Using MPMoviePlayerController - Can we Add Custom Buttons? - iphone

I am creating an app that plays a video. This video is promotional material for a company. It details some of their products. What I want to do is create a button that can "jump" to a specific product. If you click the Product A button, you can jump to the section of the video about Product A.
I've got a basic (and I mean basic) knowledge of how MPMoviePlayerController works, but I don't know how to customise it yet. Can this custom button work and if so how?

Yes just add them to the MPMoviePlayerController's view property (thats if you are not using it fullscreen like me: Unable to add overlay to MPMoviePlayerController in SDK 4.1)


Android Enable WebView Touch Sound

I need to play touch sounds on Web view event clicks, I enabled the Touch sounds and tried it on android version less than 4.1 it works fine, from my Web View i click the radio button it make to hear the click sounds but on 4.1 and above it doesn't make click sound when I click radio button or button clicks even . I hope it's disabled from the sdk Web view itself at 4.1 and above. Let me have any possible solution to fix the issue.
Thanks in advance!
I believe this is not possible, since the events inside the WebView are not passed to the Android system, you may have a chance to create such beheaviour by embedding these sounds inside the webpage you are rendering inside the WebView.

Can Vuforia AR button open another view or app?

I'm making an app using unity and vuforia extension. When app will recognize an image it should show a button above it and, when the user presses it, I want to display a photo gallery. Is there a way to make this button trigger showing another UIView? Or show another app?
Yes, you can definitely do this. There are resources out there that will teach you how to create a plugin where you can launch an external UIView. For example:
Also, you can open another app using Apple's URL scheme, described here:

How to add photo library button on a UIImagePickerController?

Does anyone know how to enable the photo album button on a UIImagePickerController when it's in the camera mode?
I am very new in iOS development. I have seen this kind of question, but I can't understand it so please help me out by explaining step by step and give sample code if possible.
I'm afraid (I looked into doing this recently) that there is no easy way (i.e no built in setting) that you can simply enable.
You must use the cameraOverlayView property of the UIImagePickerController to add a custom view over the camera view which will include a photo album button.

Animated view transitions in an iPhone app

I have an iPhone app which has a menu. Each menu item will take you to another page. I would like to know how to perform simple animations page transitions (fade in/out, slide). Is this possible within interface builder or do I need different software?
Anyhow, we can do this programmatically.
Pl. look at this a link

Customizing the screen of Movieplayer in iPhone

I've few doubts regarding movie player app
How can I customize the screen size. I want only video or movie to be played only to half the screen and I want to add custom controls buttons to the remaining half of movie player.
In movie player example overlay view is there but how to change the name of the button and label in that and I'm unable to do that.
The MPMovePlayer UI cannot be modified. It plays fullscreen video, and provides the default controls. There's currently no way to do what you need in the official iPhone SDK.
Use this link for video player customization:
download sample code and modify accordingly.