SWT: Position a dialog based upon the position of the caret in a StyledText control - swt

I have SWT application that is a set of Groups that contain various controls including a StlyedText widget. They are all laid out using the Form layout.
I want to show a dialog directly below the caret inside of the StyledText. However, I have to position the dialog relative to the parent shell.
My first idea is to get the position of the shell plus the position of the StyledText plus the offset of the caret. When I try to get the position of the StyledText, it says 0,0 (I assume because of my layout choice, the Form layout). I don't see a good way to get the position from the FormData either (it appears to be computed).
I am able to get the position of the mouse cursor, but I would like to have it be right under what the user is typing.
Anyone have any ideas?

In order to get the actual postion, the function toDisplay() should be used. For example:
Point displayPoint = myText.toDisplay(sqlText.getLocation());
That gets me to the position of the Text. I then added the caret position in order to move my dialog window to the line of text that is being written:
Point caretLocation = myText.getCaret().getLocation();
Point calcPoint = new Point(displayPoint.x+caretLocation.x, displayPoint.y+caretLocation.y);
I then used that location to position my dialog window.


How to get cursor position of McCLIM

I'm trying to add Input Method supportto McCLIM so that it can input CJK in McCLIM, using input method client like fcitx.
To draw fcitx better, I want to get the cursor position of text editing area when it changed.
looks like this:
I found something called cursor-position/stream-cursor-position, but I don't know how to get the cursor/stream currently focus on. I have tried *standard-output*, but it failed.
How could I do this?
I know you're not using libx11, but I'd like just show you how libX11 do this.
Basically this is done by XIM_SET_IC_VALUES in the protocol. The values the spot location within a nested value of preedit attributes.
The spot is simply a X point (x, y). Despite of that, the point is a relative coordinates to the focus window. The focus window is also a part of ic vlaues, with property name XNFocusWindow.
If you don't set focus window, the client window that passed through XCreateIC will be used as the focus window.
XVaNestedList preedit_attr;
preedit_attr = XVaCreateNestedList(0, XNSpotLocation, &nspot, NULL);
XSetICValues(ic, XNPreeditAttributes, preedit_attr, NULL);

How to Change the cursor in JavaFX Accordion title bar

I'm using custom cursors and it need to be differ in some components in my screen.
When I set the cursor for Accordion, it doesn't effects title headers but effects the body of each TitledPanes. I even tried to set the cursor for each TitledPane but it doesn't effect the title header. I'm using following way to change the cursor.
ImageCursor cursor_title = new ImageCursor(cursorImg_title,cursorImg_title.getWidth() / 2,cursorImg_title.getHeight() / 2);
Is there a way to change the cursor in title bar of a JavaFX Accordian?
I have changed the padding of title bars using css as follows. Hope it doesn't have any relation to the problem.
.titled-pane > .title {
-fx-padding: 30;
A TitledPane is divided into two parts :
When you are setting the Cursor on the Accordion, it delegates it to the content of each TitledPane, but leaves the Title. This is by design.
To force your application to change the cursor on the title as well, we need to set it on each of these nodes. We can fetch all the nodes by using the lookupAll() on the accordion and passing the styleclass they use i.e. .title. Make sure you use this after the scene graph is visible.
accordion.lookupAll(".title").forEach(node -> node.setCursor(Cursor.CLOSED_HAND));
You can use your custom cursor in place of CLOSED_HAND.

Eclipse ui: retrieving the first visible line of an editor

In the Eclipse UI, I'd like to set the visible area in an editor. In other words, if the number of lines of my file is larger than the number of lines my editor can show then I want to specify the first shown line. My first approach was to calculate the first visible line via the selection value of its vertical scroll bar. The following link points to my initial question. Its answer explains how to set the first visible line in an editor.
eclipse ui: setting scrollbar but editor does not follow
The problem now is that my initial way of retrieving the first visible line in an editor fails in some cases: Although I verify that the active page is indeed an editor, the focus might be assigned to another page. In such a case, the following code yields the ScrollBar of a different page:
public static void update(final IWorkbenchWindow w)
final Scrollable scrollable =
(Scrollable) w.getWorkbench().getDisplay().getFocusControl();
final ScrollBar vScrollBar = scrollable.getVerticalBar();
So, my question: If editor is the reference of an active editor (ITextEditor and IReusableEditor), how to I get its first visible line?
If you can access the editor ITextViewer or its extension ISourceViewer (usually implemented by the SourceViewer or TextViewer class) you can call the ITextViewer.getTopIndex() method to get the top line index.
If your editor is derived from AbstractTextEditor (or one of its subclasses such as TextEditor) there is a protected method getSourceViewer() that returns this. You may have to add a public method if you want to access this from outside of the editor.

Loading two template files of same module in two positions

I am working on a new project and I am using Joomla version 1.5.22.
I need to display one horizontal search form in the middle of home page and the same search form in vertical style in all other pages but in left position.
So what I did is, I created two template files one for horizontal search(horizontal.php) and other for vertical search (vertical.php) and in mod_modulename.php I tried to load the respective modules based on a certain condition and changed the position left or middle according to it. The positions are changed in the database to get effected in the admin panel.
if(condition) {
modModulenameHelper::changeToVertical($position);//to change position in database to left
require( JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath( 'mod_modulename', 'vertical'));
else {
modModulenameHelper::changeToHorizontal($position);//to change position in database to middle
require( JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath( 'mod_modulename', 'horizontal'));
But I am not getting the correct output. It is loading the respective modules based on the condition. But the position is not assigned at first. And if I press Ctrl+F5 or refreshes, the page will be loaded with the desired output.
Why is this happening? Any Solution??
The problem is that you are changing the position after the fact. By the time you are changing the position, Joomla has already assigned the module to a position. It's an order of operations thing.
Instead, why not just use 2 instances of the module? Rather than going through this trouble, simply add a parameter to the module that allows you to select horizontal or vertical, then assign one to the home page menu item and another to the rest of the pages. This would also allow for putting the module in other positions instead of hard coding it in to the module.

ScrolledComposite splits the screen vertically and content is displayed in the right half

I am using the ScrolledComposite for a existing control(with many children) based on the method2 mentioned here :http://www.placelab.org/toolkit/doc/javadoc/org/placelab/util/swt/SwtScrolledComposite.html
The only change is instead of creating a new shell & display I am using the existing control's parent.
I am seeing the scroll bars as expected but the existing control/content is displayed form the centre & not from the start. The first half(vertically split) of the layout is empty & the actual control/content gets displayed in the right-half.
I checked bounds, Origin, size etc. they seem to be fine.
screenshot putup here :http://img818.imageshack.us/i/contentstartsfrommiddle.jpg
Any clues
Thanks in advance
Did you delete the Composite c1? maybe that is in the left side.
You could also provide what is exactly your change to the code.