Encrypted email test data set [closed] - email

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a set of emails encrypted (and signed) by a variety of email clients in order to test a mail client. A downloadable mbox file along with test gpg keys would be ideal for this.
There seem to be a variety of ways that emails are encrypted (and signed), so getting all of them to work is difficult. And then you find another client that gets it wrong in a slightly different way, and you want to refactor your code but not break decryption of any emails you already support.
So does anyone know of such a dataset? Or failing that, a good list of the ways that different bits of software encrypt emails?

Various clients sign and encrypt mail usually in two ways.
PGP/MIME : http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2015.txt and
S/MIME : http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5751.txt
You should be able to generate a good set of these using tools like mutt to script creation of these messages. I know this is not exactly the 'answer' but should help.


how do I know if my webserver becomes listed as a spamserver [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm working on a app which sends notifications emails. I know this is stereotypical for spam servers. I know the first question ist "How can I ensure what my server will not be listed as a spam server?" However I believe I should monitor my mailserver to ensure what every customer becomes his mails.
So the question: How can I check/monitor whether my server is listed as a spam server?
I really appreciate your help.
MXtoolbox (disclosure: I hold no relation to this site) has a great blacklist checking tool that checks all the major blacklists.
As for staying off them, make sure all your e-mails are opt-in and have an unsubscribe link within the e-mail body of every notification sent. Keep a record of all clients opting in, some hosting companies will charge you a small fortune if you get their IPs blacklisted.

Online SpamAssassin evaluation / RFC conformant check [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I want to check the SpamAssassin SPAM score of E-Mails including headers generated by a script from a WebApp.
Therefore I need to run this mail through SpamAssassin to get the specific SPAM headers like:
Yes, score=6.032
One possibility could be to install SpamAssassin on the server and run it through this installation.
Is there some online service where I can paste/send the mail to and this service gives me the SPAM headers?
Yes, I know that you can configure SpamAssassin with different settings and therefore the SPAM score may vary from installation to installation, but a basic evaluation would help already.
Or is there a possibility to check the RFC conformance of a message? (Because SpamAssassin also evaluates this (eg. MIME_HTML_ONLY which means that you have no plain text content and therefore the mail isn't RFC conformant)).
Here are some online resources for checking spam scores:
Or for offline checking:
And here some tips to avoid False Positives: http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/AvoidingFpsForSenders

How does critsend gather "Spam folder statistics with addresses"? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Apologies if this is the wrong site - not really sure which site is best for this, but since it's SMTP-related (or is it?), I figured maybe this site had the best audience.
My company just set all of our live servers to route email through Critsend (at a cost). Apparently we've had some people complain about emails going missing, and this service lets us track it better...
I was pretty shocked, and said "There's nothing they can possibly tell us, that we can't get from the SMTP server logs!". However, I was given a huge list of features they support, including this:
Spam folder statistics with addresses
Apparently, they can tell us how many (and which!) emails went into spam folders.
I've done a little SMTP in my time, and I'm certain there is no way to get this information. So, what are they doing to claim this feature? (Note: Sadly, I don't have any access to actually see one of these reports).

Very very very simple email option [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I am looking for a VERY simple method to allow for computer illiterate people to set up emailers and be able to send them on to others.
Basically, our client is a franchise chain of about 44 and mostly consisting of stay at home mom's. They would all like to keep in contact with one another via an email campaign of sorts but this needs to be super simple for them.
Here's what we know about them:
The would like to add photos but know nothing about image cropping/resizing or manipulation.
They would need it in the form of an .oft template so that they can just copy and paste.
These are the biggest hurdles. My suggestion to them would be this:
Set up an .oft template which they can open from Outlook and start editing.
Find an online tool where they can upload their images and it spits out the correct sizes for them
Does anyone have another idea of something similar please? As far as I am aware, only Outlook 2003 runs .oft templates still?
Many thanks!
Have you considered MailChimp ?

Intercept QMail SMTP emails [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Here is the situation, we have a linux web server that runs Plesk and I need a way to intercept emails sent to and from the server. Plesk uses qmail to send and receive emails.
We have sorted the receiving emails problem by adding a mailgroup to each email address that includes an "archive#" address. Then we use a PHP script to read the "archive#" mailbox and puts the emails into a MySQL database.
My problem at the moment is how to capture the messages sent from the server. Has anyone had any experience in doing this?
this can be done via QUEUE_EXTRA (http://www.google.com/search?q=queue_extra), for which you need to recompile qmail. some hints on doing this on plesk here (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pt&u=http://www.maglione.com.br/artigos/artigostecnicos/pleskqextrahowto).