Right align Facebook like button - facebook

I am able to put a Facebook like button on my website, but how do I make it to be right-aligned within the div/iframe it is in?
I tried applying various CSS properties, but I could not get anything to move in the iframe.

I think this link could help too:
It says to set the width to "0". Then the box will be autoresize by Facebook and you can apply a float right to that box.

iframe is an inline element, you can use
text-align: right
for a div that contains that iframe, or float the iframe to the right, but just make sure to clear the float afterwards.
sample: http://jsfiddle.net/Mujj6/3/
and: http://jsfiddle.net/Mujj6/5/

Seems as though there are many ways to achieve this that work in different situations.
None of the above seemed to make any difference to the position of my 'like' button, however a little trial and error with a "margin-left" tag and I got it in the right place.

Thanks for everyone's input. The position relative trick doesn't always do it for me:
So far this has been more dependable:

What is described in Embed Facebook Like button – Right align with CSS and settings works. However, in my website, I had to change the style to
position:relative; right:-130px;

the 'like' social plug-in seems to have changed styles within the iframe. what's the best way to prevent the 'like' from flowing right, on the following page?

With DIV it's easy:
.fb-like{ vertical-align:top;}
posted also on SimpleMediaCode.info ( http://e-art.lv/x/fbas )


Facebook Like Button renders 1000px*1000px after pressing Back on Browser on Chrome and blocks page content

I implemented html5 version of the like button on the header of my page.
once i navigate to another page and press the back button on the browser the FB button renders the iframe the size of 1000px * 1000px and masks the page content.
any solutions for this ? is this a known issue?
I can confirm this is happening for myself as well across multiple sites.
Facebook is aware of the issue which may take some time to fix according to https://developers.facebook.com/x/bugs/663421210369743/
In the short-term, many other developers seems to be suggesting to target the iframe specifically through css (or timeout javascript call) to force the height back to about 20px.
When using css, ensure you use !important to override the style attribute that ends up on the iframe from facebook.
I know this is an old post but it's still happening.
Add this inline to the code facebook gives you:
data-height="30px" data-width="130px"
And this to the CSS
.fb-like {
width: 130px !important;
Of course, you can change the width to whatever you want.
So your code should look like this (where XX is replaced with your parameters):
<div class="fb-like" data-href="XX" data-send="XX" data-layout="XX" data-show-faces="XX" data-height="30px" data-width="130px">
This is only a temporary solution until it is fixed as the facebook button disappears after a minute or so.
Probably not the best solution out there but adding the following css could work for now:
.fb-like iframe {
width: 500px!important;
height: 50px!important;
For me this is happening when the facebook like button is wrapped in "position relative" element with "z-index" higher then the content wrapper.
Check the position and the z-index of your elements.

Add a Facebook Login button over a full screen Google Map

I would like to add a facebook login button over a full screen Google Maps, as an overlay. I've found this topic: How to make a full screen Google Map with website menu overlay?
but when I add the required fb-root div to the HTML code, a blank block appears on the top, pushing the map below. I've tried to set display property of fb-root to none, set it with an absolute and negative positioning, but I haven't reach the goal. Here you may find my best attempt: Facebook login over Google map
Thanks in advance.
Find it out! Maybe it's not a super elegant solution, but I've managed to solve by setting a negative positioning to the google map. Here follows the css for the map
#googlemap { width: 100%; height: 100%; position:relative; top:-32px; }
I've updated the code on the link I posted, hope it helps someone.

Facebook hide content from non-fans in a unique way

I need to build a tab looking like this one:
I know how to add an image and a comment box and i know of several "plain" ways to hide the content from non-fans, but i came across the above tab and i really like the way it shows thee content yet you cant engage it until you press the like button.
Any help please?
Thanks in advance.
Your link didn't work for me, but you can place a absolutely positioned div with a high z-index above the rest of your content to prevent the user from clicking on anything.
Update: Now that the link has been updated I see that they are doing exactly what I described above. In chrome if you right-click the background and select "inspect element" you will see the following computed style for the div:
The content is blacked out simply with a div with a black background and some opacity. Just for fun, you can overcome their like gate (without liking) via chrome's JS console by selecting the iframe context and then entering the following:
... now call youself a 'hacker' ;)

How to control height of "Like" button

The button-count Layout Style height of the "Like" button and corresponding counter block is 20px high. Is there any way to shrink that block to 16px using css of jQuery or any other method?
It can't be done. The only customization you can do is what you see here:
See this article on why it's so difficult to resize iframes:
Actually you can hide whatever you like by wrapping it with a div and doing some css. Or you can !important override any of the CSS facebook uses by doing it in your own stylesheet. Just open up your page in firebug after adding the button and you can figure out what css to override. Honestly it's not worth it though, the facebook iframe for their button tears up android browsers and slows down every page you put it on.
I added the button to a page and only wanted the button not a count or their blown out text message beside it. so I created a div with the id="facebook" and wrapped it around the div they give you on the dev site. Then added this CSS to my stylesheet.
#facebook {
You can use a couple of div's to wrap it then change the centering of the button as well using negative margins on the inner div. But again it's not honestly worth it to me so I stopped sending links to facebook and stick with twitter and pinterest.
Hope that helps.

CSS / HTML text wrap for webkit

I am trying to achieve the same effect facebook has with wrapping your status if it's too long.
Try to set your status to something like 300 "A" characters with a webkit user agent. How do they do that?
Yes... I know you can use:
word-wrap: break-word
I googled alot and all these tricks only work if you can set the width in advance, which I cannot.
My width is adjusting to 100% screen size to allow stretching when resizing (landscape).
So to sum this up, how can I achieve text wrap without giving a specific width to the element or a parent element, without using JS, under webkit only browser?
I could notice that FB use this property on the parent container:
-webkit-box-sizing: content-box
But I was not able to apply this to my case...
I would assume it's done this way with a server side language before given to the front-end. You typically want to stay away from content manipulation when you have such a large user base. There is a new CSS3 property that will do this for you, but it's not widely supported.
More info can be found via Google
I think I know what you are looking for,
The trick is the combo of:
See this jsfiddle for a demonstration http://jsfiddle.net/bPsav/