add iPhone functionality to iPad app - iphone

I have been developing an iPad app. I now want to make it work on the iPhone also. What do I do in Xcode so it can work both ways?
(I am not concerned about adapting to the smaller screen -- that part I can figure out. But how do I get it to start up on the iPhone?)

In the project's build properties, change the target from "iPad" to "iPhone/iPad". Make sure you continue to target iOS 3.2, however, so that you don't break iPad support, and test on both platforms.


Making Iphone App Working on iPad

I have created an iPhone Application, which works only on iPhone.
Now, I want that App on iPad, too.
Is there any way that I can reuse my existing iPhone XIBs to support that App on iPad. (I don't want to recreate all the XIBs for iPad separately.)
Any guidance for that?
Also, What other points I need to take care of?
Your iPhone app will work in iPad if you choose 2x zoom view. But the display will not be of the highest quality. Now rumors are there that next iPad will have retina display. So, one suggestion I can give is, when you create a new project, Choose "Universal" as the option for device family.
Depending on your app, Feature detection might be one thing you have to look out for when you try to run an app on iPad. For example, Siri is available for iPhone 4s, but not iPad 2. (Although the API for Siri isn't out yet, I'm just putting it there). Also, iPhone 4 has camera, while iPad 1 doesn't have.
Click on your target, and under "Devices" change to Universal. Now your project should run on either device.

Testing universal app on iphone only

I am developing a universal ios app and the iphone version is nearly done and about 50% of the ipad. However I need to get started testing the iphone version. Therefore I changed the project only to be a iphone target. However when the app is on the ipad, the nib files for the ipad version is loaded in the iphone simulator. Therefore you only see a fraction of the ipad screen in the iphone simulator. One solution is to remove the references to the ipad nib files, however I would like to avoid this approach.
Anyone one with suggestions?
EDIT: The problem is if I want people to be able to test the iphone version on a ipad(some people only have an ipad not an iphone). When running the iphone simulator on the ipad, it would load the wrong nibfiles. Those intended for the actual ipad and not the iphone.
You don't want to "change the project only to be a iphone target". Change it back and just build and run on the device (iphone or ipad depending upon which one you have plugged in).
Btw, in future I STRONGLY recommend that you test early and test often - e.g. test on devices every day.
Okay, it ended up with the solution I did not want to do :) I removed the nib files intended for the ipad and it removed the issue. After the test I will have to add the ipad nib files to continue working.

Change app to only iPhone deployment

Im using Xcode 4.1 lion release. My app was rejected because it only works on the iPhone, this is how it should be, but i guess i didnt set my app up so it only works on the iPhone. How would i do so?
I go to Targeted Device Family under my project build settings and i have iPhone selected.
What else do i need to do. Thanks
EDIT: During the app review it was still set up under device family as iPhone
Remove and iPad xib files that were created initially. By default Xcode makes an iPad folder when you select the universal build, remove that and you should be good. Other considerations might be to remove iPad launch images if they are present, or any iPad specific code like popover view controllers etc.

change iphone project to work in both iphone and ipad

I already have an application which i have built for iphone only. I need to change it to work in both iphone and ipad.the upgrade to ipad application option in project tab of xcode is faded.. which I means I cant do that... I tried to run the project in ipad simulator but it gets automatically run in iphone simulator.
What are the proper steps to change my project to work in iphone and ipad.
Initially change the build setting,ie change the Targeted Device Family field to iPhone/iPad. To write logic for iPad use "UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad" this condition.

Universal apps are not working right. Why?

Which part of the app is it that "triggers" the iPad app as it's own app as opposed to running the iPhone version in a universal binary?
What do I need to change to make my app Universal, after clicking "Upgrade current Target for iPad"? My app runs on outside of the simulator, but my images are too small and my text is out of place. What am I missing here?
To the opposite end, how do I force my Universal app to run as an iPhone app inside the simulator on the iPad? (When changing "Target Device Family", it will run the iPad version of the app in the simulator, but not the iPhone version.)
It seems to me that these questions kind of complement each other. While I suspect it's the same mechanism at work in both situations, I'm not sure what it is, or how it works.
There are keys in the info.plist file put there by the Targeted Device Family setting. The iPad looks for those plist keys to determine whether to launch as a Universal app or in iPhone emulation mode, and which idiom's xib files to use for app launch.
If you don't have, and specify in the plist, a .xib file suitable for the iPad idiom, then one with the wrong UIWindow frame is used, which ends up in the upper left corner.
You need to re-code the app for the iPad to lay out your text and images how you want them when it is running on an iPad.
To make it run as an iPhone app you stop it being Universal.
The build setting is called Target Device Family
That's where it starts.
If you wrote a universal app and you want to force the iPhone mode on the iPad you switch Target Device Family to iPhone only and it will ignore everything else.