How does critsend gather "Spam folder statistics with addresses"? [closed] - email

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Apologies if this is the wrong site - not really sure which site is best for this, but since it's SMTP-related (or is it?), I figured maybe this site had the best audience.
My company just set all of our live servers to route email through Critsend (at a cost). Apparently we've had some people complain about emails going missing, and this service lets us track it better...
I was pretty shocked, and said "There's nothing they can possibly tell us, that we can't get from the SMTP server logs!". However, I was given a huge list of features they support, including this:
Spam folder statistics with addresses
Apparently, they can tell us how many (and which!) emails went into spam folders.
I've done a little SMTP in my time, and I'm certain there is no way to get this information. So, what are they doing to claim this feature? (Note: Sadly, I don't have any access to actually see one of these reports).


how do I know if my webserver becomes listed as a spamserver [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm working on a app which sends notifications emails. I know this is stereotypical for spam servers. I know the first question ist "How can I ensure what my server will not be listed as a spam server?" However I believe I should monitor my mailserver to ensure what every customer becomes his mails.
So the question: How can I check/monitor whether my server is listed as a spam server?
I really appreciate your help.
MXtoolbox (disclosure: I hold no relation to this site) has a great blacklist checking tool that checks all the major blacklists.
As for staying off them, make sure all your e-mails are opt-in and have an unsubscribe link within the e-mail body of every notification sent. Keep a record of all clients opting in, some hosting companies will charge you a small fortune if you get their IPs blacklisted.

Remain on my site or transfer to paypal? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Generally, which would customers prefer? To remain on my site or be transferred to paypal to complete a purchase?
Do customers prefer the security of a paypal branded page? or would users prefer to remain on my site and process payments through the api?
In all honesty it's probably worth sending them off to paypal. Most 'buyers' online wont have a preference as they don't quite understand it. Yet, some will be re-assured that they're interacting with a familiar brand.
I've had this with some sites that I've written. Some people wont even register on the site for fear of people stealing their information. The funny thing is, these people will then phone the store and happily give all important information over the phone. It's madness! :)
I guess it all comes down to the individual, but redirecting to Paypal and having them complete it there is probably the easiest option. HTH!

We don't have an SSL site and will be unable to get one. How do I work around this? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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My organization has created a Facebook tab but because our site is not SSL certified the tab only works on some computers. We will not be getting SSL certified any time soon. Is there a way to work around this?
Your question can be paraphrased as 'how can we show HTTPS content to our users without needing to serve HTTPS content' - it's not possible
It shouldn't be difficult to buy a certificate for your domain and install it to the server - costs $15-$100 for the cert depending on where you get it and a few minutes (or hours, i guess) to reconfigure a web server
Obviously if you've a complicated setup with firewalls and strict procedures and processes in the company this will take a lot longer than the few minutes it would take a single developer, but surely in that case not supporting SSL is also seen as a big problem since you'll lose a relatively large percentage of users
(source: It was >10% of users about a year ago - it's higher now.)

Best way to go about sharing iPhone app revenue with client(s)? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Finally got my first iPhone app ready for launch.
There's a large publisher backing the IP.
There's a third party between me (developer) and the publisher.
Everybody wants a cut.
What are some ways of going about this? There's probably enough of you who have expierences, do's, don't and tips?
I was thinking of just putting it all on my account and have them invoice me for the various amounts every 3 months.
If they agree to it then you idea is the best because it keeps you in control of the process, although you might have to consider tax issues. For example, depending on where you live you might get charged tax on 100% of the revenue rather than just your cut.
No matter what you do though, make sure you have a legal agreement between you and all of the parties involved regarding the the revenue split. This way everyone is on the same page and you can be reasonably assured that someone won't change their mind once the money rolls in.

Message from webpage [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Message from wepage popups in my yahoo email account. I need to x the box several times to unfreeze my computer. Then, it keeps popping up. And this occcurs before I even open any mail. exact message: "message from webp, then hi, then 40401508, then 1"
Any suggestion to get ride of it?
Run any anti-virus or anti-malware utility of your choosing on your computer. Follow any instructions that it provides on how to clean and remove whatever cruft is causing this. There are lots of free versions available online, but you should consider purchasing a subscription to a well-regarded utility from a reputable company. These days, browsing the Internet without protection is just asking for trouble!
If that doesn't work, the next step is backing up your important data, erasing your computer's disk, and re-installing your operating system from scratch. It sounds drastic, but it's really not all that bad. Plus, it will fix any other problems you've been having and probably speed up your machine noticeably.