Three20 TTMessageController lite alternative - iphone

Looking for TTMessageController (specifically the TTPickerTextField) lite weight alternative? Without the complete importing of the Three20 sources:(
MFMailComposeViewController is not a good alternative as I would like only have the Picker on a customized view.

As an answer to my comment above, the whole three20 app will add around 20mb to your app, however the latest versions of Three20 are modular, meaning you can choose which parts of Three20 you want to use in your app. You just need to specify what module you need in the Python script.
Jeff does a good job of explaining it over on and has a good youtube demonstration as well.


Three20 integration in iPhone

I am new for iPhone application development. I want to make an photo album application. But I don't know how to show images like slideshow in iPhone. After searching on internet I got an information about three20 open framework. So I want to know about how should I start with three20. I also downloaded the facebook source from github.
I also got some information that if we use some private API of three20 then our app won't be accepted for apple store.
so please guide me.
Thank you
Apple referred indirectly to the three20 framework in their last Developer Conference and stated it is not necessary to use third party frameworks for photo viewer style scrolling applications. Three20 is fantastic coding, but is now outdated and solves a problem that has since been resolved by Apple's standard library code (e.g. photo scroller with zoom - Indeed Apple claim there was never a problem in the first place, but that there was insufficient documentation for developers to know how to do photo scrolling efficiently). Unless you want to implement the other specific three20 features you are best off avoiding using it. Check out the developer conference videos on advanced scroll views.
The most relevant video is from WWDC 2010 - assuming you have iOS dev center membership, you can check this, which is the most relevant:
and look for the session "Designing apps with Scroll Views"
Also check this one may be of interest:
and look for the video session "Advanced ScrollView Techniques"
Also check out the video on paged scrolling from WWDC 2012.

The graphing in Apple's stock app

Is the graphing portion of Apple's "Stocks" iPhone application available to developers?
My guess would be that it is not. If I am right, on a rough scale on 0-100, how difficult would it be to reproduce? (I know this is a silly question, but anyway. Just want some idea.) Also, what framework do you think would be the most suitable for the reproduction? Core Animation? Notice especially how you can drag your finger across the charts when in landscape mode to see the prices on each data point. It's just way too cool. is probably what you're looking for.
There are several commercial tools for iOS charting, which can probably reproduce the chart you are looking for.
ShinobiControls - which has many interactive features, as seen in this video.
iPhone Charting Library for iPhone Objective-C
Full Disclosure - I work for Scott Logic, which is the parent company of ShinobiControls
It's also worth checking out SciChart, which has an ios financial chart control.
It is a paid control, but in performance tests really outstrips competitors including paid and open source. Some by a mile.
It supports Objective-C, Swift2.2, Swift3 as well as Xamarin in the upcoming v2.x release.
You can now clone the iOS Chart examples on Github and have a play around with the controls and see how we created the above example app!
Full disclosure - I work for SciChart and am the tech lead on the project

Three20 pros and cons

I believe a lot of people have heard of and even used three20 library for building their apps. What's the pros and cons of using it? what's your experience so far - starting from ramping up, app design, building, to approval, and future maintains...
I am interested in picking it up, attracted by the UI elements that not easily get from the official SDK.
I've started developing a new app with Three20. Little note: I've started iPhone Development about one year ago.
I was attracted by the UI elements too, so i thought I'll give it a try.
Downloading the source is strait forward, but when it comes to integrating Three20 to an App it gets difficult. I think I've need about half a day to get it running. The big problem was, that I'm using XCode 3.2.3 with iOS SDK 4.0 and the source I've downloaded was set to run on iOS 3.2. After I read a lot of blog-posts and stuff like that, I finaly managed to run my app on the Simulator and on Device.
The next steps were kind of easy. You can use the UI-Elements and Core-Functions of Three20 easily. Build your app using the URL-based-navigation is great. So Three20 does at lot of things you normaly have to care of yourself. E.g. normaly you have to alloc and init your ViewController, push it to your NavigationController and release it. In Three20 you only have to "call a URL" and the rest is done by the library.
From this point of view Three20 is really great. The next problems I faced was, when you want to customize or change the standard-build-in-components. I've spend a lot of time reading through the class documentation on until I've managed to build my own TableCell. I've faced the same Problem, when I want to load my data a different way to a TableView.
Until now I haven't got any problems with some other libraries in the same project.
I think Three20 is great and easy. On the other side it can be quite difficult. If you like the UI Elements, you should give it a try.
The main problem with Three20 is you have to take all of it or none of it - you can't easily just choose a part you'd like to use.
It's worth searching out other projects that do things you might want Three20 for - like photo browsing.
I used it for a few time. The main con is that you must develop the entire project with the three20 library else some bugs will appear.
I inherited a project that had Three20 integrated just for the networking and the message controller. I don't like it. If you just use the functionality it provides, it works, but when you want to modify something you find yourself drowning in spaghetti code. You also discover a lot of bad coding practices – my favorite was a BOOL value being cast to an object pointer. Some of it looks like it was ported from Javascript. I set an intern to work finding all the parts we don't ever call and commenting out as much Three20 code as possible, and at least I no longer drown in compiler warnings. Now we're spending the time to write our own message controller, and I am looking for a different networking stack.

Three20 TTLauncherView Tutorial?

I'm attempting to use TTLauncherView from the Facebook Three20 project in my app, but I'm not having much luck (I'm a bit of a newbie at this). Does anyone have any good tutorials at using it that I could read?
FYI basically I need to pull images that a user chooses from the iPhone camera album, and display them as icons that when pressed lead to another view.
you can start studying TTCatalog sample project that comes with three20 library.
Right now I'm working with a improved version of the three20 made by Rodrigo Mazzilli, you can find it here (
rodmaz's version is a fork from the original project and it comes with some improvements, specially in TTLauncherView. It has a new class called TTLauncherViewController which is easier to use, take a look at his demo project TTCatalog.
http:// is a good collaborative site with some tutorials, but it doesn't have much information about TTLauncherView at this moment.
Finally, you should join three20's google group at http:// where you find hundreds of developers using this library.

Will all javascript libraries work with Iphone? Aptana question

I am trying to use Aptana to build an IPhone web application. I've never use Aptana. I downloaded the iphone support and started a new project. It is now asking me if I want to import a javascript library and lists the "big ones." Will IPhone's Safari be able to use these, specifically jquery? I saw that jquery had a special iphone library so my guess is no.
Should I tell it to use jquery (or other library) or should I download the special iphone javascript subset manually and try an integrate it in my project?
As far as I know JQuery should work fine on the iPhone. The specific libraries you are talking about must be additions to take advantage of iPhone only features like being able to handle the display orientation event or maybe use the webkit css animation extensions.
Although you will need to be careful with events since most mouse related events on the iPhone behave a little different from what you might expect. This presentation by PPK offers some clues about it:
Yep, iphone should run jquery just fine. The javascript support is surprisingly capable. Although you may want to look at some of the iPhone specific libraries out there. I forget their names. iUI I think?