Is there new functions on AS3 for development in the iPhone SDK for Flash? - iphone

I'm developing iPhone app in Flash CS5 and I wondering if there is a new function in AS3 for specific applications on the iPhone apps, and wondering too if they are component like iPhone style buttons for flash. Thanks!
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iPhone app in Flash Builder

I've created an android app that uses WebView, through Eclipse, to display a website and navigate through it. However, now I've been assigned with creating the same app for the iPhone/iPad.
Is there any way to implement something as simple as a WebView for the iPhone while programming it through Flash Builder? (First time developing for Apple products...)
Any help will be much appreciated!
With Adobe Air 3 you can publish apps for iOS. Making a UIWebView in objective-c (cocoa) and then load an external flash app (or site) won't work, since iOS devices don't allow flash embedded objects
Create app with NewDigitalTimes Free Apps Creator based on Adobe Air technology. This immediately gives all the functionality for push-notifications, analytics and advertising. Else you can use animation in app. Customize the showing Web site in the native iOS application with specifying the link.

HTML5 open iPhone or Android phone camera

I'm currently deciding what way to build my Iphone/Android app. I just need to know how to open the iPhone/Android phone camera using HTML5/Javascript etc or whether it can even be done outside of building a native app?
I'm not sure what tool you're using, but here's the phonegap answer:

Can you access the address book using CS5 when building an iPhone application?

I would like to develop a simple contact list iPhone application in Flash CS5.
I'm a web developer, and I have no experience with iPhone yet.
How can I save the data of contacts? As I know, flash just post the data to a page, but what page, if it is an app?
It's a off-line app, where the database should be?
Flash CS5 Packager for iPhone doesn't support the Address Book Framework on iOS. The Packager for iPhone only support the following native iOS API:
Screen Orientation
Saving images to Photo Library
Cut / Copy / Paste

How to integrate html5 and iphone applications?

As we all know that html5 has introduced lots of new features.
How can html5 be integrated to an iphone application?
Use PhoneGap as the wrapper. PhoneGap basically takes your HTML5 based web page and makes it into an iPhone app that can be submitted to the AppStore. They also provide a set of Javascript libraries which expose the iPhones features to your app, so you can use location et al within JavaScript.

Flash Component in iPhone

i have few questions regarding flash components in iphone
I would like to know if a safari browser in iphone can play a flash component(swf file).
Do i need to download a plugin for safari ? If so will the plugin update the existing safari browser or will it be another standalone application which plays the swf file in the safari browser? same doubt i have with mozilla browser in iphone.
I have a swf file .Will i be able to embed that to a native application in iphone.
I saw that iphone flash application can be developed and such applications are present in app store.If so which version of adobe flash has that capability ? (cs4 or cs5)
The Flash plugin is not available on iPhone, and will certainly never be...
You might take a look at Adobe Flash CS5, which will be able to create native iPhone apps from AS code.
You might be able to embed a Flash SWF into your app using Hirameki. Still not ready for market, but it plays Flash animations directly from a SWF file inside a native app.