Integrate MGSplitViewController in Universal App - iphone

I'm trying to make a universal app for iPhone and iPad using MGSplitViewController.
I'm going to start with a window based template (empty) but not sure how to integrate MGSplitView. The reference project is not good for me becouse it's only for iPad.
Does anyone know where to start? Any Tutorial?


How to create an iPhone app that interacts with my website?

What I want to do is to make an iPhone application for my website similar to the photofunia. The users will be able to select an effect from a list, and then upload their own photo. Then the result will be shown in the browser where the user can save the image and/or publish to website like facebook, etc.
What software can I use to do that? Phonegap, appcelerator, etc? Can some of these help?
First of all, you may be able to make an iPhone app using Adobe Flash and the Adobe Packager for iPhone.
The other option is to get a Mac and Learn Objective-C.
There is no "easy" solution here.
Create a webservice for your website and try to use that in your iPhone Application
Of course I know there is no "easy" solution, but I'm almost sure there are other options for making iphone apps, instead of using Objective-C.
I only don't know the name of the tools.
Flash doesn't works. Adobe Air currently doesn't offer a way to access the camera roll on the ios.

How to create Universal apps in iPhone/iPad?

I want to create a universal apps. I have already done some apps for iPhone. Now i want to start a universal apps which means the app should be runs in iPhone and iPad. I don't have any idea about that. So please guide me and give me some sample links for that.
It's easier than you'd think.
If UI is your only difference, you just need to have different XIBs for each platform. Then you configure in plist files, which XIB you'd load on each platform.
This link helped me a lot

Are there apps that let you code ON the iPhone (not FOR the iphone)?

I'm just wondering if anybody knows of any simple IDEs or interpreters or anything that lets you play around with code on your iPhone.
Mides IDE: lets you make php based web aplications ON THE IPHONE
Interface: Lets you make IPHONE APPS (without coding) ON THE IPHONE
ICode: The same as "Interface" but with coding.
If you are interested in one of them just type the name of the app in itunes. :)

Are there any examples for how to integrate iAds into an application?

I'm looking for sample code or tutorials on how to implement iAds in my iPhone application. Can anyone guide me to any resources about this?
The iAd Programming Guide has detailed information on implementation.
In Interface Builder just drag and drop your ad into the window. In Xcode, right click on your frameworks folder and add the iAd.framework. It's really that simple.
For more advanced things, like hiding and rotating ads, you could start with the WWDC session videos if you're a registered developer. If you're not, get an account because it's a very nice program and you need it to get your apps published.
The session 112 video is a step-by-step, I used it to get my own iAds running, but otherwise try this link iAds. You still need a developer account.

How to use MGTwiiterEngine in iphone view Based Application?

I required to develop a Tweeter Application for iphone. I was trying to use MGTwitterEngine in my iphone app but can’t figure out how to put it together with my iphone View-based Application. If anyone has done it and willing to share info or a demo version implementing MGtwitterEngine in their Iphone app. I would appreciate it. I have got raw MGTwitterEngine Project running on its own but want to integrate it into an IPhone View-based Application.
There is a nice step by step tutorial for Twitter integration with iPhone application. Have a look at this