change iphone project to work in both iphone and ipad - iphone

I already have an application which i have built for iphone only. I need to change it to work in both iphone and ipad.the upgrade to ipad application option in project tab of xcode is faded.. which I means I cant do that... I tried to run the project in ipad simulator but it gets automatically run in iphone simulator.
What are the proper steps to change my project to work in iphone and ipad.

Initially change the build setting,ie change the Targeted Device Family field to iPhone/iPad. To write logic for iPad use "UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad" this condition.


App targeted for both iPad and iPhone; removing iPad component pre-release

I'm about to release an app that I have been working on for quite some time and is has currently been built to target both iPhone and iPad. The app has both iPhone and iPad storyboards and various device specific code and views. I now wish to remove the iPad references and release the app targeted for iPhone only.
Can a project be changed in this way without too much difficulty and what are the potential complications that may arise?
You should be able to change the device target in Xcode to just iPhone, then verify the build runs in the iPhone simulator window on the iPad. You can also check the bundle plist to verify that UIDeviceTarget contains only 1, not 1 and 2.
If you want to remove the iPad resources, click on your storyboard (or other files), check the properties pane, and uncheck the target. This will stop the file from being copied into the app bundle.
In this image you can see Devices is selected for iPhone only. You can change it from here.

Problems with Universal iPhone/ipad app build

I have created a Universal (iPhone/ipad) application .I have created separate Xib designs for iPhone and iPad both works well. When i build the app it should give a single .APP(build).I installed in iPhone and iPad tested correctly.
Now i want to give a two separate builds (for user to test), one for iPhone and another one for iPad.So in project settings i changed a target device family (iPhone/ipad -> into iPhone) and (iPhone/ipad -> into iPad). So it gives two separate builds.One for iPhone and another one for iPad.
My problem is when i build with iPhone(as target device family) and installed in iPad means it loads a iPad design not an iPhone design.What could be the mistake i did here ? I search a lot and could not find any solution.
If any one did like this? or do it for me?(testing)
Thanks in advance.....
It's because (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) if you run iPhone-designed app on iPad. And thats why iPad version of xib file is selected. So you need to attach correct .xib file manually, or exclude iPad version of it from iPhone resources.
The tester can install the same build in both iPhone and iPad. The concept of universal build is that, the same app will work on both iPad and iPhone.

Change app to only iPhone deployment

Im using Xcode 4.1 lion release. My app was rejected because it only works on the iPhone, this is how it should be, but i guess i didnt set my app up so it only works on the iPhone. How would i do so?
I go to Targeted Device Family under my project build settings and i have iPhone selected.
What else do i need to do. Thanks
EDIT: During the app review it was still set up under device family as iPhone
Remove and iPad xib files that were created initially. By default Xcode makes an iPad folder when you select the universal build, remove that and you should be good. Other considerations might be to remove iPad launch images if they are present, or any iPad specific code like popover view controllers etc.

how can I run a iPad project on a iPhone or touch

I build a iPad project,i want to run the project on iPhone with auto-resize and it's run successful on iPhone 4.1 simulator,but it's always alert 'can only installed on ipads' when i run it with my iPhone,how can I run a iPad project on a iPhone or touch,what can i do?
You should set Targeted Device Family to iPhone/iPad in your project settings.Hope it works for you..
It doesnt make sense to install an iPad app in iPhone at all.
iPad has its own UI controls.You can install iPhone apps to iPad is just because iPad supports all the controls that iPhone has.
Reverse is not possible.

add iPhone functionality to iPad app

I have been developing an iPad app. I now want to make it work on the iPhone also. What do I do in Xcode so it can work both ways?
(I am not concerned about adapting to the smaller screen -- that part I can figure out. But how do I get it to start up on the iPhone?)
In the project's build properties, change the target from "iPad" to "iPhone/iPad". Make sure you continue to target iOS 3.2, however, so that you don't break iPad support, and test on both platforms.