How can I create better looking charts than those generated by Core Plot? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for good library for iphone to draw charts (pie chart, bar chart). I've tested Core plot, which was recommended by many people, but I think the generated charts look poor.
I saw example of good-looking charts in that application:
Anyone knows what library was used there? Or what library can help me achieve similar, nice look?

I would use CorePlot, but since you dont like it…
In one project I used the Google Chart api. Nearly everything is customizable, the only downside is that you have to be connected the internet to fetch the image. Depending on your use case, it might be appealing.
You can also checkout the huge list of responses to this similar question: Is there a good charting library for iPhone?


Is there any tool to organize development notes and ideas? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been searching for some tool to organize my development notes, ideas and features on diferente projects.
I saw diferente tools that did part or what I need but nome combines all.
I know I can do it, but dont have the time.
Right now I use different tools to manage:
By Project
By versions
Basic features I whould like:
Organized by project
By version
What is it ( Note, idea, feature request, bug, etc
some sort of tag to catalog it
Code-snippet, to better illustrate
Image to better illustrate
I'd like more, these whould do for now.
Does any one know of some tool that those this, or most of it ?
We are using Jira. Jira is a bugtracker, issuetracker etc... You can combine it with many add-ons (for scrum, github functionality)

What happened to OpenRT? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been looking around for powerful raytracing interfaces and discovered references to OpenRT but can't seem to find it anywhere. Does it even still exist?
If it is gone, what is the most used library for raytracing that is powerful enough for realtime rendering.
My answer below is all I have managed to find.
I have continued my search and only seem to find OpenRL as it supports most of what I need. However I may end up writing my own wrapper or engine that suits my needs as there seems to be no mature solution. Thanks for the suggestions.
PowerVR Wizard GPUs by Imagination Technologies have been announced recently.
"Wizard is essentially an extension of Imagination’s existing PowerVR
Series6XT Rogue designs, taking the base hardware and adding the
additional blocks necessary to do ray tracing"
Possible, and seems to be the only, solution I have found is OpenRL.

Any one knows any book template for IOS App [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need a template like cover flow for viewing books in IOS App. Anybody knows any template which can show books.
Please find attached images. I need something like shown in figure.
Sorry but I do not know these question should be ask on stack overflow or other stack overflow options!
Well to achieve this we have a number of controls. Please go through these
Pepper UI
Flip View Control
Leaves Control
Page Curl
You would have to tweak all of them to get your desired animation though iCarousel does offer many such animations. Dont forget to go through its library. Hope this helps.
Use iCarousel which is open source well-known library for such formats. You need to tweak the in-built types a little to make it look like a book.
Set the type to iCarouselTypeCoverFlow2 and implement delegate method itemTransformForOffset to provide your custom transform for book-like display.

iPhone iOS is there an open source annotated line graph example? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've looked at a variety of iPhone graphs, and while a lot of them work for line graphs, I have not been able to find anything that does graph annotations like the image below. Are there any graphs for iOS that support graph annotations?
There are many comparison article of the different iOS Graphing Libraries. See these comparisons for an in depth analysis of their differing features:
Not many of them support built in annotations. You may have to add that yourself. Core-Plot sounds like your best option:

Data visualization framework for a web server? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need a framework for generating charts for data visualization. I picked up Processing but at the moment i can not run that in the "headless" mode from a web server. Is there any other candidate for this domain? What are the options if you need more chart type than what is supported by out-of-the-box solutions
Try using Silverlight for the clientside chart drawing
Great set of OpenSource Silverlight chart has published on CodePlex - Check out
Visifire is a free charting library available in Silverlight
And a tutorial is up here
JFreeChart is a option, or a software reporting software tool that does all the footwork of data analysis for you. I can recommend i-net Clear Reports seeing as how I work for i-net software and all... ;).
I am now using Graphics2D that comes with JDK. With this you are no longer limited to the chart types - simply concentrate of the data pattern and let Graphics2D do it's job.
There is also Gnuplot, if you're into calling stuff through the command line, and Matplotlib, if you're using python.