Customizing the screen of Movieplayer in iPhone - iphone

I've few doubts regarding movie player app
How can I customize the screen size. I want only video or movie to be played only to half the screen and I want to add custom controls buttons to the remaining half of movie player.
In movie player example overlay view is there but how to change the name of the button and label in that and I'm unable to do that.

The MPMovePlayer UI cannot be modified. It plays fullscreen video, and provides the default controls. There's currently no way to do what you need in the official iPhone SDK.

Use this link for video player customization:
download sample code and modify accordingly.


How to add overlay while video is being played and user touch add overlay in iphone sdk?

I want to add overlay on video i have seen the sample for adding overlay on video. but i don't want to do like this. I mean my video will be running and on this particular video If user will touch any thing than on that thing one overlay will appear and if user touches and moved than the overlay will continuously will be added on that video means user will track that frame. And the video will be saved with this overlay..
is this possible?

Overlay on vimeo movie on iPad/iPhone not clickable

We have a embedded background movie on (if you click on a small movie, the whole movie starts)
On desktop everything works as expected (the topbar is overlapping the movie and the links are still clickable)
The problem is, the same functionality doesn't work on iPad/iPhone.
The links are clickable as long the movie didn't started. As soon the user pushs the playbutton the links are not clickable anymore.
Do someone know why? Should not be a z-index issue because the links are not behind the movie.
iOS does not allow interaction with any elements above a video when the native controls are used, which we do in the current version of our player. On the iPhone, when they hit play it will automatically go into full screen and there is no way to prevent that.

Adding a YouTube video to my application

I am trying to embed a YouTube video in my application, and I am going through this tutorial as a start. I get the red screen when I run it on the stimulator, so I presume everything went well.
Now when the user taps on the screen while the video is playing I need a toolbar to appear, with a slider showing the length of the video (and the user could slide to his/her desired time on the video).
I need to know if this feature comes by default when you embed the YoutTube video, or do i have to code it? If i have to code it how should i do it? Any sample codes or tutorial?
The only way to show a YouTube video in an iOS app is by having it inside a UIWebView (that is what the tutorial walks you through). Once the user taps the "play" button, the video should go full screen and automatically present the standard video controls that you see when you play videos on iOS.
Youtube provides the HTML code for embedding videos in web pages. This HTML code will also produce a video when embedded in a UIWebView. While the video is playing, all of the standard Youtube video controls (Play, Pause, Time Slider) should also show up in the UIWebView.

How to play sequence video continuously on iPhone?

I'm trying to play two videos continuously using MPMoviePlayer. I let the second video play when the MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification is posted.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
The problem is when the first video stops, the view will go back to the previously view for a short while before play the next video.
Is there any idea about how to play video continuously or is it possible to get the image of the last frame in the first video?
The only way to have a youtube video play inside your own app is to create a UIWebView with the embed tag from Youtube for the movie you want to play as the UIWebView's content. UIWebView will detect that the embedded object is a Youtube link, and the web view's content will be the youtube preview for the video. When your user clicks the preview, the video will be shown in an MPMoviePlayerController. This is the technique described at the link that Muxecoid provided (, and this is (as far as I know of) the only way to have a youtube video play within an application. You can still have the Youtube application launch by passing the youtube URL to -[UIApplication openURL:], but of course this closes your own application which is often undesirable.
Unfortunately, there's no way to directly play a youtube video with MPMoviePlayerController because youtube does not expose direct links to the video files.
I've made a walkaround to solve the problem. The major idea is to add a fullscreen black view over the previous view before the first movie plays. So when the first movie ends playing the full screen will be black (This looks more natural than the previous view).
Some more modifications:
1 Another problem is that when I hides the status bar, the area will be white. So I also set the window color to black color.
2 When all the video finishes playing, the previous view is shown and the view frame will not leave space for status bar. So I change the view's orgin y to 20 before the status bar appears.
Hope this helps those who meet the same problem.

mpmovieplayer - can I do an end run?

I would like to be able to display a video on the iphone screen - preferably in a view so that I can control its display coordinates. I want to be able to load the view and overlap and partially overlap a subview ... is any of this feasible? I have read that mpmovieplayer is the only method for video display (and is full screen)? Any workarounds?
You can place an overlay view on top of the video player, but that is pretty much it. There is a sample application in the SDK that shows how to do this.