Making Iphone App Working on iPad - iphone

I have created an iPhone Application, which works only on iPhone.
Now, I want that App on iPad, too.
Is there any way that I can reuse my existing iPhone XIBs to support that App on iPad. (I don't want to recreate all the XIBs for iPad separately.)
Any guidance for that?
Also, What other points I need to take care of?

Your iPhone app will work in iPad if you choose 2x zoom view. But the display will not be of the highest quality. Now rumors are there that next iPad will have retina display. So, one suggestion I can give is, when you create a new project, Choose "Universal" as the option for device family.
Depending on your app, Feature detection might be one thing you have to look out for when you try to run an app on iPad. For example, Siri is available for iPhone 4s, but not iPad 2. (Although the API for Siri isn't out yet, I'm just putting it there). Also, iPhone 4 has camera, while iPad 1 doesn't have.

Click on your target, and under "Devices" change to Universal. Now your project should run on either device.


convert an ipad app to iphone app with custom views

This might be a repeat question.But i have a problem. I have an iPad app functional. The app is built in iOS 6. When i started building it i chose iPad as targeted device NOT universal. Now my client has asked for an iPhone version of it.In my iPad app i keep adding custom views as the client clicks "Add More".I add a custom view which is bunch of textfields, buttons etc.So i copied my iPad app and changed the Targeted device family to iPhone once and also Universal next time and tested it. So when i launch the app in iPhone configuration (keeping the targeted device family as Universal) my view controller stays like that on iPad. I cannot scroll the app also(not up/down..nor sideways). Is this the correct way to convert iPad app to iPhone app . Also everything is still with scale to iPad. Should i start a new project and start everything from scratch.Set the storyboard to fit according to iPhone configuration? In my research people said just change the targeted device family to Universal. But it doesn't work. Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks.
It is possible to convert the current project you have to an app that can be used universally, but it would take more time than simply just creating a new project that allows universal usage, and adding in the files of which you used for your iPad project.
Hint: You can use more than one storyboard when the project was created universally. It will automatically set this up for you.
I would also advise that you separate your files into what works universally, and what is specific for the iPhone or the iPad.
Happy Coding!
After many search i found that it possible to have an application for both Iphone and ipad devices.but in your code you should define unique ui for each device(two xib file).

Iphone app on Ipad - make Ipad select 640x960 instead of pixelated 2x320x480

This is for avoiding an extra target and writing any target-specific adaptation code for the Ipad, separate apps on App Store, etc etc - but instead let the Iphone app display in 640x960 rather than 320x480#2x using the "2x" button.
Even on a non-retina Ipad, there's room for 640x960, but the Ipad is still running Iphone apps on the Ipad as if they were made only for Iphone 3GS.
This is for an app used internally by a company and any authorized client/partner. The company has bought Ipads, but the clients/partners may want to use the Iphones they have.
So, I'm looking for a compile-time target flag or a snippet of code to execute to detect the platform is Ipad and make it display the window full-size.
Has someone succeeded in doing this and if so, how did you achieve it?
This isn't really how things work ... you're trying to create a workaround that will probably take you longer to get to work (if at all possible) than it would if you just commit to making iPad friendly layouts.
If you just make the project a universal binary, then it would run "natively" on the ipad rather than in iphone compatibility mode. After that, the simplest thing you could do is just make sure your view's resize masks are set correctly so they stretch. Depending on the complexity and makeup of your app, many times this is enough to get you through. However, in many cases it would behoove you to just make an ipad specific layout as usability is oftentimes greatly improved.

How to make an iphone and iphone4-retina compatible app (done in cocoa) easily adapted to ipad?

My question is simple: when an iPhone app also supports retina display, it does not need an additional xib file. (Fonts and images are auto-scaled, you just need to prepare double-resolution images.) I want that retina view also applies to iPad and hence there's no additional xib files. (Scale a bit and leave a bit margin, maybe.) Yes, I just want it look bigger, but not in the low-resolution version scaled up from 320x480.
The iPhone, even with a retina display, is not an iPad. You can update your targets and xcode will convert automatically your views to use the entire screen of the iPad, but it won't make the application conforms to
1. Apple guidelines
2. Users expectations of an universal app.
But, as I said, if you do update your targets, your app might look relatively good (just programatically use UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM to use the #2x.png version of your images).
Edit: I misunderstood your question, and now the corrected answer:
There's nothing you can do. The iPad will launch the app as an iPhone app (the small non retina display, pixelated if double sized) if it is defined as such in your plist, and iTunes Connect will sell your app as universal if it isn't defined as an iPhone in the info.plist.
You basically have little choice here but to port the app or to more or less forget about iPad users. And Apple certainly wanted things to be that way...

Universal apps are not working right. Why?

Which part of the app is it that "triggers" the iPad app as it's own app as opposed to running the iPhone version in a universal binary?
What do I need to change to make my app Universal, after clicking "Upgrade current Target for iPad"? My app runs on outside of the simulator, but my images are too small and my text is out of place. What am I missing here?
To the opposite end, how do I force my Universal app to run as an iPhone app inside the simulator on the iPad? (When changing "Target Device Family", it will run the iPad version of the app in the simulator, but not the iPhone version.)
It seems to me that these questions kind of complement each other. While I suspect it's the same mechanism at work in both situations, I'm not sure what it is, or how it works.
There are keys in the info.plist file put there by the Targeted Device Family setting. The iPad looks for those plist keys to determine whether to launch as a Universal app or in iPhone emulation mode, and which idiom's xib files to use for app launch.
If you don't have, and specify in the plist, a .xib file suitable for the iPad idiom, then one with the wrong UIWindow frame is used, which ends up in the upper left corner.
You need to re-code the app for the iPad to lay out your text and images how you want them when it is running on an iPad.
To make it run as an iPhone app you stop it being Universal.
The build setting is called Target Device Family
That's where it starts.
If you wrote a universal app and you want to force the iPhone mode on the iPad you switch Target Device Family to iPhone only and it will ignore everything else.

Is it the same write the iPhone and iPad app?

I have a question about the objective C. I am writing the iPhone application and I want to app which can also run on iPad. Is there are some change do I need to do? As I set the element in code rather than using the Interface builder. Do I need to reset the x,y,width and height for the application? Thank you very much.
You can run exactly the same app developed for iPhone on the iPad. However, it will not use the full screen of the iPad. Look at the Facebook app for instance, you can zoom it but it doesn't look very nice. If your goal is to run an iPhone app on the iPad, you don't have to bother much. If you want to really support iPad in your application you should implement a separate UI for iPad and this is supported in XCode. The iPad has of course a larger screen but also some additional layouts and controls that make apps look great on the iPad.
Have a look at they have more information about this.