Android Enable WebView Touch Sound - android-webview

I need to play touch sounds on Web view event clicks, I enabled the Touch sounds and tried it on android version less than 4.1 it works fine, from my Web View i click the radio button it make to hear the click sounds but on 4.1 and above it doesn't make click sound when I click radio button or button clicks even . I hope it's disabled from the sdk Web view itself at 4.1 and above. Let me have any possible solution to fix the issue.
Thanks in advance!

I believe this is not possible, since the events inside the WebView are not passed to the Android system, you may have a chance to create such beheaviour by embedding these sounds inside the webpage you are rendering inside the WebView.


WatchOS 8 pressing one of the side buttons dismisses modal sheet

The behavior of the crown button on the Apple Watch has always been to close your app and take you to your Home Screen / watch face. Now when I build my watch app with Xcode 13 and WatchOS 8 when I press one of the side buttons it dismisses whatever modal sheet I have in my app.
This is a terrible user experience as my app is a workout app and I want my users to quickly get to other apps such as music while they are working out without closing everything out.
Apple's workout app presents a modal to add a workout but when I hit the side button in their app it takes me to the Home Screen. I have tried to watch all the latest videos and read the documentation but I don't see anywhere that I can disable this new functionality of the side buttons. Anyone know how I can change the physical side button behavior for my app? Thank you for your help!
It is a new feature. Add .interactiveDismissDisabled() to the content on the sheet or fullScreenCover.
This is working as intended, it got changed in WatchOS 8.
Your best bet would be to submit it to Apple feature assistant.

How to get done button action in UIWebView default player?

I am working on iOS app. I need to play video in the UIWebView.Every things is working fine but my requirement is to get done button action.
Can we handle webView done button action or not in iOS.

Google Cardboard Unity SDK - detecting back button press

I'm working on a Google Cardboard app in unity and would like to exit VR mode when the phones back button is pressed.
I've tried detecting presses with Input.GetKey and Input.GetKeyDown with KeyCode.Escape. however this seems to always result in the application quitting no matter what. Is the back button's functionality written directly into the .jar used for the cardboard SDK?
Any help would be appreciated!
The back button is currently hard coded in the .jar to exit the app, in keeping with standard Android practice where the back button pops the Activity stack. It may be possible to make that an option in the SDK.
Update for v0.4.5 of the SDK: There's an option to control whether the Back button exits the app, or appears as an Escape key press.

Implement the Flash button animation as in iPhone camera in my app?

Im developing a camera app, I want to implement the same animation that happens in default iPhone camera app when you click on the flash button, i.e once you click on the flash button, we can see the other 2 buttons animating, and once you click any one button it again animates and hides.
how can i do this?
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at DDExpandableButton which is able to do exactly this and even includes example code for creating a flash button.

iPhone - hide assistive touch view programmatically

Does anyone know how to hide assistive touch view programmatically like Apple Music App does when playing video?
There is no SDK method to hide the assistive view.
Apple iPod App is done by Apple, so the App is probably using some private / undocumented SDK calls.
Yes there is. Go to Settings then General then Accessibility then Triple Click Home. Now choose Assistive Touch. Now whenever you want it to disappear just triple click the Home button on either the actual iPhone or using the Assustive Touch icon itself. Poof and its gone! To bring it back just triple click again.