How to Change the cursor in JavaFX Accordion title bar - javafx-8

I'm using custom cursors and it need to be differ in some components in my screen.
When I set the cursor for Accordion, it doesn't effects title headers but effects the body of each TitledPanes. I even tried to set the cursor for each TitledPane but it doesn't effect the title header. I'm using following way to change the cursor.
ImageCursor cursor_title = new ImageCursor(cursorImg_title,cursorImg_title.getWidth() / 2,cursorImg_title.getHeight() / 2);
Is there a way to change the cursor in title bar of a JavaFX Accordian?
I have changed the padding of title bars using css as follows. Hope it doesn't have any relation to the problem.
.titled-pane > .title {
-fx-padding: 30;

A TitledPane is divided into two parts :
When you are setting the Cursor on the Accordion, it delegates it to the content of each TitledPane, but leaves the Title. This is by design.
To force your application to change the cursor on the title as well, we need to set it on each of these nodes. We can fetch all the nodes by using the lookupAll() on the accordion and passing the styleclass they use i.e. .title. Make sure you use this after the scene graph is visible.
accordion.lookupAll(".title").forEach(node -> node.setCursor(Cursor.CLOSED_HAND));
You can use your custom cursor in place of CLOSED_HAND.


How to gray selection highlight when NatTable not in focus

Some lists and tables gray out their selection when they lose keyboard focus.
In the presence of multiple lists/tables, this helps communicate to the user which selection is active.
Is there an easy way to do this with NatTable?
The best I've come up with so far is to flip between different attributes for DisplayMode.SELECT as focus comes and goes -- but I'm not sure I can do that after NatTable.configure() has been called.
Yes you can change configuration attributes dynamically after NatTable#configure() has been called. That is a common approach for dynamic changes. Another approach would be to configure a selection style for a special label and apply that label only in case the table is active. This approach can be seen in this example.
I have this working, after #DirkFauth's answer. This answer includes some specifics.
After the table has been configured with NatTable.configure(), you can modify the configuration not with NatTable.addConfiguration(IConfiguration), but instead by calling IConfiguration.configureRegistry(IConfigRegistry). For example:
myConfiguration.configureRegistry( myTable.getConfigRegistry() )
Within that implementation of configureRegistry(), you can set the style for selected and anchor cells:
selectedStyle, DisplayMode.SELECT, GridRegion.BODY);
anchorStyle, DisplayMode.SELECT,
When the table is inactive, selectedStyle and anchorStyle can be modified clones of their usual setting. For example:
private static Color myInactiveColor = ...;
public static Style makeInactiveBodyCellStyleFrom(#Nonnull Style style) {
Style rv = style.clone();
rv.setAttributeValue( CellStyleAttributes.BACKGROUND_COLOR,
myInactiveColor );
return rv;
Similar work can be done for the styles of selected row and column headers.

How to change TinyMCE v.5 cursor type when changing table column width?

In tinyMCE v.5 when changing table column width, as a functionality of table plugin, I have cursor: default, but on their website on example cursor is: col-resize. How can I change it to be col-resize also? :)
Could'n find on their website that that this is some customization option, it looks like default look, but in my project is showing different than on their example.
Here is the Screenshot
You seem to have some custom CSS in that screenshot - the toolbar should wrap, not scroll.
The cursor is set via a content stylesheet, which uses cursor: row-resize (or cursor: col-resize) when the cursor is over invisible div elements that line up with the table borders.
You can use a DOM inspector to find the elements (they're siblings of the body tag) and the element style information should tell you where the cursor is being overridden.
If that doesn't help, please create a replication example on our website (or other fiddle/codepen type website) and we'll see if we can track it down.
Thank you #Spyder :)
I found them, you're right they are sibilings of body :)
They have classes:
"ephox-snooker-resizer-rows ephox-snooker-resizer-bar" - resize row
"ephox-snooker-resizer-cols ephox-snooker-resizer-bar" - resize column
and get additional class "ephox-snooker-resizer-bar-dragging" while in dragging mode.
I just added this properties in a "tinymce/css/mycontent.css" file:
.ephox-snooker-resizer-cols {
cursor: col-resize;
.ephox-snooker-resizer-rows {
cursor: ns-resize;

Access Form layout and design: Header: How do I make my header section look like Google

I would like to rip off Google's design for my Continuous Form. The detail section of the form is set up to display N number of records resulting from a search, and thus cannot be used to create this effect (i think). Everything must go in the header section.
there are 2 primary issues I would like to address in this question:
Two toned background. The header section should have a grey stripe and a white stripe. This stripe needs to extend the full width of the form, which is variable and will depend on the user. (i'm using tabs not pop-ups)
How to right justify certain elements of the header so that they stay close to the right edge, wherever that may fall, just like your account information on Google.
The "Search Results" in the detail section are loaded by setting the form's recordSource to the results of a query defined in VBA, which takes parameters from the search box. The form is continuous.
Any ideas how to hack this into place?
Recent versions of MS Access provide improved form layout features when using the ACCDB database file format.
The screen captures below are based on a form in Access 2010. The second image is after the form width was expanded, but it's scaled down for display on this web page. However you can open those images directly to compare their relative widths.
The grey color is from the form header's Back Color property. The white box is a simple text box whose Back Color is white and Back Style is Normal (not Transparent).
The text box's Horizontal Anchor property is Both, and its Can Grow property is Yes. The other 3 items ("?", "Button 2", and "Button 3") are command buttons. Their Horizontal Anchors are set to Right and their Can Grow properties are No.
The result of those properties is that when the form expands, those command buttons maintain their size are are kept right-aligned within the form. And the text box stretches to fill the remaining available space.
Note this behavior is accomplished without any VBA code.
I think these layout capabilities were introduced in Access 2007 and perhaps refined in 2010.
For the background, use two rectangles with transparent borders, one back color gray, one white. You can size them to the form by using the form's InsideWidth property. For example:
Private Sub Form_Resize()
rect1.Width = Me.InsideWidth
rect2.Width = Me.InsideWidth
End Sub
I would do a similar thing for the buttons/images/etc you want right justified. Set their Left property relative to the form's width:
mySettingsButton.Left = Me.InsideWidth - 300
Keep in mind all the measurements are twips (1440 twips/inch)

How do you change the mouse over highlighting?

In GWT, I am using CellTable.
When you mouse over the CellTable it highlights each row.
How do change the behavior of the highlighting from the mouse over? Specifically:
change the color of highlighting
make it highlight only the specific grid item at your cursor (instead of the entire row)
( The current hack I have is to create a bunch of 1 column wide CellTables and add them to a VerticalPanel layout... creating the illusion that there is one CellTable and it highlights each grid according to your cursor. Is this bad? Why? performance? )
You will notice the CellTable uses a ResourceBundle, which means all the css styles get obfuscated ... this makes it more difficult to override styles.
The CellTable constructor will actually allow you to override the default ResourceBundle. So first, you need to create your own resource bundle like this:
public interface CellTableResources extends Resources {
public CellTableResources INSTANCE =
* The styles used in this widget.
CellTable.Style cellTableStyle();
Then you need to create your own CSS file. I recommend copying the CellTable style directly into your project and use that as a starting point. You can find it here:
Make sure the style is injected first, and then you just feed it into the CellTable's constructor like this:
myCellTable = new CellTable<T>(Integer.MAX_VALUE,CellTableResources.INSTANCE);
Specifically, you'll want to tweak these styles:
It is important to note that the cell table differentiates between the 'selected row' and the 'keyboard selected row'. The selected row is the actual row selected (ie via SelectionModel). The keyboard selected row refers to what is highlighted when the user is pressing the up / down key, but does not mean the row is actually selected (if that makes sense).
I'll just add for number 2) on your list, you can simply do
That completely disables highlighting. There are also two more setSkip-functions on CellList related to hovering.
CellTable can be styled via CSS: How do I style a gwt 2.1 CellTables headers?
To disable highlighting just set the hover CSS property to nothing.
Possibly - try tweaking the .cellTableSelectedRow and .cellTableSelectedRowCell.
Here is the original CellTable.css:

VB6 Changing colors for every control on a form

I am trying to change the colour theme of an old VB6 application (make it look a bit more modern!).
Can someone tell me how I could change the backcolor of every control on a form without doing it for each and every control (label, button, frame etc!).
I have about 50 forms, all containing such controls and doing this manually for each form in code would take an age!
I am also open to better suggestions and ideas on how I can skin / theme a VB6 application?
Thanks in advance
The .frm files are simply standard ANSI text files. A background color property of a control would look like this:-
BackColor = &H80000005&
(Note the above is a system color but you can specify the RGB color using by using the lower 3 bytes and leaving the high byte 0).
A control such a Label would look like this:-
Begin VB.Label Label1
Caption = "Hello:"
Height = 285
Left = 90
TabIndex = 3
Top = 480
Width = 1305
So that task could be done lexically by parsing the .frm files and inserting (or replacing) the BackColor attribute line.
Useful link posted in comments by MarkJ : Form Description Properties
You can do a for each and eliminate the controls you don't want.
Dim frmThing as Form
Dim ctlThing as Control
For Each frmThing In Forms
frmThing.BackColor = vbYellow
For Each ctlThing In frmThing.Controls
If (TypeOf ctlThing Is TextBox) Or _
(TypeOf ctlThing Is CheckBox) Or _
(TypeOf ctlThing Is ComboBox) Then
ctlThing.BackColor = vbYellow
End If
you could do this at runtime by looping the Controls collection and setting the background of each. This would give you the flexibility of changing your theme.
You could also work through the source files, parse out the controls and enter/change the background colours that you want. This approach is probably more work, for less reward.
Just for completeness...
ssCheck does not have a BackColor property and will produce an error using the aforementioned methods
It's going back quite a few years now, but wasnt there a 'Transparent' background color?
Set all the labels to have a transparent background, and you only need to set the form color once.