How do I make a "notify" box disappear - krl

When I respond to a web event, I would like to make a previously actioned(?) notify box disappear. Is there a KRL way to tell it to go away or does it have to be done through javascript?
If it must be done through javascript, please provide an example

New Shiny Awesomer Answer!
All my previous answers suck! What you really should do is trigger the click event on the close button.
$K(".kGrowl-notification .close").trigger("click");
Just emit that JavaScript when you are responding with a web event.
Better example app:
ruleset a60x469 {
meta {
name "better-close-notify-example"
description <<
author "Mike Grace"
logging on
rule put_notify_on_page {
select when pageview ".*"
// put notify on page
notify("Hello","I'm on your page") with sticky = true;
// raise web event
emit <|
setTimeout(function() {
app = KOBJ.get_application("a60x469");
}, 2000);
rule clear_notify {
select when web clear_notify
emit <|
$K(".kGrowl-notification .close").trigger("click")
There are several ways you could accomplish this.
emit JavaScript to hide or replace notification
change style to display:none with set_element_attr
replace_inner action to remove the notification (evil)
set_element_attr(".kGrowl", "style", "display:none");
emit [remove] (evil)
emit <|
emit [hide]
emit <|
replace_html (evil)
Full app example:
ruleset a60x468 {
meta {
name "example-clear-notify"
description <<
author "Mike Grace"
logging on
rule put_notify_on_page {
select when pageview ".*"
pre {
button =<<
<button id="clear-notify">Click me to clear the notify</button>
notify("Hello","I'm on your page") with sticky = true;
append("body", button);
emit <|
$K("#clear-notify").click(function() {
app = KOBJ.get_application("a60x468");
rule clear_notify {
select when web clear_notify
Example app bookmarklet: =>
Example app run on
clear button clicked:


TinyMCE4 How to toggle selfcreated Buttons

I have created a Button with the Tiny Method addButton().
How is it possible to toggle the State of the Button ?
In my first simple case I have a Button with Fullscreen
(Different Functionality than the built-in function)
and want to hide it after getting the Fullscreen State
and replace it with an "End Fullscreen" Button.
But I have not found the right way to show or hide them.
I know that the button will get an ID, but I dont know which one ...
If you add the button with:
editor.addButton('customFullscreen', {
tooltip: 'Fullscreen',
shortcut: 'Ctrl+Alt+F',
onClick: toggleCustomFullscreen,
onPostRender: function() {
var self = this;
editor.on('CustomFullscreenStateChanged', function(e) {
if (e.state) {'Close fullscreen');
//; // uncomment for "pressed" look
} else {'Fullscreen');
and handle the event with
var customFullscreenState = false;
function toggleFullscreen() {
customFullscreenState = !customFullscreenState;
if (customFullscreenState) {
// do something, we are active
} else {
// do something else, we're unactive
}'CustomFullscreenStateChanged', {state: fullscreenState});
You should be able to have it look like wo different button and do two different things depending on state, but it will still just be one button that changes action and text.

How can I bind to jQuery UI tab event click/select/active?

I'm a beginner/intermediate level developer/programmer. I've got jQuery-UI-Tabs that I'm building in jQuery like so (they show up and function fine):
var paymentTabs = $('<div id="paytabs">');
var paymentTabList = $('<ul>');
if($.inArray('check',options.methods) != -1){
paymentTabList.append('<li>Pay with an E-Check</li>');
if($.inArray('card',options.methods) != -1){
paymentTabList.append('<li>Pay with a Credit/Debit Card</li>');
if($.inArray('code',options.methods) != -1){
paymentTabList.append('<li>Business Office Use Only</li>');
paymentTabs.tabs({show: function(event, ui) {
item.currentMethod =;
paymentTabs.tabs({show: function(event, ui) {
item.currentMethod =;
Binding to them does not work:
$( "#paytabs" ).on( "tabsselect", function(event, ui) {
alert("tab has been clicked.");
Neither does this:
$( "#paytabs" ).bind( "tabsselect", function(event, ui) {
alert("tab has been clicked.");
I also tried tabsactivate instead of tabsselect. I tried selecting by class and by id. I tried selecting transverse and walking the DOM. Eventually, I'm going to use the function that I bind to the tab, to add a 3% fee to the billing total. I will also make this function change the JSON key, attribute "required" to "true" for a specified input element. This is critical for me to get this function bound... I really appreciate the help.
Look here:
Bind to the tab 'activate' event. So when a tab is clicked the activate function is fired.
Like This:
activate: function( event, ui ){
/* do something here */
$("#paytabs").on( "tabsactivate", function( event, ui ){
/* do something here */
Here is what worked for me. Aran's solution worked in part (thank you Aran).
Step One:
Bind to tabs activate as Aran described, but directly on the element as it is instantiated. There is no need for an element selector if you do this.
billing_div.append('<h3>Payment Information</h3>');
var paymentTabs = $('<div id="paytabs">').tabs({select: function( event, ui ) {alert("tab has been clicked.");}});
Step Two:
Add classes manually/problematically. remember to include ui-tabs-selected only for the tab which tab is selected at page load.
var paymentTabList = $('<ul>').addClass('ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all');
if($.inArray('check',options.methods) != -1){
paymentTabList.append('<li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active">Pay with an E-Check</li>');
if($.inArray('card',options.methods) != -1){
paymentTabList.append('<li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-top">Pay with a Credit/Debit Card</li>');
if($.inArray('code',options.methods) != -1){
paymentTabList.append('<li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-top">Business Office Use Only</li>');

jquery mobile, browser back button navigation

I have a multipage form with #p1,#p2,#p3. Once I submit the form, and when I try to click back browser button, it should go to #p1 with empty form fields. it is possible wiith Jquery Mobile?
I would override the backbutton and check for which page is the active page then based on the page do whatever house cleaning you need...
I submitted an example to another question really similar to this:
BackButton Handler
Where I have Options, Popup and HomePage you might just need P3 and when the activePage is equal to P3 clear your form and show P1.
function pageinit() {
document.addEventListener("deviceready", deviceInfo, true);
function deviceInfo() {
document.addEventListener("backbutton", onBackButton, true);
function onBackButton(e) {
var activePage = $.mobile.activePage.attr('id');
if(activePage == 'P3'){
clearForm(); // <-- Calls your function to clear the form...
} else if(activePage == 'P1'){
function checkButtonSelection(iValue){
if (iValue == 2){;
"Are you sure you want to EXIT the program?",
} else {;
} catch(e){ console.log('Exception: '+e,3); }

Open and control new window in KRL/Kynetx

I want to open a new window by clicking on a button (which is injected via Kynetx), but I want this new window to run in the Kynetx sandbox enviornment. This is because the new window will have a button which talks to a REST API, and I want to avoid browser same origin policy. I will also want to modify the DOM of this new window.
//code in Kynetx extension
ruleset a2031x3 {
meta {
name "Open a new window (SO 12030281)"
description << >>
author "Steve Nay"
logging off
dispatch {
domain ""
global { }
rule first_rule {
select when pageview ".*" setting ()
emit <|
// Open a new window and write some content
var newContent = 'some content';
newWin =;
Please help.
You need to wrap that JavaScript code in an emit block, like this:
ruleset a000x0 {
meta {
name "Open a new window (SO 12030281)"
description << >>
author "Steve Nay"
logging off
dispatch { }
global { }
rule first_rule {
select when pageview ".*" setting ()
emit <|
// Open a new window and write some content
var newContent = 'some content';
newWin =;
That will open a popup window like you want, and the write() call succeeds:

How do I inspect and interact with trails in KRL?

I have a trail that I'm using to track app history in KRL. I'm looking for an easy way to debug the trail, including seeing what is currently on the trail and clearing it.
Is there an easy way to do that in KRL?
The easiest way, for me, to see what is on the trail is to output it's contents to the browser console.
rule inspect_data_on_trail {
select when pageview ".*"
pre {
visitedDomains = ent:visitedDomains;
emit <|
firebug output after running ruleset several times:
To clear entity variables including trails, I usually just write a rule that selects on a domain that isn't part of my app's experience and clear the varaibles when the app is run on that domain.
rule clear_everything {
select when pageview "yahoo\.com"
notify("Cleared",":)") with sticky = true;
fired {
clear ent:visitedDomains;
Full example app:
ruleset a60x458 {
meta {
name "trail-debugging"
description <<
author "Mike Grace"
logging on
rule put_data_onto_trail {
select when pageview ".*"
pre {
domain = page:url("domain");
notify("Thanks for visiting #{domain}","You visit has been recorded") with sticky = true;
fired {
mark ent:visitedDomains with domain;
rule inspect_data_on_trail {
select when pageview ".*"
pre {
visitedDomains = ent:visitedDomains;
emit <|
rule clear_everything {
select when pageview "yahoo\.com"
notify("Cleared",":)") with sticky = true;
fired {
clear ent:visitedDomains;