How to create Universal apps in iPhone/iPad? - iphone

I want to create a universal apps. I have already done some apps for iPhone. Now i want to start a universal apps which means the app should be runs in iPhone and iPad. I don't have any idea about that. So please guide me and give me some sample links for that.

It's easier than you'd think.
If UI is your only difference, you just need to have different XIBs for each platform. Then you configure in plist files, which XIB you'd load on each platform.
This link helped me a lot


How to create iphone webapp on windows? (I can use my friend's mac for finishing)

I know a lot of similar questions have been asked, but my case is a little different.
I have a windows machine on which I want to do the development. I can borrow my friend's mac for signing/publishing to store or other things.
Is it possible to do this? Can I create a "Dynamic Web App Project" in eclipse, do the coding and finally use a MAC to finish it? My app is 100% offline app.
Where can I find the directory structure for the HTML/CSS files?
How can I achieve the iphone look and feel of buttons and other UI?
I know that many people have done this but I cant find any tutorial. Please point me to one if you know about it.
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like this would be a great job for phone gap.
They provide wrapping software to make your web application run natively on the phone.
It sounds to me like you should look at phonegap for the coding.
For getting your buttons, backgrounds, icons and such to look and feel more like native iOS apps, take a look at this list of graphics for iOS. Most are free. There are .zip files with pre cut images, and a number of .psd files for you to choose from. If you are not using xCode or Titanium to build the apps, these are a nice way of getting that native look and feel.

Integrate MGSplitViewController in Universal App

I'm trying to make a universal app for iPhone and iPad using MGSplitViewController.
I'm going to start with a window based template (empty) but not sure how to integrate MGSplitView. The reference project is not good for me becouse it's only for iPad.
Does anyone know where to start? Any Tutorial?

What sort of applications we can develop for Iphone?

I want to start developing applications for Iphone but In confusion what are different types of apps I can develop Like User level,Kernel Level, or any other type. I want full detail about categories of application development for Iphone So I can choose one .
If you want your apps to work, they must conform to the SDK/API at They are user level applications. You do not have access to the internals of iOS.
If you want some ideas. You can head over the the App Store. There, you can browse all the categories and view products that people have created for the iPhone.
First you start learning to create simple User Screens for iPhone app. Then think how much in you wanna go really...

How to create an iPhone app that interacts with my website?

What I want to do is to make an iPhone application for my website similar to the photofunia. The users will be able to select an effect from a list, and then upload their own photo. Then the result will be shown in the browser where the user can save the image and/or publish to website like facebook, etc.
What software can I use to do that? Phonegap, appcelerator, etc? Can some of these help?
First of all, you may be able to make an iPhone app using Adobe Flash and the Adobe Packager for iPhone.
The other option is to get a Mac and Learn Objective-C.
There is no "easy" solution here.
Create a webservice for your website and try to use that in your iPhone Application
Of course I know there is no "easy" solution, but I'm almost sure there are other options for making iphone apps, instead of using Objective-C.
I only don't know the name of the tools.
Flash doesn't works. Adobe Air currently doesn't offer a way to access the camera roll on the ios.

Building iPhone apps for the iPad

I searched first, so apologies if it's already been asked.
I have a couple iPhone apps that I want to run as native iPad apps rather than in "mini-mode" for lack of a better term.
What do I need to change to build my app for the iPad and is it easy to target both platforms from the same project?
Yes, it's easy to target both platforms. If you login to ADC and read the iPad Programming Guide, it'll provide the basics for iPad specific development. I can't legally speak of the "how."
Um. If you follow their directions, build two targets, share your source within the same project... then you'll be set. It's the same SDK, just different Nibs & main(), from what I can tell.
I know this isn't very helpful on a technical level, but...
The new iPad SDK site specifically mentions the term "Universal Applications" with the following:
Developers can now start planning for
universal applications, allowing them
to take full advantage of the
technologies found on iPad, iPhone,
and iPod touch with a single binary.
I know this doesn't explain ''how'' to take advantage of this idea, but I'm not quite willing to drop 100 dollars to learn more just yet.
But this does resolve your core goal, which is designing apps that can work nativly on both devices. With the a universal binary, you wouldn't need to worry about covering idiosyncrasies for two versions of one project unless you wanted device-specific features.