Eclipse:: Making an Apple App - eclipse

Can one make an Apple app with using Eclipse?
If not, how can I make an iOS app for the App-Store ?

You can certainly edit your source in eclipse.. I'm not sure whether there are any plugins for wrangling xcode projects, though. I imagine that'd be the big problem. Building an xcode project can easily be done from the command line, so you could run that from eclipse.
I'd say sign up for a free iOS developer account ( you can develop for the iOS simulator without paying anything.. If you want to submit an app then you'll need to pay the $99 (and, of course, you'd want to be testing on actual devices beforehand!).
Xcode itself is a free download via the mac AppStore.
there are tons of good tutorials etc out there.. For a starter, I'd recommend
If you don't have a mac, then, ahh, I have no idea :)


how to make a hybrid mobile app as ipad/iphone application?

I have a hybrid mobile application which I created using html5 and jQueryMobile. I need to make it as an ipad/iphone application. Please note I didn’t develop the application in mac or Xcode. So I need to know the steps I should follow to make it as an iphone/ipad application.
I am not supposed to distributing it in apple store. We are supposed to give the application to our clients only.
So here are my questions.
1) What are the steps I need to follow to get it as an ios application and give it to my clients? [Mine is a hybrid mobile app not native mobile app]
2) a) Is it necessary that I need a mac machine with Xcode? [Because hybrid mobile application doesn’t need that, but I am concerned while deploying/testing it in a device whether I need a mac machine]
b) Or ios developer program is enough for me? Because I thought I could get the .ipa file through phoneGap build without having a mac machine.
3) In order to give to the client, not distributing it in apple store, do I need iOS Developer Enterprise Program? [From the following link I feel so]
4) If at all I am distributing it in App Store, is there any criteria apple use to accept the application?
Please help me with proper answer. I can’t tell to my client any excuse later. So I would rather prefer answer from someone who has experience in this area.
1) If I were you, I would get XCode, start an iPhone/iPad app, and write some sort of wrapper with a UIWebView (if you are not willing to fully rewrite in Objective C, which may or may not have a cleaner result and may or may not be easier; it depends on what you are porting).
2) To do what I mentioned above, a Mac with XCode is necessary. However, there are third party programs that can compile iPhone apps, such as Unity, Flash, and PhoneGap. I have always worked with XCode so I cannot give you much advice on those.
3) Yes, you will need to pay for the developer program. You can write code and test with the iPhone Simulator that comes with XCode for free, but to put it on any device, you will need to pay.
4) The short version is that as long as it works, is appropriate, is legal, is useful, and is user friendly, then Apple will accept it. Usually they will only reject if it is a major problem. If you want to learn more, you can read the full version.
1) For distribution you will need an ipa for iphone and ipad built using Xcode or some other platform.
a) You will require mac and Xcode for testing, debugging if not for building the ipa. If your app is using js having XCode and mac helps a lot.
b) Developer program is useful when you want to install and test your app on devices (installing the ipa that you have already created).
3)You will require iOS Developer Program. But its the client that would require the Enterprise programme to register its users devices in the program and distribute the app.
Only if its you who is distributing the app to specific users you will need the Enterprise program.
4) You will require to submit the app for approval to Apple, before making it available in app store. Following is the link for some help on it-
Hope this helps.

iPhone development using flash

I'm looking to develop an iphone app using flash. I understand Apple are allowing apps made using flash into the appstore...
I don't own a mac, I'd be doing this on Windows. But to get it to the appstore, I'd need to enroll as a registered developer.
Before I spend money to do this, can I a) upload test apps via Windows? b) submit to apple from windows?
No to both of those (AFAIK). I think you will need a mac to upload your app to itunes connect.
I'm also pretty sure that the toolkits that build flash iPhone apps will use the command line compiler from a mac as well to build the final binary so I'm not sure that you can even develop the app without a mac.
Sorry for the bad news :(
PS I'd love someone to correct my answer - I'd like people to be able to build on any platform they wanted but I can also see why apple don't want this :)

Testing on iPhone Simulator w/o License

I have a few questions to ask. Currently, I'm self-learning iphone programming, and later maybe for mac. I just need to make sure my apps works accordingly.
So do I need a license to test on the iphone simulator? I don't need to test on a real device. I don't intend to put anything up on apps store in the near future.
If no, how do I bypass the code signing error (certs and all)?
If yes... nvm...
For mac, do I need a license to test and run apps on my personal Mac?
Thanks in advance for your help. :D
You can test on the simulator for free, if you register as an Apple developer and download the iPhone SDK. To do so, go here:
You will not be able to test on a real device, but from your question, it looks like this is not an issue. Also, by registering as an Apple developer, you can download and use Xcode to write Mac applications as well.
If you do decide that you need to run the app on an iOS device (even your own) or publish to the App Store, you will have to sign up for the iOS Developer Program, which is $99/year.
It's confusing but the Xcode and the iPhone SDK are completely free. If you want to put your application on your phone or if you want to publish to the app store you will need to pay $100 for a license as compared to Android which is free.
You don't need a developer code sign cert to run apps on the emulator. When you build your app, if you choose to build for the emulator, XCode will sign the code with a self-signed certain, which the emulator will happily accept.
You need the developer cert only if you are going to deploy on a real device.
In addition to the device test limitation, you cannot download and try beta versions of the SDK unless you are a member of the paid program. You can download and install the current release and play with it all you want

Adobe Flash CS5 and iPod Touch/iPhone

As you may all know (if not, click here), Apple has finally decided to allow apps created using Adobe Flash CS5's iPod Packager on the store. Owning a PC and not a Mac, this is great news for me as I longed to give a crack to iPod development.
I did try to use a fake certificate (yes I admit it) to publish an app and test it on my brother's iPod Touch (running on iOS 4.0), but the app wouldn't install. Is it because the iPod detected the certificate, or does he need to update his device?
My real question, however, is if it's worth paying 99$ for a developper certificate or not now? I was leaning towards the idea but the restriction has just been relieved (if you'll allow me the expression).
I've done quite a bit of AS3 Hacking along with Objective-C hacking, and on a surface level, the workflows are somewhat similar. There are plenty of differences, for instance the syntax has quite a learning curve, and creating UI elements is a breeze in Xcode, and has to be done by hand in flash (unless you like the way flex looks), whereas tapping into opengl and even using core animation can be daunting to a flash developer used to animating things around the screen.
This is important, because I really don't think it's worth the $99 unless you plan on developing in Xcode. A ton of the power of being an apple developer is in that amazing IDE, and missing out on that makes iOS development sound terrible.
There is however, 1 reason I would still buy it: if you already have an app you'd like to release, and all you want to do is get it on the app store. If you have a game you'd like to try releasing, it's absolutely worth the $99. Even if you were to develop it in Obj-C, there's still no guarantee it'll make it through the apple approval process, so you're not really risking much more than any other developer. What you wouldn't want to do is pick up the certificate, then sit on it and wait for it to expire while you're working in an IDE that has no relation to the program.
Buy the certificate if:
a) You already have a mostly-complete app you'd like to release on iPhone.
b) You also plan on setting up a Mac dev environment (and probably not until you have it set up).
Don't buy it if:
a) You don't plan on buying a Mac, using Xcode, or releasing an Obj-C app.
b) You are just toying with the idea of making an iPhone app, and haven't made any steps towards it yet.
I would definitely not base your decision on if apple will rescind it's decision or not - it's unlikely that they will not allow adobe packaged apps without good reason, and even if they do, it's the same risk any developer takes when making an app for release on the apple store. Apple can just deny it if they feel like it, and there's not much you can do about it.
Think of the $99 as the cost of the privilege to submit an app to apple for review. Even if you plan on developing on a Mac, Xcode is free, and there's no real reason to get a certificate unless you plan on testing on an iPhone or releasing your app. If you're still in a planning stage, skip it until you're ready to go.
I was wondering the same thing. Looking at the way the Android vs. Apple app thing is moving, I'd say yes -- it's worth paying $99/year to be a real mac app dev.
However -- I don't think that developing on anything other than a Mac with XCode is worthwhile.
Adobe Flash Builder (used to be called Flex) 4.5 also exports to iOS apps (, which is great and all, but the fact of the matter is
A) it requires the Adobe AIR runtime to be installed on the phone
B) memory management is a totally different story between as3 and ios
The result of an auto-conversion is bloated file size and poor performance (see comments here: and related issue here: Size of the Flash Builder 4.5 application after packaging with iTunes
Not to mention there is no reliable emulator for iOS that you can legally get your hands on... I actually just got a mac mini and XCode -- mac mini ~$500... but XCode is a great SDK, and the emulators rock.
If you're serious about developing for the iPod I would get the developer license and at least a cheap Mac Mini. If you actually develop something you want to release you'll probably want it on the app store. It takes some time to get the license so you should just start the process.
If you like to tinker and don't plan to release anything (or don't want to have to use an app store) playing with Android might be more to your liking. There's no cost to get started or to put your apps on your own device other than actually having an Android device. (The same might be true for Windows Mobile, would have to double check).
I think, yes. It is still worth paying the amount...

How to do programming after jailbreaking my iPhone?

I need some private frameworks for my app, so I am planning on jailbreaking my iPhone but, I wonder what are the steps for programming after the jailbreaking process.
Are they the same for jailbroken and normal iPhones?
I know that my app will be rejected by the app store, but that is not my goal now.
This is a research thing.
Once you have jailbroken your device, open the Cydia Installer and look on the start page. There will be many infos on how to create programs and on how to use the jailbreak-toolchain.
The programming steps are a bit different for jailbroken phones.
You can build using Xcode if you wish, but you don't need to. Infact you can build on your iphone itself. All you need is to remote login to your iphone and work from there directly!
If you want to go the "open" path of iphone development (ie: not SDK), then get yourself a copy of this book. However you can still use Xcode if you wish.
Yes, you can use XCode, here are some guidelines as to what you should do.
You can use private frameworks without jailbreaking. However I'd agree that it's much easier to find them in the first place. :)
Everything is the same for development -- using XCode will work just fine. It's a good place to get started.
The unofficial SDK would work as well but you'll have to go through a lot more hoops to get it set up so I wouldn't recommend it. Besides all the books and help really support the official development stack.
The main reason you're probably wanting to jailbreak is so that you can copy your test binary to your personal device for real world testing.