Mongo interface [closed] - mongodb

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Closed 10 years ago.
What are some GUIs to use with Mongo, and what features do they offer? I'm looking for facts here, not opinions on which interface is best.

Official List from MongoDB
Web Based
For PHP, I'd recommend Rock Mongo. Solid, lots of great features, easy setup.
If you don't want to install anything ... you can use MongoHQ's web interface (even if you your MongoDB isn't on MongoHQ.)
Mac OS X
While MongoHub had been a decent option for a while it's bugs make it virtually unusable at this point ...
There is a more up-to-date (and less buggy) fork of the MongoHub project available: you can download a binary here.
By far, the best UI (for Windows) currently out there is MongoVUE.
WARNING/UPDATE: MongoVUE seems to be abandoned.
Looks great, lots of features, and if you are new it will really help you get going ...
Here's a Q&A with the author too if you are interested ...

On Mac there is MongoHub. On Windows you could try MongoVUE.
Also see Do any visual tools exist for MongoDB (for Windows)?
Screenshot of MongoHub:

Here's the official page of Admin UIs.
I have not really used any of them. But it looks like there is quite a bit of coverage there.

At the shop where I work we use the Prudence platform for some stuff, and also MongoDB, so we of course use MongoVision a lot. Browser based, tabbed collection views, pretty-printed document editor, and three themes OOB. Open source.
Being on a Mac, I wish MongoHub was as reliable as MongoVision. It probably will be soon though, since the project has been quite active on Github as of late.

try Mongo Explorer. you'll like it!

try mongoVue i'm using it and i think it's good enough


Which technology stack to use for car pooling over web and mobile [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to start working on a project where I want to build a intranet website and mobile app for people working in my office for car pooling. The basic idea is that if anyone is interested in looking for someone to carpool with should make a posting of going from A to B at time X.People can then reply to it.
I've narrowed down my option to Scala+Lift+MongoDB or Node.JS+Redis/MongoDB+HTML5. I don't know which one is better or worse for the problem I have mentioned. Also looking at developing mobile apps for the same application where people can send carpool request over their phones.Looking for a stack which can complement the mobile development also.
I know there are various solutions for this, but I'm looking to learn something new and exciting and have fun while developing it.
The only requirement that influences the technology stack is "looking to learn something new and exciting and have fun while developing it" (just as broofa said).
However I have no idea how he came from that requirement to JavaScript.
Yes it is more marketable
Yes there are way more people that know it.
Yes you'll need it any way.
But is JavaScript in anyway interesting as a language? Not much I'd say. Any nice unique (or at least rare) concepts? To me it looks like programming in java, but not being allowed to use anything but Hashmaps + java.lang.*
Scala on the other hand combines functional and object oriented in an extremely interesting way. It has a strong type system which enables tricks that probably will make your head spin.
And even if you don't use the really fancy stuff you have a super powerful language to work with.
So if you want to learn: Go with Scala
The capabilities of the technology stack here are probably unimportant. Both Scala and Node will allow you to implement a web interface / HTML5-based application for mobile devices.
So it boils down to your other requirement, "learn something new and exciting". If you're not familiar with node or JavaScript, I'd suggest Node because ...
JS is a much more marketable skill than Scala (currently)
If you want other people to work on this code, more people know JS than Scala.
You are only learning one new language instead of two. (You have to learn JS in either case to implement the front end. With Node, that expertise carries over to the server as well.)
... and even if you are familiar with JS, working with Node will make you a much better JS developer.
My $.02. You should get somebody who knows something about Scala to chime in here however.

joomla developing question [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Can someone give me some insight on a scenario like this.
Say a company has en existing Joomla site, not complete but just has all the modules, plug-ins, and components installed that they believe they will need.
If someone new where to come in and given the general idea of what the site needs to do, and by accomplishing this they need to make sure all plug-ins share data between each other update information between each other when ever one module is updated. As well as fixing and modifying the template to take shape and form of how they envision the site to be interacted with.
Would jumping into this project be more trouble than its worth? Would creating something from the ground up using custom developed pages rather than using Joomla as a back-end/front-end be too much of a hassle.
Also given that the existing installation has 301 tables to sot through.
Joomla is more than just a CMS, it is also a pretty solid "Development Framework". Modifying existing software will be faster rather than developing from scratch, especially if it is that big.
Read more about Software Development Process, it will help you with your evaluation. As far as I remember development cost is 2x less $ than maintenance in first 5 years.
Starting from the ground up can be not such a good idea for a large project. Working with another framework will result in "reinventing the wheel" and introduce new problems and will require more time for user acceptance.
I know too little to point you in the right direction... 1st of all Joomla is terrific choice, object oriented, it is extensive and very powerful. MVC architecture is huge plus. Plug-in system is easy and extensive. Modules are easy and customizable.
I suggest using Zend Framework if you want to "reinvent the wheel". ZF is exceptional choice but your cost will be MUCH higher. You will have all similar functionality and features like in Joomla: OO, MVC, singletons, layouts, placeholders, modules (components), plug-ins, etc... Comparing ZF to Joomla's "Development Framework" is like comparing Ferrari to Honda Civic.
Long story short: I would try to stick with Joomla and create my library extending Joomla's classes... this will help automating a lot of things (reduce code, etc...). If I was to give a quote to the client I would try to see what they want/their experiences with existing project (check with their IT department, etc). If experience was horrible from day 1 and it was because of software and not hosting/db/hardware/network/etc then I would give 2 quotes: 1st for recreating in Joomla, 2nd for recreating in Zend... and explain strength/weaknesses of both. If software behaved 'OK', with minor to medium problems/bugs/errors I would reuse existing project.
Hope this helps...

Best Educational Operating System For Study? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
What's the best operating system to study in order to write your own x86 operating system from scratch?
I think Minix was created for pretty much that exact purpose.
Have fun!
It might be difficult to comprehend the source for an entire OS all at once. The tutorials over at have a few "bare bones" code samples to get you started.
I just wrote my version of x86 kernel from scratch! (for my OS class project) and that was experience I couldn't probably describe. You can find valuable resources at above link.
For my OS class in college we used the Nachos OS Project and implemented that. I did the C++ version, however I think there is also a Java port of this as well. I remember it being very interesting and learning a great deal, even though it was a lot of work.
It all depends on how you want your Operating System to function, if you want a microkernel you should probably study Minix 3, or if you want a monolithic kernel the current linux kernel is a good place to start from (HINT: look in arch/x86/boot, there is some very interesting code in there).
However I personally think that you should read through the Intel and AMD manuals, and then do a bit of reading on the forums and wiki. They have plenty of code to study, and are generally helpful towards newbies.
Honestly, you should probably not start with an x86 architecture, or even operating systems but maybe something like an 8-bit starter kit, like a basic Fox11 development kit. In college, I wrote my first (and only) OS in Assembly for an M68HC11 processor (the one in the kit).
If you really want to build your own OS from scratch, you've got a long road ahead of you.
I think best way to read many different operating system sources, definitely osdev barebone tutorials, whitepapers on OS research and documentation on your target hardware.
I personally would recommend looking at l4-ka pistachio kernel, written in pretty darn good C++. There are also multiple smaller projects definitely worth checking out, like jimix or pedigree.
Best to stick around osdev forums and wiki - there is a lot of information there already answered - see and
I read this article a while back. You might find it interesting. This guy wrote MINIX back in the day for the very purpose of teaching OS concepts. So it would probably be a good simple OS to study.
However, as Martin and Cory mentioned, it's a big chunk to chew.
There is not much point in studying obsolete OS's which is pretty much all current OS's as they tend to have long lives. Have a look at some fresh ideas (although based on tried and true) like Singularity

Best Versioning System for R [closed]

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Closed 13 years ago.
I have a plethora of both short and long pieces of R code that I would like to track as they evolve.
Does anyone have any recommendation or experience using version-control software with R?
whatever your colleagues, friends, ... use --- most systems are technically equivalent and you want to foster rather than hinder collaboration
whatever is supported in the editor or IDE you use most
so as ever so often it comes down to network effects --- popular choices create more users which creates more support in tools etc.
R itself does not care. Source code is just text. Personally, I like SVN a lot and use it at home, at work, at R-Forge, on Google Code, on Sourceforge, ... R Core also uses SVN but as I said, it does not really matter. Your choice, your headaches when you need to admin or fix things.
Subversion or Git would be my recommendations. I don't think the effectiveness of the versioning system depends on the source code you put in it. R shouldn't be any different from Java or C# that way.
There's nothing unique about R that would drive a version control system decision. There are many R projects hosted on Github (in Git) and on Google Code (in Mercurial or Subversion). R-Forge ( uses SVN.
You may want to have a look at this question for some views on the modern source controlsystems: Git, Mercurial, and Bazaar.
Assuming that you will use either Git, Mercurial, or SVN, I would suggest having a look at Github. It has many very nice features for collaboration.
Fossil is wonderfully easy to set up and quickly start using. It also includes a web interface, issue tracker and a wiki, all built-in to the single executable. Fossil is the version control system for SQLite (written by the same author) and runs on Mac, Win and Linux.
I personally use and strongly suggest Eclipse with the StatET plugin combined with Subclipse for subversioning.

good postgresql client for windows? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
coming back to postgresql after several years of oracle ...
what are the state-of-the art postgresql administrative/ddl generating/data inserting frontends on windows? it would be nice if it had integration for postgis as well. it should be standalone or alternatively a plugin for intellij idea
thinking back, all the windows programs specific for postgresql i have used were crap, especially PGAdmin. had it become better?
do you mean something like pgAdmin for administration?
I like Postgresql Maestro. I also use their version for MySql. I'm pretty statisfied with their product. Or you can use the free tool PgAdmin.
I heartily recommended dbVis. The client runs on Mac, Windows and Linux and supports a variety of database servers, including PostgreSQL.
Actually there is a freeware version of EMS's SQL Manager which is quite powerful
I recommend Navicat strongly. What I found particularly excellent are it's import functions - you can import almost any data format (Access, Excel, DBF, Lotus ...), define a mapping between the source and destination which can be saved and is repeatable (I even keep my mappings under version control).
I have tried SQLMaestro and found it buggy (particularly for data import); PGAdmin is limited.
For anyone looking for a web-enabled client for Postgres, I'll just put the link out here to TeamPostgreSQL, a very polished AJAX web client for pg:
EMS's SQL Manager is much easier to use and has many more features than either phpPgAdmin or PG Admin III. However, it's windows only and you have to pay for it.
SQLExplorer is a great Eclipse plugin or standalone interface that works with many different database systems, either with dedicated drivers or with ODBC.
phpPgAdmin is PostgreSQL web frontend which is quite good.