Very very very simple email option [closed] - email

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I am looking for a VERY simple method to allow for computer illiterate people to set up emailers and be able to send them on to others.
Basically, our client is a franchise chain of about 44 and mostly consisting of stay at home mom's. They would all like to keep in contact with one another via an email campaign of sorts but this needs to be super simple for them.
Here's what we know about them:
The would like to add photos but know nothing about image cropping/resizing or manipulation.
They would need it in the form of an .oft template so that they can just copy and paste.
These are the biggest hurdles. My suggestion to them would be this:
Set up an .oft template which they can open from Outlook and start editing.
Find an online tool where they can upload their images and it spits out the correct sizes for them
Does anyone have another idea of something similar please? As far as I am aware, only Outlook 2003 runs .oft templates still?
Many thanks!

Have you considered MailChimp ?


Get data of website [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'd like to get the data of a website. I'd like to display the table in an app. Do you have an idea how I could do it? Thanks for your answers!
Usually, you'd want the maintainer of the data you need to supply some API for machine-to-machine communication (a REST JSON web service, for example).
Since you are asking how to display the table in an app:
the easiest way would be to just point an UIWebView that way and go from there.
a more native look might be acomplished by parsing the data. As you included several 'parsing' tags, I guess this is what you'd prefer.
The problem with HTML scraping web pages (what you probably hope to do) is that the data you are looking for and foremost it's structure is prune to changes. If some unexpected changes can easily break your parser.
Thus, if you go for doing that (which might be prohibited by your school or other publisher, especially in germany), try to parse the data on your server and offer an web service for your app yourself. This way, you can react to changes of the structure faster and do not break the app for your users.
Seriously consider asking the school for an API.

How can i send fax using perl script? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to send FAX using perl script.
How can I do it?
Is their any way send fax using perl script if any idea please tell me.
Thanks in advance
This older (6 yrs) thread on Perlmonks still seems like a good response to this question, in my opinion.
Basically, if you have a fax server that has some more or less straightforward method of communicating with it programmatically (like HylaFax) then you can use Perl to interact with it in a familiar way.
If that is not the case then your best answer is to seek out an external program and perhaps automate that, if possible. The "external program" is what you need in order to take care of the many fiddly issues involved with dialing the number, negotiating with the receiver, and so on.
One example of an external program to send faxes is OpenOffice
Finally, there is fax4j in Java which you could try and use with Inline::Java, which is kind of cheating in the sense that it is just barely a Perl solution.
If any of this matches something that you can try out in your environment go ahead and then post back in more detail if you run into trouble implementing.

To Send Email to Multiple Recipients in Liferay [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I wanted to know how to send email to multiple recipients n liferay 6.2 when a new content has been added.
Easiest way without need writing any line of code is using Web Content notifications, which are broader described here
Another way of achieving email notifications is custom definition of workflow in kaleo workflow which is described a bit here
Last option is some custom development based on
I hope any of these option is useful for you.

Embed survey email [closed]

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This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to embed a survey into an email (outlook 2007). When they complete the survey the answers are stored somewhere I can manage (Like the use of forms in Google drive).
I have tried creating a custom form, I do not have access to the organizational form library.
I have tried using the voting system inbuilt in out look which would work if only multiple answers could be selected rather than just 1.
The Google forms does exactly what I need, I just have to use outlook.
I'm hoping I am just missing something because I cannot see a way to do this.
Thanks in advance!
I don't think this will work. Check out the list at the bottom of this page:
Edit: From the same article:
Given the sporadic support for forms in emails, we recommend linking
to a form on a website rather than embedding it in the email. This is
the safest, most reliable solution to pairing an email message with a
form. More people will see it and be able to use it, and as a result
participation will increase.

How to track Emails sent to popular Email providers? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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There are few services that let you know whether someone opened your email or not and even how many times and when! As a reference I should link to MailTrack and Mixmax
I wonder how to detect when someone opens an email?
As #GabrielCliseru said: most Email providers scrub JavaScript from HTML Emails so this one is off the chart
Gmail strips out any content between script tags before displaying
the message. Source
The javascript code sent inside an email is not executed. This is a security limitation.
What you want to do exactly?
You want to send a jquery code by email?
You can do it simple.
Or for more sure, you can put it in a Text file and attach it