code completion do not work in Nodeclipse 0.4 - eclipse

Are there something that I messed up, when installing Nodeclipse 0.4 so I can not do code completion since my code is worked.
as you can see at picture,
- the red one is Node mode in Eclipse Kepler which enable after Nodeclipse installed
- the blue one is Java EE IDE in Eclipse which I use as to installed Nodeclipse
- the yellow one is Node code in Eclipse which default exist if I chose the example
- the green is Node code class representative.
if I press CTRL+Space in console., there is not any code completion showed up which should showed up cause I already have JsHint v. 0.9.6
if I follow instructions of installation.. then..
I got this list.. (note: the disables means I already installed it.)
then.. I got this message..
as the comment of Nodeclipse developer,
if I reproduced but to installed JSHint alone then it goes with this message..

There is work in progress on content assist for Node.js modules
Content assist for Eclipse JSDT based Editor
fork with work in progress:

Code completion is depending on what code you have. Could you please share your snippet?
Version 0.4 has Eclipse JSDT standard functions. Node.js specific libraries support is not yet implemented.
Opened issue for new feature is #50 support for node.js style module definitions
console is defined inside node.js, and as such is not yet supported.

For second part of the question (about installation using Enide .p2f file):
if I follow instructions of installation.. then..
some update sites like StartExplore are not stable and often unavailable
So if there is problem installiing, The recommendation would be to install less plugins in one time (only 1 at a time, for example)
(Then there is way to know what exact plugin update site is unavailable at this time)
For nodeclipse itself latest Eclipse (Like 4.2.2 IDE for Java EE Developers) is recommended & enough.


Can't add Java Applications in Eclipse Run Configurations after upgrading to 4.7

My application isn't running correctly with Java 9. In order to debug it, I upgraded to Eclipse 4.7 (oxygen) since Neon doesn't have Java 9 support, and applied the Java 9 support patch.
After doing so, eclipse was failing to load any of my pre-existing Java Applications. Thinking it might be a version difference thing, I deleted them, to try re-adding. But when I click the "New" button to add a configuration, nothing happens.
If I double-click "Java Application," I get the following error:
An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
tried to access method org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.LaunchConfigurationsDialog.getTabViewer()Lorg/eclipse/debug/internal/ui/launchConfigurations/LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer; from class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.LocalJavaApplicationTabGroup
I am able to add configurations for other types of applications (Java Applet, Eclipse Application) so it seems only to be an issue with Java Applications.
I also tried a fresh workspace, but that has the same issue. How can I fix this?
This is kind of a duplicate but since I experienced the issue and have seen a few others post about it, I'll post my answer of how I fixed it here.
If you go here:
You need to follow the step about updating Eclipse 4.7 from the link that ends in 4.7-U-builds. When you go to Install New Software and select Eclipse SDK, click Next until you get to the Install Remediation Page, and make sure that you are selecting the second option that says something like "update my installation to be compatible with the items being installed" instead of the option that says "keep my installation the same and modify the items being installed to be compatible."
The first time I installed Java 9 updates, I did it the latter way and ran into this problem. Now that I've gone back and chosen the former, I am able to add Java Application Run Configurations again.
Hope this helps.
Eclipse Oxygen.1a (4.7.1a) Release
Update as of 11 October,2017 - You shall upgrade to the latest eclipse package Eclipse Oxygen.1a (4.7.1a) which is marked as released and supports Java 9.

PyDev not working in Eclipse

I recently had to reset my PC and I get this error after relaunching Eclipse:
No editor descriptor for id org.python.pydev.editor.PythonEditor
I tried searching for a solution but others like
here have been caused by upgrading Eclipse. I'm new to Eclipse and programming in general. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
Update Java 11 now required for PyDev. Rest of answer preserved as still relevant.
Two things to check:
Check that you are running Java 7 or greater and newish Eclipse. From PyDev requirements:
Java 7: Important: If you don't have java 7, the update process may
appear to succeed, but PyDev will simply not show in the target
installation. See PyDev does not appear after install! below for
details on how to fix that. At least one of:
Python (2.2 or newer) Jython (2.2 or newer) IronPython (2.6 or newer)
Eclipse (3.8/4.3 onwards) Note if using Eclipse standalone: Python and
IronPython require only the Platform Runtime Binary (download around
45-50 MB), and Jython also requires JDT.
Make sure you have PyDev appears properly installed:
Help menu
Installation Details
Plug-ins tab
type pydev in the filter box (see below)
check that PyDev is installed
If PyDev is not installed, and you have met the requirements, try installing it again from Update Site:
Help menu
Install New Software
Put in the Work With box and press Enter (see screenshot below)
Select PyDev in the list
Complete the wizard
Restart Eclipse when prompted, and voila (I hope!) you have PyDev working again.
If your problem is not resolved with the above, please provide more details in the question
Currently (January 2022) the update the eclipse to the newest and helped, but also Java 11 (I'm using Oracle Java at Ubuntu 18) was required. At the webpage of PyDev the minimal versions are given.

node.js in Eclipse - which plugin(s) are most people using?

I'm mostly interested in server-side web development, though being able to redeploy some bits in Chrome would be nice.
I am currently running Eclipse Indigo on Ubuntu for developing mostly Java/Scala programs and to use git.
So far I've come across and, but not sure which is preferable.
There is effort. Current version is 0.16
update site is
When you want to help in any way, start by raising issue
Features Creating default structure for New Node
Project and New Node Source File Generating Express project
with Wizard JavaScript Syntax highlighting Bracket
matching and marking selection occurences with background color
Content Assistant within one file Go to definition with
Ctrl+click when JSDoc is
used Refactoring within one file
(Alt+Shift+R) JSON files highlight and
validation NPM support Debugging - Breakpoint,
Trace, Variables, Expressions, etc... via Eclipse debugger plugin for
V8 Setting project properties for JSHint-Eclipse
automatically; JSHint
settings template
Passing arguments to Node application and Node.js,
specifying environment variables values to use Running
CoffeeScript *.coffee files Running *.js files with
PhantomJS, MongoDB Shell or Java 8 Nashorn jjs util
Bundled together with Markdown Editor, GitHub Flavored Markdown,
StartExplorer (for system explorer and shell), RegEx, Icon Editor,
MongoDB, RestClient Tool and other plugins (20+ in total, check
update site and Nodeclispe Plugin
List) Support for Eclipse Juno, Kepler, Luna M3
Read for more & latest information.
What I have tried
VJET contains lot a bugs (in coloration, auto-competition ...). Could be better after a few updates. Node.js support is quite not up to date.
Eclipse Web Tools does no support node functions
Netbeans have a NodeJS plugin. Looks quite complete.
The chrome dev tools is just a debugger (and some chrome related utilities), not a fully usable IDE.
So far I would strongly not to use Eclipse for node.js project.
I'm using Sublime Text 2 for a while, and I'm very happy with it (And it has a node.js plugin).
I would recommend Aptana Studio (
It's quite complete for javascript development besides it doesn't have node.js "direct support
It can be installed both as a standalone application or an Eclipse Plugin.
I've been using it for server and client development and works great for both.
Try Microsoft WebMatrix 2
It is free and has intellisense.
As of Eclipse Neon (May 2016), Supports for Node.js comes as part of the JSDT.
The only prereqs are the installation of Node.js and npm.

Hadoop 0.20.2 Eclipse plugin not fully functioning - can't 'Run on Hadoop'

I've just finished installing Hadoop 0.20.2 under Cygwin on Windows 7 with Eclipse Helios (3.6). Hadoop is now fully started, and I'm trying to run a test application within a newly created MapReduce test project in Eclipse. I'm using the Hadoop 0.20.2 plugin from the Hadoop download.
The Map/Reduce Location perspective operates correctly, as does DFS Locations tree in the Package Explorer. However, when I right-click the driver, select 'Run As' > 'Run on Hadoop', nothing happens and no errors spawn on the Console (silent fail :(). I believe a dialog window should appear asking for config before it runs, but this is not happening.
There seems to be a few others with the same problem, but I've yet to find an answer that works. I've tried the 0.20.1 plugin (total fail). The following bug report seems to describe my issue, though I'm a bit of a newbie to all this, so could do with a hand / voice of experience to help out:
The hadoop eclipse plugin bundled with the hadoop distribution is compatible with eclipse up to version 3.3. The JIRA-ticket MAPREDUCE-1280 contains a patch for running the plugin in eclipse 3.4 and upwards.
I just compiled the patched plugin with the fixes from the JIRA-ticket MAPREDUCE-1280. The file is attached to the ticket. You can find it here.
Simply remove the old plugin from your eclipse-installation and put the new version of the plugin into the dropins-folder of your eclipse-installation.
After upgrading from an older version of the plugin you will have to start eclipse with the "-clean" command line switch. Help on eclipse command line switches can be found here.
I don't know whether the plugin has been updated or not, but as far as I know, that one is out of maintenance for several previous releases.
One of the solution is that you should download the source code and try to re-compile the jar file for that plugin (for the latest version of eclipse), however I didn't try it so don't know whether it is working.
Maybe you can try to use Karmasphere.
askswOrder is correct that the Eclipse plugin has not seen much attention for quite a long time. The JIRA you reference does provide a fix, but it's only been applied to Hadoop 20.3 and above. One option would be to try to apply the patch to 20.2 and recompile, but that's asking quite a lot from a newbie. I'd second the suggestion to use Karmasphere; it's a great product for working with MapReduce and those gents have taken on the work of staying current with Hadoop releases.

Is there any way to manually fold code in Eclipse?

Is there any way to manually create fold points in code in Eclipse? I know how to enable folding and how to set the auto preferences, but i like being able to set my own fold points so I can ignore certain parts of my code. Think regions in VS.
I know there is in VS and NetBeans, but I cannot find a way to set manual fold points in Eclipse.
I don't think Eclipse has built in manual folding, but I did use a previous version of the following plugin for it.
Per the comment: The plugin has been recompiled for Eclipse 3.5 and is available at the Apache Isis site. A direct download link is also available. It also appears to work for Eclipse 3.6.
The coffee bytes folding plug-in for eclipse is still alive. But the pages have moved.
An Overview and how to get it can be found here.
I've installed it in eclipse using the update page.
In Eclipse go to Help -> Install new Software
Select the plugin and follow on-screen instruction.
I'm still pretty new to eclipse development and had to install mylyn before installing the code folding plugin.
I'm new to Eclipse, but since the IDE lets you fold preprocessor directives, you can just do "#if 1 .... #endif" to effectively set up manual folding.
No, eclipse does not have any option to provide manual folding plugins.