base64 encoding that doesn't use "+/=" (plus or equals) characters? - encoding

I need to encode a string of about 1000 characters that can be any byte value (00-FF). I don't want to use Hex because it's not dense enough. the problem with base64 as I understand it is that it includes + / and = which are characters I can not tolerate in my application.
Any suggestions?

Base58Check is an option. It is starting to become something of a de facto standard in cryptocurrency addresses.
Basic improvements over Base64:
Only alphanumeric characters [0-9a-zA-Z]
No look-alike characters: 0OIl / 0OIl
No punctuation to trigger word wrap or line break in documents and emails
Can also select entire value with a single double click due to no punctuation.
The Bitcoin Address Utility is an implementation example; geared for Bitcoins.
Note: A novel de facto standard may not be adequate for your needs. It is unclear if the Base58Check encoding method will formalise across current protocols.

Pick your replacements. Consider some other variants: base64 Variant table from Wikipedia.
While base64 encoder/decoders are trivial, replacement subsitution can be done in a simple pre/post processing step of an existing base64 encode/decode functions (inside wrappers) -- no need to re-invent the wheel (entirely). Or, better yet, as Mr. Skeet points out, find an existing library with enough flexibility.
If you have no alternative suitable "funny" characters to choose from (perhaps all the other characters are invalid leaving only the 62 alphanumeric characters to choose from), you can always use an escape character for a very slight (~3/64?) increase in size. For instance, 0 (A) would be encoded as "AA", 62 (+) would be encoded as "AB" and 63 (/) would be encoded as "AC". This too could be done as a pre/post step if you don't want to write your own encoder/decoder from the ground-up. The disadvantage with this approach is that the ratio of output characters to input bytes is not fixed.

If it's just those particular characters that bother you, and you can find some other characters to use instead, then how about implementing your own custom base64 module? It's not all that difficult.

You could use Base32 instead. Less dense than Base64, but eliminates unwanted characters completely.

As Ciaran says, base64 isn't terribly hard to implement - but you may want to have a look for existing libraries which allow you to specify a custom set of characters to use. I'm pretty sure there are plenty out there, but you haven't specified which platform you need this for.
Basically, you just need 65 ASCII characters which are acceptable - preferably in addition to line breaks.

Sure. Why not write your own Base64 encoder/decoder, but replace those chars in your algorithm. Sure, it will not be able to be decoded with a normal decoder, but if that's not an issue, then whyt worry about it. But, you better have at least 3 other chars that ARE useable in your app to represent the +/ and ='s...

base62 is essentially base64 but alphanumeric only.


Efficient way to ASCII encode UTF-8

I'm looking for a simple and efficient way to store UTF-8 strings in ASCII-7. With efficient I mean the following:
all ASCII alphanumeric chars in the input should stay the same ASCII alphanumeric chars in the output
the resulting string should be as short as possible
the operation needs to be reversable without any data loss
the resulting ASCII string should be case insensitive
there should be no restriction on the input length
the whole UTF-8 range should be allowed
My first idea was to use Punycode (IDNA) as it fits the first four requirements, but it fails at the last two.
Can anyone recommend an alternative encoding scheme? Even better if there's some code available to look at.
UTF-7, or, slightly less transparent but more widespread, quoted-printable.
all ASCII chars in the input should stay ASCII chars in the output
(Obviously not fully possible as you need at least one character to act as an escape.)
Since ASCII covers the full range of 7-bit values, an encoding scheme that preserves all ASCII characters, is 7-bits long, and encodes the full Unicode range is not possible.
Edited to add:
I think I understand your requirements now. You are looking for a way to encode UTF-8 strings in a seven-bit code, in which, if that encoded string were interpreted as ASCII text, then the case of the alphabetic characters may be arbitrarily modified, and yet the decoded string will be byte-for-byte identical to the original.
If that's the case, then your best bet would probably be just to encode the binary representation of the original as a string of hexadecimal digits. I know you are looking for a more compact representation, but that's a pretty tall order given the other constraints of the system, unless some custom encoding is devised.
Since the hexadecimal representation can encode any arbitrary binary values, it might be possible to shrink the string by compressing them before taking the hex values.
If you're talking about non-standard schemes - MECE
URL encoding or numeric character references are two possible options.
It depends on the distribution of characters in your strings.
Quoted-printable is good for mostly-ASCII strings because there's no overhead except with '=' and control characters. However, non-ASCII characters take an inefficient 6-12 bytes each, so if you have a lot of those, you'll want to consider UTF-7 or Base64 instead.
Punycode is used for IDNA, but you can use it outside the restrictions imposed by it
Per se, Punycode doesn't fail your last 2 requirements:
>>> import sys
>>> _ = ("\U0010FFFF"*10000).encode("punycode")
>>> all(chr(c).encode("punycode") for c in range(sys.maxunicode))
(for idna, python supplies another homonymous encoding)
obviously, if you don't nameprep the input, the encoded string isn't strictly case-insensitive anymore... but if you supply only lowercase (or if you don't care about the decoded case) you should be good to go

Does Lua support Unicode?

Based on the link below, I'm confused as to whether the Lua programming language supports Unicode.
It appears it does but has limitations. I simply don't understand, are the limitation anything big/key or not a big deal?
You can certainly store unicode strings in lua, as utf8. You can use these as you would any string.
However Lua doesn't provide any default support for higher-level "unicode aware" operations on such strings—e.g., counting string length in characters, converting lower-to-upper-case, etc. Whether this lack is meaningful for you really depends on what you intend to do with these strings.
Possible approaches, depending on your use:
If you just want to input/output/store strings, and generally use them as "whole units" (for table indexing etc), you may not need any special handling at all. In this case, you just treat these strings as binary blobs.
Due to utf8's clever design, some types of string manipulation can be done on strings containing utf8 and will yield the correct result without taking any special care.
For instance, you can append strings, split them apart before/after ascii characters, etc. As an example, if you have a string "開発.txt" and you search for "." in that string using string.find (string_var, "."), and then split it using the normal string.sub function into "開発" and ".txt", those result strings will be correct utf8 strings even though you're not using any kind of "unicode-aware" algorithm.
Similarly, you can do case-conversions on only the ASCII characters in strings (those with the high bit zero), and treat the rest of the strings as binary without screwing them up.
Some utf8-aware operations are so simple that it's easy to just write one's own functions to do them.
For instance, to calculate the length in unicode-characters of a string, just count the number of characters with the high bit zero (ASCII characters), and the number of characters with the top two bits 11 ("leading bytes" for non-ASCII characters); the length is the sum of those two.
For more complex operations—e.g., case-conversion on non-ASCII characters, etc.—you'll probably have to use a Lua unicode library, such as those on the (previously mentioned) Lua-users Unicode page
Lua does not have any support for unicode (other than accepting any byte value in strings). The library slnunicode has a lot of unicode string functions, however. For example unicode.utf8.len.
(note: this answer is completely stolen from grom's comment on another question - I just think it deserves its own answer)
If you want a short answer, it is 'yes and no' as put on the linked site.
Lua supports Unicode in the way that specifying, storing and querying arbitrary byte values in strings is supported, so you can store any kind of Unicode-encoding encoded string in a Lua string.
What is not supported is iteration by unicode character, there is no standard function for string length in unicode characters etc. So the higher-level kind of Unicode support (like what is available in Python with length, lower -> upper case conversion, encoding in arbitrary coding etc) is not available.
Lua 5.3 was released now. It comes with a basic UTF-8 library.
You can use the utf8 library to do things about UTF-8 encoding, like getting the length of a UTF-8 string (not number of bytes as string.len), matching each characters (not bytes), etc.
It doesn't provide native support other than encoding, like is this character a Chinese character?
It supports it in the sense that you can use Unicode in Lua strings. It depends specifically on what you're planning to do, but most of the limitations can be fairly easily worked around by extending Lua with your own functions.

What text encoding scheme do you use when you have binary data that you need to send over an ascii channel?

If you have binary data that you need to encode, what encoding scheme do you use?
I know about:
Hex encoding. Very simple, but quite verbose, expands one byte to two.
Base 64. Most common, not so verbose, expands three bytes to four.
Base 85. Not common, less verbose again, expands four bytes to five.
Are there any other encoding schemes in common use? If so, what are there advantages and disadvantages?
Edit: This is useful, for example, when trying to store arbitrary data in a cookie. Cookies can only store text, not arbitrary data, so you need to convert it in some way, preferably with a way to convert it back. Further, assume that you are using a stateless server so that you cannot save the state on the server and just put an identifier into the cookie. Of course, if you do this you would also need some way of verifying that what the user is passing back to you is what you passed to the user, for example a signature.
Also, since the current consensus is that you should use base64 since it is widespread, I will also point out that this is what I use... I am just curious if anyone used anything else, and if so, why.
Edit: Just in case someone stumbles across this, if you do want to use Base64 to store data in a cookie, you need to use a modified Base64 implementation. See this answer for the reason why.
For encoding cookie values, you need to be careful. See this older answer:
With Version 0 cookies, values should
not contain white space, brackets,
parentheses, equals signs, commas,
double quotes, slashes, question
marks, at signs, colons, and
semicolons. Empty values may not
behave the same way on all browsers.
Base64 encoding can generate = symbols for certain inputs, and this technically is not permitted in cookies (version 0 cookies, anyway, which are the most widely supported). In practice, I suspect the = will actually work fine, but maybe not.
I would suggest that to be absolutely sure that your encoded binary is cookie-compatible, then basic hex encoding is safest (e.g. in java).
edit: As #Paul helpfully pointed out, there is a modified version of Base 64 that is "URL safe" (and, I assume, "cookie safe"). Using a modified version of a standard algorithm rather dilutes its charm, mind you.
edit: #shoosh pointed out that the = is only used to denote the end of the base64 string, so you could trim the =, set the cookie, then reattach the = again when you need to decode it.
Base64 wins because it's so common that I don't have to ever worry about rolling my own encoder/decoder. I haven't run into any applications where I've been worried about saving bandwidth or filespace in encoded binary data.
Once upon a time, there was UTF-7. It's officially deprecated, but it still works as an ACE (ASCII Compatible Encoding). Now there's IDN.
uuencode is popular is some circles
HTML and XML encode unicode using this syntax
Base64 is the de-facto standard. Using anything else is asking for trouble.

How do I determine the character set of a string?

I have several files that are in several different languages. I thought they were all encoded UTF-8, but now I'm not so sure. Some characters look fine, some do not. Is there a way that I can break out the strings and try to identify the character sets? Perhaps split on white space then identify each word? Finally, is there an easy way to translate characters from one set to UTF-8?
If you don't know the character set for sure You can only guess, basically. utf8::valid might help you with that, but you can't really know for sure. If you know that if it isn't unicode it must be a specific character set (Like Latin-1), you lucky. If you have no idea, you're screwed. In any case, you should always assume the whole file is in the same character set, unless otherwise specified. You will lose your sanity if you don't.
As for your question how to convert between character sets: Encode is there to do that for you
Determining whether a file is probably UTF-8 or not should be pretty easy. Determining the encoding if it is not UTF-8 would be very difficult in general.
If the file is encoded with UTF-8, the high bits of each byte should follow a pattern. If a character is one byte, its high bit will be cleared (zero). Otherwise, an n byte character (where n is 2–4) will have the high n bits of the first byte set to one, followed by a single zero bit. The following n - 1 bytes should all have the highest bit set and the second-highest bit cleared.
If all the bytes in your file follow these rules, it's probably encoded with UTF-8. I say probably, because anyone can invent a new encoding that happens to follow the same rules, deliberately or by chance, but interprets the codes differently.
Note that a file encoded with US-ASCII will follow these rules, but the high bit of every byte is zero. It's okay to treat such a file as UTF-8, since they are compatible in this range. Otherwise, it's some other encoding, and there's not an inherent test to distinguish the encoding. You'll have to use some contextual knowledge to guess.
Take a look at iconv

How to detect malformed UTF characters

I want to detect and replace malformed UTF-8 characters with blank space using a Perl script while loading the data using SQL*Loader. How can I do this?
Consider Python. It allows to extend codecs with user-defined error handlers, so you can replace undecodable bytes with anything you want.
import codecs
codecs.register_error('spacer', lambda ex: (u' ', ex.start + 1))
s = 'spam\xb0\xc0eggs\xd0bacon'.decode('utf8', 'spacer')
print s.encode('utf8')
This prints:
spam eggs bacon
EDIT: (Removed bit about SQL Loader as it seems to no longer be relevant.)
One problem is going to be working out what counts as the "end" of a malformed UTF-8 character. It's easy to say what's illegal, but it may not be obvious where the next legal character starts.
RFC 3629 describes the structure of UTF-8 characters. If you take a look at that, you'll see that it's pretty straightforward to find invalid characters, AND that the next character boundary is always easy to find (it's a character < 128, or one of the "long character" start markers, with leading bits of 110, 1110, or 11110).
But BKB is probably correct - the easiest answer is to let perl do it for you, although I'm not sure what Perl does when it detects the incorrect utf-8 with that filter in effect.