good postgresql client for windows? [closed] - postgresql

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Closed 10 years ago.
coming back to postgresql after several years of oracle ...
what are the state-of-the art postgresql administrative/ddl generating/data inserting frontends on windows? it would be nice if it had integration for postgis as well. it should be standalone or alternatively a plugin for intellij idea
thinking back, all the windows programs specific for postgresql i have used were crap, especially PGAdmin. had it become better?

do you mean something like pgAdmin for administration?

I like Postgresql Maestro. I also use their version for MySql. I'm pretty statisfied with their product. Or you can use the free tool PgAdmin.

I heartily recommended dbVis. The client runs on Mac, Windows and Linux and supports a variety of database servers, including PostgreSQL.

Actually there is a freeware version of EMS's SQL Manager which is quite powerful

I recommend Navicat strongly. What I found particularly excellent are it's import functions - you can import almost any data format (Access, Excel, DBF, Lotus ...), define a mapping between the source and destination which can be saved and is repeatable (I even keep my mappings under version control).
I have tried SQLMaestro and found it buggy (particularly for data import); PGAdmin is limited.

For anyone looking for a web-enabled client for Postgres, I'll just put the link out here to TeamPostgreSQL, a very polished AJAX web client for pg:

EMS's SQL Manager is much easier to use and has many more features than either phpPgAdmin or PG Admin III. However, it's windows only and you have to pay for it.

SQLExplorer is a great Eclipse plugin or standalone interface that works with many different database systems, either with dedicated drivers or with ODBC.

phpPgAdmin is PostgreSQL web frontend which is quite good.


Play migrations alternatives [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am about to start a new project that will use the Play! 2 framework for Scala, probably using Squeryl as ORM (but maybe Slick would be fine too, if it ready in time).
Now, Play! has a feature to upgrade your database using migrations. Unforunately, these migrations are written in SQL. This is not only an inconvenience (I would like to be able to write migrations in Scala) but has two problems
first, I need to write migrations on my own. I am used to South, that is able to infer schema migrations by looking at the current and previous definitions of my models;
second, it would be very cumbersome to handle data migrations. One may have the need to alter data programmatically, and this may not even be doable in plain SQL.
So, I am looking for an alternative. I was not able to find any migration tool for any Scala ORM that would generate schema migrations automatically, is there any?
The best tool I could find is Scala migrations. Is there a way to make Play! automatically use it in place of its own migration tool?
Another alternative is Flyway, but it will not solve your integration issue.
For that, either you can implement a Plugin as it is done with standard Play! evolutions, either you could use the Global object to start the migration on the application start.
Evolutions in Play2 is implemented as a plugin. You could examine its implementation and roll your own along the same lines. As far as I can see, there isn't a simple way to just swap out the implementation for another.
One other tool that might be worth looking at is Liquibase. It is implemented in Java so should be easy to use from Scala.
I recommend liquibase. Liquibase is an open source, database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database changes. It is built on a simple premise: All database changes are stored in a human readable yet trackable form and checked into source control. Liquibase can be used for both Java and Scala. The great thing about Liquibase is that you can use either XML, SQL, or combination of both for your db migration needs. It is easy to set up and use and has very extensive documents.

Mongo interface [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What are some GUIs to use with Mongo, and what features do they offer? I'm looking for facts here, not opinions on which interface is best.
Official List from MongoDB
Web Based
For PHP, I'd recommend Rock Mongo. Solid, lots of great features, easy setup.
If you don't want to install anything ... you can use MongoHQ's web interface (even if you your MongoDB isn't on MongoHQ.)
Mac OS X
While MongoHub had been a decent option for a while it's bugs make it virtually unusable at this point ...
There is a more up-to-date (and less buggy) fork of the MongoHub project available: you can download a binary here.
By far, the best UI (for Windows) currently out there is MongoVUE.
WARNING/UPDATE: MongoVUE seems to be abandoned.
Looks great, lots of features, and if you are new it will really help you get going ...
Here's a Q&A with the author too if you are interested ...
On Mac there is MongoHub. On Windows you could try MongoVUE.
Also see Do any visual tools exist for MongoDB (for Windows)?
Screenshot of MongoHub:
Here's the official page of Admin UIs.
I have not really used any of them. But it looks like there is quite a bit of coverage there.
At the shop where I work we use the Prudence platform for some stuff, and also MongoDB, so we of course use MongoVision a lot. Browser based, tabbed collection views, pretty-printed document editor, and three themes OOB. Open source.
Being on a Mac, I wish MongoHub was as reliable as MongoVision. It probably will be soon though, since the project has been quite active on Github as of late.
try Mongo Explorer. you'll like it!
try mongoVue i'm using it and i think it's good enough

recommend a server side technology for gwt (beginner) [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am developing a gwt project and am looking for an appropriate server side technology.
it should support be open source and support user login (and not using openID...) with password recovery etc
it seems that the de-facto standard would be spring + hibernate. however, I am unfamiliar with neither of them and understand that the learning curve (especially for spring) is very high. gwt was quite easy to learn using GOOG's excellent online tutorials but the spring equivalent seem to impose lots of configuration files and deeper understanding of its internals.
so I am looking for a simpler server side technology to deploy my gwt app. I am definitely prepared to learn a new framework if necessary but not something that would take me 2 months just to understand the fundamentals...
any ideas...?
Spring Roo should get you started with a GWT app in no time. It even has scaffoling (like Rails) for easily generating code for views and models. Here is a good video that introduces Roo and here is a guide for the mandentory 10 minutes application that Rails pioneered years ago.
Also a cool thing about Roo is that it gets you started quickly while still doing everything correctly (i.e. integrate with Spring security, Hibernate, Maven, ...).
Edit: You could also try Vaadin (tutorial here) although I am unsure if that may be to simplistic for your needs.
You could have a look at Google AppEngine + GWT. It provides you a full development environment:
This post also provides some information on how to get started with Google Plugin for Eclipse, which supports GWT, Google AppEngine, etc.
I second using Google App Engine, especially the Java version as it integrates so easily with GWT. I am using it in this way right now. App Engine has well written and complete docs, similar to those of GWT.
A simple way to integrate the build processes is to (1) use the GWT code generator to generate the standard project tree and ant build process and then (2) read this article on integrating GAE/Java with GWT:

Best Versioning System for R [closed]

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Closed 13 years ago.
I have a plethora of both short and long pieces of R code that I would like to track as they evolve.
Does anyone have any recommendation or experience using version-control software with R?
whatever your colleagues, friends, ... use --- most systems are technically equivalent and you want to foster rather than hinder collaboration
whatever is supported in the editor or IDE you use most
so as ever so often it comes down to network effects --- popular choices create more users which creates more support in tools etc.
R itself does not care. Source code is just text. Personally, I like SVN a lot and use it at home, at work, at R-Forge, on Google Code, on Sourceforge, ... R Core also uses SVN but as I said, it does not really matter. Your choice, your headaches when you need to admin or fix things.
Subversion or Git would be my recommendations. I don't think the effectiveness of the versioning system depends on the source code you put in it. R shouldn't be any different from Java or C# that way.
There's nothing unique about R that would drive a version control system decision. There are many R projects hosted on Github (in Git) and on Google Code (in Mercurial or Subversion). R-Forge ( uses SVN.
You may want to have a look at this question for some views on the modern source controlsystems: Git, Mercurial, and Bazaar.
Assuming that you will use either Git, Mercurial, or SVN, I would suggest having a look at Github. It has many very nice features for collaboration.
Fossil is wonderfully easy to set up and quickly start using. It also includes a web interface, issue tracker and a wiki, all built-in to the single executable. Fossil is the version control system for SQLite (written by the same author) and runs on Mac, Win and Linux.
I personally use and strongly suggest Eclipse with the StatET plugin combined with Subclipse for subversioning.

Easiest to use web content management system [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have to choose a content management system to allow dynamic updating of website content. The amount of configuration required and the learning curve with most of these systems really seems to be a lot more than what should be necessary.
I have almost set the site up with Alfresco SURF - but I just find that it makes simple things harder than they ought to be.
I have heard of Drupal, Joomla and Plone - but what I am hoping for is something that is very simple to set up and use. I have heard these are not.
We just need to be able to change things like dates of upcoming events etc. navigation template changes don't need to be supported (but if it's they are and the software is still easy to use then it's a plus).
Can you recommend only very simple to use apps, or explain if there is some reason what I am asking for cannot exist.
Try Wordpress - it's not only suitable for blogs but also as a CMS if you have very simple requirements .
To make installing much easier you can try a BitNami stack. Drupal and Joomla are there.
Basically they are installed as stand alone instances that are meant to not interfere with other systems you have in place (installing their own DB and webserver).
Have you had a look at ModX? You can have it installed in quarter of an hour and have a working site in a couple more and there are loads of tutorials floating around for it.
Drupal is very easy to use (I know since I run my personal site and my wifes site on it) - the modules install is really extracting a folder. And there is a great system internally which tells you about updates for everything.
Install is very easy now (as hard as installing an app) on IIS with the web platform installer which Microsoft released at Mix. If you want the manual approach it is basically create empty database, extract files, go to site, follow prompts. Very simple too, but the web platform installer handles getting pre-requisites for you, and the config of the server.
I believe Joomla is also on it, but I have not used it.
BTW what I did for my wife's site to make it easy for her was to use Drupal and setup the modules that make it useful, then I created all the pages for her and setup Windows Live Writer on her machine which she uses to edit the pages. This way she controls the content but she doesn't have to know anything about websites. Her site is not a blog, it's a normal business-y site, but using WLW makes it easy.
i would use wordpress for this sort of thing. it is simple to install and is quite easy to use. you don't have to use the blogging part of it
the learning curve with most of these
systems really seems to be a lot more
than what should be necessary
I understand. I've felt the same way when I've tried to use one. There is a lot of terminology and configuration (install, user setup, access rights etc) to go through if you only want to throw up some simple information.
If I were you I'd just use a wiki. The advantage of this is you can create a flow however you want and not worry about the rules of the CMS system. And you can take it wherever you want later on. E.g. Python wiki.
The two wikis I'd recommend are MoinMoin because it is very well presented (e.g. Python wiki), easy to use (full WYSIWYG editor option), customisable (CSS etc) and uses flat files (so no DB admin or hidden content in SQL). Its written in Python and I'd recommend using fastcgi or mod_python to make it really fast.
If you don't fancy that, WakkaWiki is excellent. It's PHP with SQL backend though. Easy to setup and easy to grok with good features (e.g. embedding mind maps).