iPhone development using flash - iphone

I'm looking to develop an iphone app using flash. I understand Apple are allowing apps made using flash into the appstore...
I don't own a mac, I'd be doing this on Windows. But to get it to the appstore, I'd need to enroll as a registered developer.
Before I spend money to do this, can I a) upload test apps via Windows? b) submit to apple from windows?

No to both of those (AFAIK). I think you will need a mac to upload your app to itunes connect.
I'm also pretty sure that the toolkits that build flash iPhone apps will use the command line compiler from a mac as well to build the final binary so I'm not sure that you can even develop the app without a mac.
Sorry for the bad news :(
PS I'd love someone to correct my answer - I'd like people to be able to build on any platform they wanted but I can also see why apple don't want this :)


how to make a hybrid mobile app as ipad/iphone application?

I have a hybrid mobile application which I created using html5 and jQueryMobile. I need to make it as an ipad/iphone application. Please note I didn’t develop the application in mac or Xcode. So I need to know the steps I should follow to make it as an iphone/ipad application.
I am not supposed to distributing it in apple store. We are supposed to give the application to our clients only.
So here are my questions.
1) What are the steps I need to follow to get it as an ios application and give it to my clients? [Mine is a hybrid mobile app not native mobile app]
2) a) Is it necessary that I need a mac machine with Xcode? [Because hybrid mobile application doesn’t need that, but I am concerned while deploying/testing it in a device whether I need a mac machine]
b) Or ios developer program is enough for me? Because I thought I could get the .ipa file through phoneGap build without having a mac machine.
3) In order to give to the client, not distributing it in apple store, do I need iOS Developer Enterprise Program? [From the following link I feel so]
4) If at all I am distributing it in App Store, is there any criteria apple use to accept the application?
Please help me with proper answer. I can’t tell to my client any excuse later. So I would rather prefer answer from someone who has experience in this area.
1) If I were you, I would get XCode, start an iPhone/iPad app, and write some sort of wrapper with a UIWebView (if you are not willing to fully rewrite in Objective C, which may or may not have a cleaner result and may or may not be easier; it depends on what you are porting).
2) To do what I mentioned above, a Mac with XCode is necessary. However, there are third party programs that can compile iPhone apps, such as Unity, Flash, and PhoneGap. I have always worked with XCode so I cannot give you much advice on those.
3) Yes, you will need to pay for the developer program. You can write code and test with the iPhone Simulator that comes with XCode for free, but to put it on any device, you will need to pay.
4) The short version is that as long as it works, is appropriate, is legal, is useful, and is user friendly, then Apple will accept it. Usually they will only reject if it is a major problem. If you want to learn more, you can read the full version.
1) For distribution you will need an ipa for iphone and ipad built using Xcode or some other platform.
a) You will require mac and Xcode for testing, debugging if not for building the ipa. If your app is using js having XCode and mac helps a lot.
b) Developer program is useful when you want to install and test your app on devices (installing the ipa that you have already created).
3)You will require iOS Developer Program. But its the client that would require the Enterprise programme to register its users devices in the program and distribute the app.
Only if its you who is distributing the app to specific users you will need the Enterprise program.
4) You will require to submit the app for approval to Apple, before making it available in app store. Following is the link for some help on it-
Hope this helps.

How to Run a IPhone, IPad App still in development to a device remotely, I'm NY client in Chicago?

I live in New York, my client lives and works in Chicago, I'm developing IOS Apps to run on iphone and ipad for his company, and so far, I've been sending him screenshots of what the App looks like.
I do feel the need of finding a way to make it run on his iphone and ipad in order to allow him to have a look and feel of the solution and browsing it. Today I can just run on my own devices which are connected to my mac and installed when I compile from XCode...
Any ideas?
You can send him Ad Hoc builds, but I really recommend using TestFlight.
You will create adhoc builds and send it to them. You will need to get the UDID of their devices and do a special build for it. You can look at the apple documentation in the provisioning portal on how to do this.
If you don't want to bother having UDIDs or building for each device (as is the case for Ad-Hoc builds), checkout enterprise distribution. I've done it and is REALLY comfortable. I would also recommend checking out TestFlight before this, though.

Eclipse:: Making an Apple App

Can one make an Apple app with using Eclipse?
If not, how can I make an iOS app for the App-Store ?
You can certainly edit your source in eclipse.. I'm not sure whether there are any plugins for wrangling xcode projects, though. I imagine that'd be the big problem. Building an xcode project can easily be done from the command line, so you could run that from eclipse.
I'd say sign up for a free iOS developer account (developer.apple.com). you can develop for the iOS simulator without paying anything.. If you want to submit an app then you'll need to pay the $99 (and, of course, you'd want to be testing on actual devices beforehand!).
Xcode itself is a free download via the mac AppStore.
there are tons of good tutorials etc out there.. For a starter, I'd recommend http://www.raywenderlich.com/tutorials
If you don't have a mac, then, ahh, I have no idea :)

iPhone and iPod Emulator

I intend to write some piece of code for an iPod and an iPhone. so, i'm looking for emulators for those devices.
basically an emulator which will help me test the application I'm writing.
To develop iPhone apps you need to download the iPhone SDK. This includes the tools and libraries to code you applications as well as a simulator to test your code. This tools are available only for intel macs.
You can get the sdk for free here: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/
To test you code in a real iPhone, you will need to join the iPhone Developer Program (http://developer.apple.com/iphone/program/), which is not for free.
Are you talking about writing an application or writing code for your website to display properly on an iPhone?
The former requires a developer subscription with Apple to access their SDK and emulator.
For the latter, there seem to be several emulators out there to test your web site, check out:
A Google search for 'iPhone emulator' should find a lot for you.
The iPhone SDK comes with an iPhone simulator that you can use with Xcode during development.
You can download the SDK from http://developer.apple.com/iphone - you need to be a registered iPhone developer, however, although this is free, after which you can use the simulator.
Note that if you want to send your applications to a physical device you need to enrol in the iPhone developer program which starts at $99.
You probably want to actually get an iPhone for that. You'll have to register the $99 but then you'll get the ability to upload apps to your iPhone/pod.
You could also jailbreak your phone/pod and do whatever you want.
There are also apps available that let you transfer stuff to and from your phone in the appstore (at least one free, if I recall correctly)
If you want to do something more with the files than just transfer them to the phone/pod, it's likely that you'll have to jailbreak your phone/pod anyway.
I keep wanting to find a better abbreviation for typing iPod/iPhone. How about iP(od/hone)? Hmm, not better!

Development platform for iPhone application

I am new in iPhone application development and currently working on .net (C#).
Please suggest the development platform to create iPhone application so I can adopt very soon.
Which is best among these:
Unity using script language c#
Or any other tool that is not on the list.
Is it possible to develop iPhone application using .NET framework? I'm not sure; I think not.
It's not possible develop application for iPhone on Windows platform. You need official SDK and it's only for Mac OS X.
Look to http://developer.apple.com/iphone/
XCode is the only development environment for iPhone and Objective C is the language it uses for this. You cannot use the .NET framework to build an iPhone app.
The SDK is free to download but you will need register (for free) with apple to get the SDK and all it initially lets you do is build and run apps in a software simulator environment; to put apps on a physical phone you need to buy a license (for $99) and go through a rather convoluted process to set up signing certificates.
The SDK and a variety of sample code and tutorials are all at the Apple iPhone developer site http://developer.apple.com/iphone/.
The official SDK is free but not open-source. All the tools necessary to build iPhone apps are free. HOWEVER you cannot put your apps on an iPhone or iPod Touch device without paying the $99 for the developer license. You can run the apps you build on the iPhone Simulator, which is an application that runs on your Mac. It looks and behaves pretty much like a real iPhone, minus a few obvious things (no GPS, no camera).
Go to http://developer.apple.com/iphone/ to get started.
Learn Obj-C . If you don't have mac then buy one.
Unity looks very promising, but it's cost prohibitive for an indy programmer. I looked at this last week and for me to get the package I needed I'd have to drop down almost $3,000. You'd still have to use XCode to compile your app though.