How to Run a IPhone, IPad App still in development to a device remotely, I'm NY client in Chicago? - iphone

I live in New York, my client lives and works in Chicago, I'm developing IOS Apps to run on iphone and ipad for his company, and so far, I've been sending him screenshots of what the App looks like.
I do feel the need of finding a way to make it run on his iphone and ipad in order to allow him to have a look and feel of the solution and browsing it. Today I can just run on my own devices which are connected to my mac and installed when I compile from XCode...
Any ideas?

You can send him Ad Hoc builds, but I really recommend using TestFlight.

You will create adhoc builds and send it to them. You will need to get the UDID of their devices and do a special build for it. You can look at the apple documentation in the provisioning portal on how to do this.

If you don't want to bother having UDIDs or building for each device (as is the case for Ad-Hoc builds), checkout enterprise distribution. I've done it and is REALLY comfortable. I would also recommend checking out TestFlight before this, though.


Creating iphone App for personal use without uploading to AppStore

I am planning to do an app for personal use only (I don't want to upload anywhere, ex: AppStore)
Is it possible to build one and transfer + install it to my jailbroken IpodTouch?
I just want to make sure it is possible so I don't waste my time creating an app that I can't use ('cause I am not paying $99 to upload it on the AppStore)
Here is a guide for making build & go and build & debug work with a jailbroken iPhone/iPod touch.
It is written for Xcode 3.2.1 and iPhone OS 3.1.2 so I don't know if it works with the newer versions.
You might want to consider using an online tool like Recoil App Builder or Snappii. Snappii is more AppStore oriented, but their pricing is pretty reasonable. Recoil is free and allows you to install the app on your phone instantly without going through any AppStore hurdles.
Links to App Builders:
Btw, regardless of how you make your app, I do NOT recommend jailbreaking your phone.
You have to pay the $99 to get it on your phone in the first place. Sorry.
You can if you get an app provisioning profile. or Jailbreak, if a jailbreak isn't available for your device iPhone5(s) iPad 4 and Air, mini and retina. You can just purchase a provisioning profile from some other place usually $8-$15 mine was $14 able to load them nicely without paying apple $100 just to get your feet wet.

do iphone app beta testers need a developer's license?

I'd like to distribute my app to a beta tester (ad hoc distribution). Do they need to have the apple developer's license? Do they need a Mac? Or is it enough for them to just have iTunes?
also, is the ad hoc distribution process different for Xcode 4? I know the process for submitting it to the app store is different.
Taking your questions in order:
Beta testers don't need a developer licence.
Nor do they need a Mac.
They don't even need iTunes. (You can deploy via a link they open in Safari on the device itself.)
The process is somewhat different for Xcode 4. (It's quite a bit easier that said.) Whilst I don't like to link to off-site resources, there's a very good blog article that details ad-hoc provisioning using Xcode 4 at:
ad hoc distributin works via itunes. only the perso who makes the app needs a developer account. you will need to provision the app you make to all the devices you want it to install on. via itunes this involves the insane process of clicking on a long serial number which does not look at all clickable to reveal an even longer uuid.
not sure about xcode 4 compared to anything else. only ever used one version of xcode.
No, beta testers don't need to be registered developers.
To make beta testing of iOS apps really simple, please have a look at Hockey Framework:
Beta testers receive their test app over the air and the Hockey Framework even informs them automatically, when a new beta update is available OTA.
Additional reading:
No, they don't need a developer licence. Actually, if your user has iOS 4 or higher, they don't even need iTunes. You can use something like iOS Beta Builder. They do, however, need to tell you the UDID of their device. You can get that in iTunes or there are apps in the App Store that find it.
No, beta testers don't need to be approved iOS developers. You will still need to whitelist the UDID of the testers though.
I'd suggest you use Diawi to share your ad-hoc builds with beta testers wirelessly without iTunes, I've tried several solutions and I found it to be the simplest of the pack.
Also try to distribute your Adhoc builds. You can keep track of the installs and even crash logs.
P.S I don't work at testflight, but find it a lot helpful for beta testing.

Testing on iPhone Simulator w/o License

I have a few questions to ask. Currently, I'm self-learning iphone programming, and later maybe for mac. I just need to make sure my apps works accordingly.
So do I need a license to test on the iphone simulator? I don't need to test on a real device. I don't intend to put anything up on apps store in the near future.
If no, how do I bypass the code signing error (certs and all)?
If yes... nvm...
For mac, do I need a license to test and run apps on my personal Mac?
Thanks in advance for your help. :D
You can test on the simulator for free, if you register as an Apple developer and download the iPhone SDK. To do so, go here:
You will not be able to test on a real device, but from your question, it looks like this is not an issue. Also, by registering as an Apple developer, you can download and use Xcode to write Mac applications as well.
If you do decide that you need to run the app on an iOS device (even your own) or publish to the App Store, you will have to sign up for the iOS Developer Program, which is $99/year.
It's confusing but the Xcode and the iPhone SDK are completely free. If you want to put your application on your phone or if you want to publish to the app store you will need to pay $100 for a license as compared to Android which is free.
You don't need a developer code sign cert to run apps on the emulator. When you build your app, if you choose to build for the emulator, XCode will sign the code with a self-signed certain, which the emulator will happily accept.
You need the developer cert only if you are going to deploy on a real device.
In addition to the device test limitation, you cannot download and try beta versions of the SDK unless you are a member of the paid program. You can download and install the current release and play with it all you want

Registering iPhone for development without Xcode

I'm developing an iPhone app, and would like to distribute it to some of my non-technical friends and family members for testing and feedback. I've got their UDIDs, and I've added them to my provisioning profile, but they still can't load the app or the profile.
I've got a feeling that they need to have their phones enabled for development, which is fine for local folks, since I can plug their phones into Xcode. What I don't know is how to deal with remote, non-technical people. Is there any way for them to enable their phones using iTunes so that they can load development builds, or does the phone absolutely positively have to be plugged in to Xcode? Most of my friends outside the valley don't even know anyone with a Mac, let alone a developer. Is there any way I can get them testing?
Here is a walkthrough on how to use an ad-hoc distribution.
Create an ad-hoc distribution. The Provisioning Portal has walkthroughs on what to do.

Test iPhone App on physical iPhone rather than simulator

I've just made a basic Hello World app for the iPhone. Compiling and running works fine for iPhone Simulator. But now I'd like to put it on my real physical iPhone, to test it. Is there any way to do this, or do I have to pay $100, put it in the app store and download it (with the chance Apple doesn't like it and just deletes it (what happened to Google Latitude too))?
Thanks in advance.
Nope, I'll not jailbreak it.
Once you have an iPhone developer's account, you can install a provisioning profile on your iPhone which allows to deploy your own applications to it. You'll have to pay the fee to Apple, though.
No. Transfering it to any iPhone for beta testing requires access to the online iPhone Developers Portal. You'll only get in there and get to generate the certificates with a developers licence.
AFAIK you can not transfer your self-developed tool to your own iPhone. At least, that's what I've read...