView from the Facebook Three20 project in my app, but I'm not having much luck (I'm a bit of a newbie at this). Does anyone have any good tutorials at using it that I could read?
FYI basically I need to pull images that a user chooses from the iPhone camera album, and display them as icons that when pressed lead to another view.
you can start studying TTCatalog sample project that comes with three20 library.
Right now I'm working with a improved version of the three20 made by Rodrigo Mazzilli, you can find it here (
rodmaz's version is a fork from the original project and it comes with some improvements, specially in TTLauncherView. It has a new class called TTLauncherViewController which is easier to use, take a look at his demo project TTCatalog.
http:// is a good collaborative site with some tutorials, but it doesn't have much information about TTLauncherView at this moment.
Finally, you should join three20's google group at http:// where you find hundreds of developers using this library.