apex debug log output does not show up on Eclipse - plugins

I installed visualforce plugin to Eclipse 3.6 and is working fine except that
system.debug does not output anything.
static testMethod void testMonth() {
Month m = new Month(system.today());
In eclipse, right click and select Force.com
window popup, select run test
Test passes but I'm expecting debug output to show up. (i.e. foobar and date string) but nothing shows up.
Is there anything I might have to turn on or missing?
My Eclipse is Java edition.
I've tried PHP dev edition too with visualforce IDE version 20 but no luck.
Also tried visual force IDE standalone version and this also didn't show the log.

Here's a screenshot from my Eclipse: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/709568/stackoverflow/Masato.png
Works like a charm, maybe you closed this "Apex Test Runner" window? Maybe you aren't in the "Force.com" perspective?
Software versions (I don't think it's an Eclipse or plugin problem but you never know)...
Eclipse for PHP Developers
Build id: 20100218-1602
Force.com IDE
Version: Summer '10 (19.0.0)
Try locating these "Apex Test Runner" and/or "Execute anonymous" windows and playing with dropdown (which says what piece of debug info you want to see) and scrollbar (which says for "this" piece of info how detailed it should be).

This is an bug with Force.com IDE Winter'20.0. The fix is making its way through so expect a gud news soon.

Force.com IDE 20.0.1 has been released, which fixes this bug. See http://wiki.developerforce.com/index.php/Force.com_IDE for details.


Can't add Java Applications in Eclipse Run Configurations after upgrading to 4.7

My application isn't running correctly with Java 9. In order to debug it, I upgraded to Eclipse 4.7 (oxygen) since Neon doesn't have Java 9 support, and applied the Java 9 support patch.
After doing so, eclipse was failing to load any of my pre-existing Java Applications. Thinking it might be a version difference thing, I deleted them, to try re-adding. But when I click the "New" button to add a configuration, nothing happens.
If I double-click "Java Application," I get the following error:
An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
tried to access method org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.LaunchConfigurationsDialog.getTabViewer()Lorg/eclipse/debug/internal/ui/launchConfigurations/LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer; from class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.LocalJavaApplicationTabGroup
I am able to add configurations for other types of applications (Java Applet, Eclipse Application) so it seems only to be an issue with Java Applications.
I also tried a fresh workspace, but that has the same issue. How can I fix this?
This is kind of a duplicate but since I experienced the issue and have seen a few others post about it, I'll post my answer of how I fixed it here.
If you go here: https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/java-9-support-beta-oxygen/
You need to follow the step about updating Eclipse 4.7 from the link that ends in 4.7-U-builds. When you go to Install New Software and select Eclipse SDK, click Next until you get to the Install Remediation Page, and make sure that you are selecting the second option that says something like "update my installation to be compatible with the items being installed" instead of the option that says "keep my installation the same and modify the items being installed to be compatible."
The first time I installed Java 9 updates, I did it the latter way and ran into this problem. Now that I've gone back and chosen the former, I am able to add Java Application Run Configurations again.
Hope this helps.
Eclipse Oxygen.1a (4.7.1a) Release
Update as of 11 October,2017 - You shall upgrade to the latest eclipse package Eclipse Oxygen.1a (4.7.1a) which is marked as released and supports Java 9.

Running into JDK files from Eclipse IDE

I develop software on Eclipse Mars IDE, under MS Windows 10 OS, based on Java v7. And now I've got some configuration problems related to the IDE. What I want, is that to run into JDK source code from the IDE once I click on the 'step into' (or in other way). I've included the 'src.zip' on the path in the way provided by the IDE. Yet, when I attempt to run into the source code, the IDE says the 'source code not found'.
I want this feature in order to be able to debug some things related to my current app.
You need to set this through the Java->Installed JRE's found in Eclipse -> Window ->Preferences. See screen shot below.

Update Eclipse plugin from 2.x style to 4.x style (plugin.xml to manifest.mf/osgi bundle)

I have an Eclipse plugin that was originally written (not by me, and I don't have access to the original developer) that I'm trying to update for Eclipse Luna, because it stopped working when my team updated to Eclipse 4.4.
I downloaded the Luna Plugin development version, cleared a few warnings, updated some broken code, fixed a few bugs, and tested with "Run As -> Eclipse Application
This worked fine: all the views showed up, the preferences pages, etc.
So then I tried to export the plugin so I could test on a fresh installation of vanilla Eclipse Luna. I did that by using the Export Wizard:
And generated a deployable set of jars with said wizard:
I copied the generated folder (which contains all the jars appropriately) into the dropins folder of my fresh vanilla Eclipse Luna and started it up.
Unfortunately, I got the following error:
Which led me to this SO question and this Eclipse bug report, which explains that I have a 2.x style plugin that uses the plugin.xml instead of an OSGi style manifest.mf. Continuing my search, I found this SO question, which was directed at a 3.x version of Eclipse, but I used the 4.x equivalent:
Which I used with the following options checked:
And I accepted all the changes in the previous pane after the (long-running) changeset. However, upon deploying to my vanilla install, I got the same error about the plugin converter. That led me back to this SO question, which recommending installing the Eclipse 2.0 plugin support package. I did so and restarted Eclipse. The error in my error log did stop showing up, however the view/preferences/etc for my plugin are still not showing up. The plugin does show up under Help -> Installation Details -> Plug-ins, but doesn't seem to be interacting at all.
The text of the plugin.xml can be found here at Pastebin. The text of the MANIFEST.MF can by found at this other Pastebin link
Any suggestions for getting my plugin to work through the manual export so the other developers on my team can test my changes before I try releasing the update to the world?

code completion do not work in Nodeclipse 0.4

Are there something that I messed up, when installing Nodeclipse 0.4 so I can not do code completion since my code is worked.
as you can see at picture,
- the red one is Node mode in Eclipse Kepler which enable after Nodeclipse installed
- the blue one is Java EE IDE in Eclipse which I use as to installed Nodeclipse
- the yellow one is Node code in Eclipse which default exist if I chose the example
- the green is Node code class representative.
if I press CTRL+Space in console., there is not any code completion showed up which should showed up cause I already have JsHint v. 0.9.6
if I follow instructions of installation.. then..
I got this list.. (note: the disables means I already installed it.)
then.. I got this message..
as the comment of Nodeclipse developer,
if I reproduced but to installed JSHint alone then it goes with this message..
There is work in progress on content assist for Node.js modules
Content assist for Eclipse JSDT based Editor
fork with work in progress:
(source: nodeclipse.org)
Code completion is depending on what code you have. Could you please share your snippet?
Version 0.4 has Eclipse JSDT standard functions. Node.js specific libraries support is not yet implemented.
Opened issue for new feature is #50 support for node.js style module definitions
console is defined inside node.js, and as such is not yet supported.
For second part of the question (about installation using Enide .p2f file):
if I follow instructions of installation.. then..
some update sites like StartExplore are not stable and often unavailable
So if there is problem installiing, The recommendation would be to install less plugins in one time (only 1 at a time, for example)
(Then there is way to know what exact plugin update site is unavailable at this time)
For nodeclipse itself latest Eclipse (Like 4.2.2 IDE for Java EE Developers) is recommended & enough.

Can't see java code when runnig GWT 2.5 in SuperDev mode

I have a GWT 2.5 app following Thomas Broyer's maven archetypes. I've followed the guidelines explained in the SO question and everything seems to be OK.
The code server is running properly. I browse my app and I start the dev mode from bookmarks copied to the toolbar. After starting dev mode, I can see the dialog with the compile button. After clicking the button, I can see the compiler working in Eclipse console. However, when I try to see java code on Chrome browser I can see javascript code only.
I don't know if it could be relevant, but I'm starting the code server from maven with gwt-maven-plugin's gwt:run-codeserver goal.
This is a known issue: Chrome changed the way it deals with Source Maps and this lead to an incompatibility with how GWT produces them.
This is fixed in 2.5.1-rc1 that's just been published to Central (a couple days ago, not yet officially announced). See http://mojo.codehaus.org/gwt-maven-plugin/user-guide/using-different-gwt-sdk-version.html to use it into your build. I'll release a new version of the gwt-maven-plugin that "links" to this version, and then update the archetypes.